creating the Strategic Growth Council.
The Council is a cabinet-level committee that is tasked with
coordinating the activities of state agencies to:
* Improve air and water quality
* Protect natural resource and agriculture lands
* Increase the availability of affordable housing
* Improve the infrastructure system
* Promote public health
* Assist state and local entities in the planning of sustainable
communities and meeting AB 32 goals
The Council is composed of agency secretaries from Business
Transportation and Housing, California Health and Human Services,
California Environmental Protection Agency, and the California
Natural Resources Agency, the director of the Governor's Office
of Planning and Research, and public member Robert Fisher who was
appointed by the Governor.
If you would like to receive information regarding meetings,
initiatives and other the activities of the Council, please sign
up for the new SGC Listserver. The sign-up form can be found in
the left hand column of the SGC website at the address below.
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needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, see our website at
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