Friday, December 31, 2010

Apply for certification

Start studying today.

=================================================================================================================================== I'm a beginner in Spanish, but I found the logo on the wiki @; The logo can be found at; The license on wiki says; Esta imagen (o este archivo) está en el dominio público pues su derecho de autor ha expirado. (This image (or this file) is in the public domain, the rights of the author have expired.) -----Original Message----- From: clip ... [mailto: clip ... ] On Behalf Of chovynz Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:48 PM To: clip ... Subject: Re: [Clipart] Copyrighted material appearing on the website. (I've tried tracing the copyright of this logo but the language is spanish and I'm having trouble tracking down any written info on it. If someone else could, that would be great. Phew. What a mammoth effort. _______________________________________________ clipart mailing list clip ... _______________________________________________ clipart mailing list clip ... -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Lorn Potter wrote: Dale Maggee wrote: Aah, the fun continues... [snip utter nonsense] "Utter nonsense", again, including questions which you persist in ignoring, and discussion of the issues with your shit software which you categorically refuse to discuss or even acknowledge exist. So... you can copy and paste a web address, good for you! I guess, it *is* more than I would have expected from someone of your "special-ness". Were the people at the spastic society proud of you for accomplishing that? did they give you a gold star? You *really are* a fucking retard, you know that, don't you? from the netalert website that YOU LINKED TO: Examples of netiquette include: * responding appropriately to requests Congratulations, Lorn, you complete fucking idiot, you fucking liar, you absolute wanker - You've just demonstrated, once again, for the entire world's verification, that you're the stupidest motherfucker on it. I can't believe you would link to a page which confirms that you broke "netiquette" first, and that any response telling you that you're a fucking liar, or a fucking wanker , or a fucking retard is entirely justified and warranted. Actually, I can believe it - why stop contradicting yourself just because you look like a retard? I have links, too! (usage) Given that you insist on ignoring the issues at hand: Wow, I have to give you credit - you certainly are good at completely ignoring damning evidence and not answering questions directly put to you multiple times. Ever considered a career in politics? You'd fit in really well there! How Long does it take to type your address on your freerunner, using the methods described...errr...three(?) emails ago? and now, how long does it take on your PC? How long did it take you to type up my sample sms on your FR running QTe? and why did you do that "Many Times", as you claim? seems like wasted effort to me... [snip useless drivel] This "useless drivel" Lorn refers to is me demonstrating that Lorn is either lying or a complete retard. The fact that he refuses to even acknowledge this and attempted to trim it from all further correspondence indicates to me that it's malice, not stupidity. I'll restore this in the vain hope that perhaps he might address it, rather than ignore it as he has consistently done all afternoon: No one said to use the little qwerty keyboard with fingers. I BEG YOUR PARDON?!?!? Lorn Potter wrote at 12:41pm: Then you can easily switch to the qwerty keyboard. Lorn Potter wrote at 12:41pm: You can even use this with big fingers and hit in between letters and it will still work (suggestively) well. Now, we were discussing the predictive keyboard, and you told me that I "could easily switch to the qwerty keyboard"... which qwerty keyboard were you referring to, exactly, if not the little qwerty keyboard? There are only two: the predictive keyboard and the qwerty keyboard. Unless you're trying to tell me that there's a difference between 'keyboard' and 'docked keyboard'. I call "bullshit". Lorn, you're either completely full of shit, or you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Due to the old adage "never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity", I'll give you an opportunity to publicly apologise and explain exactly what the hell you're on about... the way it works, because IT DOESN'T WORK THE WAY YOU'RE SAYING. It does. No, it doesn't. You're either a liar or a fucking retard. I lean towards "Liar". If you're a liar, you're *also* a fucking retard - when lying, the non-retard would come up with a *credible* lie, which you're not even bothering with... Or is it that you're just not clever enough? You have absolutely no idea which parts of Qtopia I worked on, so you cannot say I have done a bad job, when in fact, I had no contact with this code. I didn't say "Bad", I said "shit", which is worse than bad. and, Yeah, I can: Watch me: "You've done a shit job." Regardless of any contact you may or may not have had with the code, or your contributions or lack thereof to qtopia, you have done a shit job. Firstly, where's the QTe release that was coming in December? why such inadequate communication? You've done a shit Job. Secondly, you've done an absolutely abysmal job today. Refusing to acknowledge or address my concerns, as far as I'm concerned, means that you're just a fucking wanker who has no sense of pride in his work, and would rather pretend that a product is adequate, when it's clearly not, than even acknowledge it's faults. This is a *SHIT JOB*, and you've done it. Hence, sing it with me: *YOU HAVE DONE A SHIT JOB* I suppose, 'those that cannot do, just complain and expect someone else to fix things for them'. See, yet again, you're wrong... I guess nobody should be suprised by this at this point, because you have such a legacy of being wrong this afternoon, not to mention deceptive, ignorant, arrogant, immoral, rude, and stupid. Which is what I'd expect of the complete and utter wanker you've demonstrated yourself to be this afternoon. All I wanted was acknowledgment that the problem I described exists. I never said "Fix it Now", or anything or the sort. I raised an issue with the software, based on real-world usage, and you effectively told me that it wasn't a problem, that the problem I'm having is a result of how I'm using it. I suggested a way that this problem could be fixed, with a very minimal change, and keep everybody happy, and you failed to even acknowledge that I had made a suggestion. Instead, you dismissed it offhand by trying to tell me that I need to use it differently (providing information which does *not* solve the issue I raised), demonstrating your contempt for the process of user-feedback and a complete lack of professionalism. Other people agreed with me, and still you have categorically refused to acknowledge the problem, or even to perform the tests I have provided in order to demonstrate it. You have not directly answered one single question I have posed to you with relation to the issues I raised, preferring to avoid actually discussing the issue by instead focusing on my choice of words. Basically, you're: a) Full of shit: Deceptive and evasive. b) Quite stupid to think I would swallow the shit you're trying to feed me c) Incompetent. A developer worth his salt would acknowledge the issue and at least consider ways of dealing with it, rather than trying to bury his head in the sand d) Unsuited to be in a public-facing role, as you clearly lack the decorum to respond adequately to criticism. Sarton even pointed this out to you, and still you proceeded to respond inappropriately. In addition, sending such unprofessional emails from your company address might have been a really, really, really bad thing for you to do - are you representing the company here? Does Trolltech / QT / Nokia / whatever you're calling yourselves these days also take the "That's not a problem because I say so" approach? If so, I'll have to remember to avoid them at all costs in all my future endeavours. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - iD8DBQFJvuD2FbVnQRV3OEYRApR/AJ4iAxqGFufWFcCaQP87TUV0MxZExgCePmCW rgCueMnCpiPU93SPLlFJG4k= =gVcu -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ Openmoko community mailing list comm ...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 models available

