Tuesday, March 27, 2012

arbcombo -- Today: Mary Nichols to give update on Cap-and-Trade Regulation to Select Committee On The Environment, The Economy, And Climate Change

Today: March 27, 2012 California Air Resources Board Chairman
Mary D. Nichols will appear before the California Senate Select
Committee on the Environment, the Economy, and Climate Change
(Senator Fran Pavley, Chair) to present an update on the cap and
trade regulation under A.B. 32 (Statutes of 2006)

The hearing is in Room 4203 and will begin upon adjournment of
the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee (approximately
3:30 pm).

To hear audio of the hearing, please go to
For a televised version, please go to:

In addition, Chairman Nichols' testimony will posted online at
the conclusion of her testimony at:
http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/capandtrade.htm under the
"What's New" section.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at www.fypower.org .

Monday, March 26, 2012

arbcombo -- Save April 9, 2012, for an ARB Workshop on Draft Regulatory Text to Link the California and Quebec Market Programs

ARB staff is holding a public workshop to discuss draft
amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation for linking the
California program with Quebec's cap-and-trade program.

Another notice will be sent out when the draft regulatory text is

DATE: Monday, April 9, 2012

TIME: 10 am to 1 pm

LOCATION: Byron Sher Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA HQ
Building, 1001 Street, Sacramento

Directions to Cal/EPA headquarters and public transit can be
found at the California Environmental Protection Agency's website


WEBCAST: http://www.calepa.ca.gov/broadcast/?BDO=1

During the workshop, stakeholders may E-mail questions to:

On February 3, 2012, staff held a workshop to initiate the
rulemaking for amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation
(Regulation) to allow for the use of Quebec issued compliance
instruments for meeting the compliance obligation by entities in
California subject to the Regulation.

This workshop is meant to provide an opportunity for staff to
discuss the draft regulatory text and for stakeholders to ask
questions or provide comments on the draft text. All interested
stakeholders are invited to attend.

If you have general questions about the cap-and-trade program,
please call (916) 322-2037.

Special Accommodations or Language Assistance:

If you require a special accommodation or need these documents in
an alternate format or language, please contact the Office of
Climate Change at (916) 322-2037 as soon as possible.
TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California
Relay Service.

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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .

The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at www.fypower.org .

Friday, March 2, 2012

arbcombo -- Application Period Extended for the CoolCalifornia Small Business Awards!

Small businesses in California have until Friday, March 16, 2012
to apply for a CoolCalifornia Small Business Award. APPLY NOW
at http://www.cce.csus.edu/conferences/coolCA/2012/index.cfm.

These awards recognize small businesses in California that took
action during 2011 to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of
their internal business operation, promote climate friendly
practices, and integrate the tools on CoolCalifornia.org into
their business operations.

An award ceremony will be held on June 13, 2012 at Cal-EPA
headquarters in Sacramento.

More information on the CoolCalifornia Small Business Awards can
be found at
or by contacting Mary Farr at 916-445-8290 or mfarr@arb.ca.gov.

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following lists: cc, localaction, omb.

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receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .

The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at www.fypower.org .