Start enjoying your new ride.

======================================================================================================================== From: Elena Conti < cont ... > To: taxa ... Subject: PhD position available Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 16:43:03 +0200 I would like to announce the following position on Taxacom: Ph.D or post-doc assistantship in plant evolution/biogeography at the University of Zurich Position description: Applications are open for one 3-yr Ph.D. assistantship (or a part-time post-doctoral assistantship) to study the origin and evolution of island endemics in the Mediterranean Region. Our first studies on Rutaceae, Araceae and Boraginaceae used chloroplast DNA sequences and geological data to reconstruct the temporal and spatial frameworks for the origin of plants endemic to the continental fragment islands of Corsica and Sardinia and the oceanic islands of the Canarian archipelago (Salvo, G., S. Ho, G. Rosenbaum, R. Ree, E. Conti. 2010. Tracing the temporal and spatial origins of island endemics in the Mediterranean region: A case study from the citrus family (Ruta L., Rutaceae). In Press Systematic Biology; Mansion, G., F. Selvi, E. Conti. 2009. Origin of Mediterranean insular endemics in the Boraginaceae: Integrative evidence from molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction. Journal of Biogeography 36:1282-1296; Mansion G., G. Rosenbaum, G. Bac chetta, J Rossello, E. Conti. 2008. Phylogenetic analysis informed by geological history supports multiple, sequential invasions of the Mediterranean basin by the angiosperm family Araceae. Systematic Biology 57:269-285). Some of the open questions include the following: i) Are species in the selected Mediterranean groups monophyletic? ii) What are the origins of the polyploid species? iii) Is there variation of ploidy level within species? iv) was island colonization associated with a shift of the ecological niche? The successful applicant will choose one or more of these plant families to: generate flow cytometry data aimed at determining ploidy levels; generate nuclear DNA sequences and infer species trees; incorporate ecological data to investigate issues of niche conservatism vs. niche evolution in the selected groups. Requirements: Demonstrated experience in molecular, phylogenetic and flow-cytometry methods and/or ecological niche modeling will be highly valued in the selection process. Excellent knowledge of the English language, written and oral, required. Familiarity with additional European languages would be useful for fieldwork in the Mediterranean Region and living in Switzerland. Facilities: Our research group offers a very supportive working atmosphere and excellent research facilities in a highly international scientific environment. Several opportunities for collaborations and participation at international meetings are available. How to apply: Send the following documents by email AS A SINGLE PDF FILE to Prof. Elena Conti, Cont ... :I) a one- to two-page application letter clearly addressing the following questions: a) Why are you interested in a Ph.D. or post-doc position in this research topic? b) What are your career goals?; II) your detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of field collecting, molecular, analytical, and linguistic skills, presentations at scientific meetings, and publications (if applicable); III) a copy of your undergraduate and graduate academic record; IV) names and full addresses of two or three referees selected from your academic advisors. Finally, ask your referees to send reference letters directly to Prof. Conti by email addressing: i) your intellectual and academic skills, ii) your dedication to science, and iii) your ability to work cooperatively in a team. Deadline for application: June 30, 2010. Positions will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Starting date: As soon as a suitable candidate is selected. ***************************************** Prof. Elena Conti, Ph.D. University of Zurich, Institute for Systematic Botany Zollikerstrasse 107, 8008 Zuerich, SWITZERLAND Ph: 0041 44 634 8424 Fax: 0041 44 634 84 03 email: Cont ... Special issue on Mediterranean Biogeography, Journal of Biogeography 2009: < > . DIVERSITAS-BioGENESIS program: < > ***************************************** _______________________________________________ Taxacom Mailing List Taxa ... The Taxacom archive going back to 1992 may be searched with either of these methods: (1) Or (2) a Google search specified as: your search terms here On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 13:21:59 +0200, Peter Otten wrote: Sleepy Cabbage wrote: I'm scripting a superkaramba theme using python and have intgrated output from amarok. I have also would like to show the artist and song title from a radio stream i've added to my playlist. If I open a python console and add the following: ">>>import urllib2" ">>>from urllib2 import urlopen" ">>>nowplaying = str.split(urlopen(' jsfiles/NowPlayingDisplay.aspx? 2Ffeeds% 2Fnowplaying%2FGlobal%2FHeart_Network%2FHeart_East_Midlands% 2F6854.xml&l=6854&tzc=8&at=HeartEastMids').read(),'>')" ">>>print test[4][:-3]" this works and displays the artist and song title. However, when I add this to my script I get the following errors: Please give a minimal version of your script that produces the error, not some arbitrary excerpt that you ran successfully on the command line. If I were to guess: you are doing something like import socket socket.socket = socket somewhere, thus confusing the socket class with the module of the same name. Peter Thanks Peter. This is the script up to where the error seems to fall: "#!/usr/bin/env superkaramba" "# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-" "import karamba" "import subprocess" "from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, call" "import urllib" "from urllib import urlopen" "#this is called when your widget is initialized" "def initWidget(widget):" "clkPause = karamba.createClickArea(widget, 156, 470, 35, 35, "qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player Pause")" "nowplaying = urllib.urlopen(' NowPlayingDisplay.aspx? 2Fnowplaying%2FGlobal%2FHeart_Network%2FHeart_East_Midlands% 2F6854.xml&l=6854&tzc=8&at=HeartEastMids').read()" Hope this can enlighten things --

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

arbcombo -- Refrigerant Management Program

New state law requirements for refrigerants effective January 1,

On January 1, a new state regulation to minimize leaks of
environmentally harmful refrigerants takes effect. This
regulation builds on long established federal regulations on
refrigeration systems.

Beginning January 1, 2011 all facilities with stationary
non-residential refrigeration systems with more than 50 pounds of
refrigerant are required to do refrigerant leak detection
inspections, leak repair, and recordkeeping. This new regulation
does not affect refrigeration systems that use ammonia or carbon
dioxide as refrigerants. Service technicians must be U.S. EPA
certified and follow specified practices including repairing
leaks prior to recharging and properly evacuating cylinders
before disposal. Refrigerant distributors, wholesalers, and
reclaimers are required to begin recordkeeping of refrigerant
received or distributed, and only sell refrigerants to certified
technicians or their employers.

For complete details on all the requirements please visit or email at or call (916) 324-2517.

Fixing refrigerant leaks is one of the most cost-effective ways
to clean California's air while also saving businesses money on
costly refrigerants.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Become a researcher

Courses Available

=================================================================================================================================== Summary: Requests with utf-8 in the URL return a outdated page revision Product: MediaWiki Version: unspecified Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: Normal Component: General/Unknown AssignedTo: wiki ... ReportedBy: wiki ... Created an attachment (id=6637) --> ( ) pcap file showing the problem I have noticed that if i request the URL ür_Physik_für_„die_Meister_des_ Lichts Â" using the text mode browser links, i get a old (outdated) revision of the page. I have tracked this issue and found that it is caused by links sending the special characters in the URL unencoded, directly as 8bit utf-8, and not in %xy encoding. If i change the URL to use %xy encoding ( ). However as it seems, mediawiki actually can handle requests with utf-8 in the url, but for some strange reason it returns a old page revision when requesting that way. I will attach a pcap-trace which shows first a request using links and the a request using lynx (lynx does the %xy encoding). You will notice the different page revisions returned. -- Configure bugmail: ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You are the assignee for the bug. You are on the CC list for the bug. _______________________________________________ Wikibugs-l mailing list Wiki ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Hello, This is Shiela from We stumbled on your blog while searching for Best Dog Foods related information. We operate the largest Best Dog Foods website featuring more than 30,000+ blogs. Our site averages 200,000+ uniques visitors per month. Based on your blog's popularity and other factors, we have featured your blog at We would be grateful if you could add the following details to your blogs main page. <a href=''>Best Dog Foods</a> Looking forward for your confirmation. Thanks Shiela P.S. If You Have More Quality Blog We Can Feature Those.

Meet someone special

Start dating a Latino.

======================================================================================================================== OASIS Members: The OASIS Web Services Transactions (WS-TX) Technical Committee has submitted the following specification, which is an approved Committee Specification, to be considered as an OASIS Standard: WS-Coordination v1.2 The text of the TC submission is appended. You now have until 15 January to familiarize yourself with the submission and provide input to your organization's voting representative. On 16 January, a Call For Vote will be issued to all Voting Representatives of OASIS member organizations. They will have until the last day of January, inclusive, to cast their ballots on whether this Committee Specification should be approved as an OASIS Standard or not. Members who wish to discuss this ballot may do so through memb ... . In accordance with the OASIS Technical Committee Process, this Committee Specification has already completed the necessary 60-day public review period as noted in the submission below. The normative TC Process for approval of Committee Specifications as OASIS Standards is found at Any statements related to the IPR of this specification are posted at: Your participation in the review and balloting process is greatly appreciated. Mary ----------------------------------------------------------- Mary P McRae Director, Technical Committee Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society email: mary ... web: phone: 1.603.232.9090 ----------------------- (a) Links to the approved Committee Specifications. PDF: HTML: spec-cs-01.html Editable Source (Word): WSDL: . wsdl XML schema: 1.xsd (b) The editable version of all files that are part of the Committee Specification Same as (a) c) Certification by the TC that all schema and XML instances included in the specification, whether by inclusion or reference, including fragments of such, are well formed, and that all expressions are valid; All schema and XML instances included in the specification are well formed and all expressions are valid. (d) A clear English-language summary of the specification; The WS-Coordination v1.2 specification describes an extensible framework for providing protocols that coordinate the actions of distributed applications. Such coordination protocols are used to support a number of applications, including those that need to reach consistent agreement on the outcome of distributed activities. The specification defines a coordination context XML type that identifies a specific activity and the "coordination type" of the agreement protocol supported by the coordinatoin context. The specification also defines protocols that enable an application service to create a coordination context and to register for coordination protocols. The framework enables existing transaction processing, workflow, and other systems for coordination to hide their proprietary protocols and to operate in a heterogeneous environment. (e) A statement regarding the relationship of this specification to similar work of other OASIS TCs or other standards developing organizations; -- OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) TC. The WSBPEL TC focuses on an overall business process orchestration language. WS-Coordination v1.2 does not discuss how an application operates internally, nor make any overall statement about the overall business process orchestration, but instead focuses on individual, pair-wise message exchanges between a participant in an activity and the coordinator of that activity. -- OASIS Business Transactions (BTP) TC. The WS-TX TC has a different focus with regard to specification scope, required functions, policy, and other Web Services composeability. WS-Coordination v1.2 focuses solely on simple, pair-wise message exchange patters that can be used to reach consensus. WS-Coordination v1.2 provides simpler interoperability by focusing exclusively on externally visible service behavior at the protocol level. It does not impose constraints on internal service implementations. It emphasizes clean composition with other WS-* standards, such as WS-Addressing and WS-Security. WS-Coordination v1.2 concentrates on interoperability, specifying relatively few variations and providing simple state tables rather than extensive options with considerable application semantics. (f) The Statements of Use Statements of use have been provided by IBM, Microsoft and Red Hat: 00003.html 00004.html 00006.html (g) The beginning and ending dates of the public review(s), a pointer to the announcement of the public review(s), and a pointer to an account of each of the comments/issues raised during the public review period(s), along with its resolution; Announcement of the public reviews for the specification: The public review ran from 13 June 2008 until 12 August 2008. The v1.2 specification has only minor changes from the v1.1 OASIS standard. There were no public review comments received during the v1.2 public review. (h) An account of and results of the voting to approve the specification as a Committee Specification, including the date of the ballot and a pointer to the ballot; The Committee Specification approval ballot was conducted electronically by the TC Admin and closed on 28 November 2008. All eligible voters voted in favour of approving the Committee Specifications. There were no NO votes or abstentions. The results can be viewed at: (i) An account of or pointer to votes and comments received in any earlier attempts to standardize substantially the same specification, together with the originating TC's response to each comment; There was no earlier attempt to standardize the v1.2 specification. (j) A pointer to the publicly visible comments archive for the originating TC; (k) A pointer to any minority reports delivered by one or more Members who did not vote in favor of approving the Committee Specification, There are no minority reports. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: tc-a ... For additional commands, e-mail: tc-a ... Hi, I'm pleased to announce CrunchyFrog 0.4.1. CrunchyFrog is a SQL client mainly (but not solely ) for the GNOME desktop. Skip down for more information. Download: This is a bug fix release. Visit the project page for more information about requirements and pre-built binaries. Changes since 0.4.0 =================== New Features * Hide results pane either by keyboard shortcut (Shift+F9) or by default for new editors. * Highlighting of common errors in SQL editor (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, Oracle). Bug Fixes * Updated GTK requirement in Glade files to GTK 2.12. * Improved GNOME keyring detection (issue68, reported by Igor Stirbu). * Fixed a bug with data sources defined with port (issue79, reported by Igor Stirbu). * Improved packaging (thanks to Kartik Mistry). * Close broken connections. * Double-click on result column with BLOB content now opens document using the default viewer (issue72). Other * Better default column widths in result view. * Improved SQL marker internals. * Restore cursor position after formatting SQL statements. * Some minor UI fixes. Links ===== Homepage: Screenshots: Download: Discussions: Issues/Bugs: Regards, Andi _______________________________________________ gnome-announce-list mailing list gnom ...

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======================================================================================================================== Hola de nuevo, supongamos el cruce con dos pasos de peatones y semaforizado en las 4 esquinas. | | | | ||||||| ------- -------- = = ------- -------- | | | | | | esto lo mapearia: B | y | --A--x--0---A--- | | | B A y B ways con las propiedades de la vía, si el antes/despues del curce cambian propiedades haría un split. x e y nodos con el paso de peatones (si el paso de peatones tiene semáforo verde + rojo + opcional ámbar intermitentepare el, le pongo el tag de controlled o algo parecido... Si solo tiene el semáforo ambar intermitente le pongo uncontrolled ya que este es solo recordatorio que los vehiculos estan obligados a ceder el paso a los peatones siempre que esten realizando un giro, y es independiente de si hay luz ambar o no) 0 nodo con el semáforo bv2musae: Los x e y estan en el way ya que el paso de peatones es una propiedad de este way. Si mapeara containers de basura, que pueden estar tambien en una calle o carretera no usaria un nodo de el way ya que los containers no forman parete del way, son mobiliario urbano (a mi entender). Jonay: Los nodos x e y no son redundantes, ya que aportan información. Salut! On 10/05/2010 09:54 AM, Jonay Santana wrote: 2010/10/5 < bv2m ... > Jaume Figueras i Jové < jaum ... > escribió: Hola, yo mapeo los pasos de peatones donde están, no en el cruce de vías. Lo hago así por que no todos los cruces, semaforizados o no, tienen paso de peatones por los 4 puntos. Salut! Estoy de acuerdo contigo, Jaume, pero, ¿ubicas el paso de peatones etiquetando un nodo de la vía que cruza? Sí, yo también lo hago así, y en caso de que no tuviera ningún nodo, pues se lo añado, aunque sea "redundante". -- Jonay _______________________________________________ Talk-es mailing list Talk ... -- Jaume Figueras i Jové Ubuntu User #14347 - Linux User #504317 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Departament d'ESAII Edifici TR11 Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10 08222 TERRASSA Telf: +34937398621 (intern UPC: 98621) Mòbil: +34650756456 (intern UPC: 44785) Fax: +34937398628 (intern UPC: 98628) Centre de Simulació i Optimització de Processos Logístics (LogiSim) Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial (ESAII) Universitat Politècnica de Cataluyna _______________________________________________ Talk-es mailing list Talk ... The Financial Platform project < > would like to proceed with its creation review. Can we get approval for scheduling this review? Let me know if you need further information. Regards Christian Sternkopf knowis AG Hermann-Köhl-Str. 2a 93049 Regensburg, Germany Tel. +49 (941) 409249 12 Fax +49 (941) 409249 29 chri ... < > Vorstand: Dr. Gerald Gaßner Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kulla Sitz: Regensburg, Registergericht Regensburg, HR B 9570 USt-Id-Nr. DE238074648, Steuer-Nr. 244 120 40054 Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese E-Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail oder von Teilen dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. Wir haben alle verkehrsüblichen Maßnahmen unternommen, um das Risiko der Verbreitung virenbefallener Software oder E-Mails zu minimieren, dennoch raten wir Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Virenkontrollen auf alle Anhänge an dieser Nachricht durchzuführen. Wir schließen außer für den Fall von Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit die Haftung für jeglichen Verlust oder Schäden durch virenbefallene Software oder E-Mails aus. Jede von knowis versendete E-Mail ist sorgfältig erstellt worden, dennoch schließen wir die rechtliche Verbindlichkeit aus; sie kann nicht zu einer irgendwie gearteten Verpflichtung zu Lasten von knowis ausgelegt werden. This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail or of parts hereof is strictly forbidden. We have taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses but nevertheless advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment of this message. We accept no liability for loss or damage caused by software viruses except in case of gross negligence or wilful behaviour. _______________________________________________ technology-pmc mailing list tech ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Verify patient records

Start a flexible program.

======================================================================================================================== Hello! im searching on how to use LDAP queries with Cocoon 2 and found several informations in the docs and the net. Is anybody using the following taglib with Cocoon 2? For me it seems that it only can used with Cocoon 1.8. Are there any other possibilities to use LDAP Queries within XSP Pages? thx, Chris -- KNAPP Logistics Automation Ing. Christian Jölly Tel/FAX: (++43) 316 / 495 1926 / 495 394 Günter-Knapp-Straße 5-7 A-8075 Hart bei Graz -- Support your government, give Echelon/Carnivore something to parse -- AMTAS ATMD ATSC Abdullah Allah communist CIA DD2-N DISA DoD GRU Gregori Irak Iran KGB Kurdish LSD NATO NSTD Natasha ORD RTEM Russia STRAP Saddam Hussein TSP Yugoslavia attack bank bomb classfield cocain compromise defense democracy destroy destruct detonator directorate elections enforce extasy force foreign embassy government grass hashish heroin illegal information international military systems missile million dollars nuclear policital pot power presidental project restricted data revolution rule the world sensitive smuggle spy steal system takeover terrorist top-secret warmod warrior-T weapon weed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'll second this question. I maintain a fork of CCache 2.4 internal to my workplace, and I'd like to know if there's going to be some active work on ccache. My fork has two changes. First, it's NFS-safe. It removes the use of non-NFS-safe fcntl() file locking and the statistics tracking features that relied on it. Second, it supports a two level cache. Why? With a one-level cache, you have to compromise. You can share the cache among a large number of users to get a high hit rate, or you can use hardlinks to conserve disk space. You cannot safely do both -- it would be too easy for a well-meaning user to change the contents or permissions of their own workspace, and in so doing, unwittingly modify the shared cache. Basically, a two-level cache allows you to do both safely. Those aren't for everyone. The NFS fix is interesting for people stuck with NFS. The two level cache is interesting for cube farmers stuck with any filesystem that doesn't support deduplication. (If you have deduplication, you can set up an ordinary one-level shared cache, disable hardlinks, and you will have a simple, safe and high performance setup that is efficient with disk space.) So maybe this is best kept as a fork. Anyway it seemed like a good time to take a straw poll to see if anyone was interested in those. Anyone? Cheers, John Joel Rosdahl wrote: Hi Tridge and others, The latest ccache version was released over five years ago. What's the future of ccache? The reason I'm asking is that I have been hacking on ccache (more about that in a separate mail), and, if possible, I would prefer to contribute my work to ccache in some way instead of forking my own ccache clone project. So, what's the way forward here? If wanted, I'm open to help (co-)maintaining ccache. Regards, Joel _______________________________________________ ccache mailing list cca ... _______________________________________________ ccache mailing list cca ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

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======================================================================================================================== That's funny, I'm using the exact configuration you were using, "Win2K Advanced server with Apache 2.0.40/Tomcat 4.1.10" only with a heavy duty ArcIMS app and I've not seen this. On the contrary, it's been just the opposite for us. The same app under Apache 1.3.26/Tomcat 3.3.1, was eating all the memory. The only real difference was moving from Java 1.3.1 to 1.4.0. rls "craig franke" < crai ... > 09/26/2002 07:54 AM Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" To: < tomc ... > cc: Subject: Re: Tomcat 4.1.12 memory leak I also experienced this problem using the inline module on a Win2K Advanced server with Apache 2.0.40/Tomcat 4.1.10. Rather than trust the combination I ended up going down to Apache 1.3.26/Tomcat 3.3.1 on a Novell box. For me, setting the -mx paramters did nothing to change the situation. The server still gobbed up memory and resources until it imploded and I had to reboot. Something as simple as holding down the refresh key for 3 minutes was enough to crash it. Not good for a production environment. Craig dami ... 09/26/02 08:41AM >>> Good explanation but it does not solve the problem. Let me try to be clear. - What I am doing is reloading always the same page. - What I see is an ever increasing consumption of memory. Really why should the JVM want more and more ram ? In any case if you keep reloading, this ever increasing consumption eventually will eat all your ram. Whatever is the explanation it does not seem right to me, is there a way to fix it ? Damiano At 09.29 26/09/2002 -0400, you wrote: Each request allocates memory. (And relinquishes accordingly) The garbage collector runs when "it feels like it should". The JVM will continually suck up memory until it reaches its startup parameters. (-mx ...) Once a JVM takes memory from the OS - it does not release it to the OS - it only releases it to its own memory heap. Ing. Damiano Bolla wrote: System: Linux redhat 7.2 Java: /usr/local/j2sdk1.3.1 Tomcat 4.1.12 To reproduce the behaviour you install the 4.1.12 distribution, set the JAVA_HOME run and then keep refreshing the homepage http://localhost:8080/ If you monitor the memory usage using top and switching it into display memory usage (Capital M) you sull see tipically something like 22824 22832 22840 23576 23676 23684 23904 23908 23934 23938 ..... This is the SIZE field of the top command. The point is that it never goes down and eventually you run very slowly. Any idea ? Ah, the same behaviour is with jdk 1.4.1 Damiano -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: I'm curious about the equivalent situation for Wales. I understand we are to have something called Individual Health Records (IHRs) but there seems to be a paucity of information. There's a certain amount of info on the websites of NHS Wales and "Informing Healthcare" but it is largely in marketing speak (ie. aimed at persuading citizens to fall meekly into line) and some of it seems rather out of date. From what I can make out IHRs sound very similar to SCRs but I haven't yet found a satisfactory explanation of the architecture. I understand it has been piloted at the Royal Gwent Hospital, which intrigues me because I recently went there for a minor surgical procedure and there was no mention of IHRs. Can anyone tell me whether there any signifcant differences between the SCR and IHR systems and if so what? It seems they both have the fundamental weakness that they make personal information available via numerous computers in numerous health service buildings where (whatever technical access controls are incorporated) confidentiality is ultimately in the hands of a lot of over-worked, underpaid individuals who are probably sharing login IDs. On 28 Feb 2010 at 15:28, Peter Tomlinson wrote: Not yet everybody. From the article: "As of 19th February 2010, 1,190,418 Summary Care Records had been created and over 6,000,000 patients had been written to as part of a Public Information Programme." Not yet me. Peter Pete Mitchell wrote: I don't recall seeing this at the time ... "Jan 10 2010 Sunday Mail ... Andrew Jamieson sparked a security alert after breaking into confidential computer files on the PM and First Minister and a series of other high-profile Scots ... The breach was discovered on a national database called the Emergency Care Summary system, which holds the details of 2.5million people in Scotland ... there will be no trial as the Crown say that is not in the public interest ... " I'll bet it does. So much for state-of-the-art security. Fortunately Ross is as usual on the ball. See Apparently England's summary care record is being rolled out across London and other regions as we speak. Every patient has been notified by post and given a chance to opt out. Except me, of course, but I'm used to that.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Millions of Happier New Years

Dear Robert,

Thanks to you, this holiday season Google is able to donate $20 million to charitable organizations around the world. They in turn will help improve the lives of over 50 million people. Click here to see how.

Thank you for being a part of what Google is today. All this is possible because of you.

Have a wonderful holiday.

  ©2010 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043  


Friday, December 17, 2010

Interact with doctors

Fast Growing Field

=========================================================================================================================== When: Friday, 2009-10-30 @ 15:00 UTC (11 AM EDT) Where: #fedora-bugzappers on Please join us this Friday for another review of the Fedora 12 release blocker bug list [1]. After two previous reviews, the list is now down to 44 issues. I've included a snapshot of the list (sorted by component) below. If you are the reported or maintainer for one of the issues below, please take a moment to ensure the issue is up-to-date. BUG# STATUS COMPONENT SUMMARY 531347 NEW abrt abrt eating 99% cpu 493058 ASSIGNED anaconda Custom partitioning creation/edit causes traceback 506013 MODIFIED anaconda liveinst crash - DBusException ... No such property HwAddress 510545 MODIFIED anaconda RFE: encryption key escrow support 517260 MODIFIED anaconda liveinst fails at partitioning screen 517491 ASSIGNED anaconda Anaconda fails if filesystem should be shrunk 526789 ASSIGNED anaconda Install didn't reboot at the end 526925 ASSIGNED anaconda [Back] button does not have a corresponding icon (like [Next] does) 527952 MODIFIED anaconda AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'disk' 528317 MODIFIED anaconda anaconda traceback in getDefaultTimeZone KeyError en_AU 531407 MODIFIED anaconda --encrypted option does not work with pv in kickstart script 530603 MODIFIED compiz Loads of "unknown actions" in GNOME keybindings 528909 NEW DeviceKit-disks DevKit 95-devkit-disks.rules should avoid scan all DM devices 530913 NEW DeviceKit-power Couldn't hibernate: Swap space is encrypted 528097 MODIFIED dmraid /sbin/dmraid needs possibly unmounted /usr/lib 529267 NEW fedora-logos Better label + icon for the installer on the live cd 528497 MODIFIED firstaidkit FirstAidKit does not start when using F-12-Beta rescue mode from 530320 NEW firstboot firstboot errors when loading modules 512944 MODIFIED gdm fast-user-switching locks up login screen 531423 ASSIGNED gdm double-spacing in language and keyboard dialogs 531339 NEW grubby /sbin/installkernel isn't right for dracut 529982 NEW gvfs [abrt] crash detected in gvfs-1.4.0-6.fc12 517839 MODIFIED hsqldb bitxor and bitor both mapped to single bitor function 523110 MODIFIED hsqldb autoincrement bustage on column redefinition 528537 ASSIGNED kernel fails to get kickstart file over nfs. 524795 ON_QA libsigsegv libsigsegv allocates alternate stack on the main stack 526549 NEW lvm2 rats_install kickstart fails due to swap device prompt 523815 ASSIGNED nautilus nautilus hoses vino 531425 NEW nfs-utils newly installed system,NFS daemon start failed after boot 529349 ASSIGNED PackageKit Can't use yum with outdated or no repo data 530945 NEW PackageKit Package-kit ask for key but does not import 526044 NEW polkit Using invalid subject type crashes polkitd 517625 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-ati Xorg stops responding and consumes 93%+ CPU time (radeon driver pcie_aspm 522929 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-ati Occasional system hang when KMS kicks in (RV770) 522970 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-ati popup messages unreadable 531174 NEW xorg-x11-drv-ati KMS Screen Out-of-sync 531383 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-ati KMS: VT Switch Problem with Radeon XPRESS 200M 514600 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-intel Intel 82G965 requires 'nomodeset' workaround to get working text-mode 528005 MODIFIED xorg-x11-drv-nouveaX server crash 530169 ASSIGNED xorg-x11-drv-nouveanouveau + gdm crashes Have an issue you'd like to propose as an F12 release blocker? Please consider the following criteria when escalating an issue: * Can this issue be fixed with a future update or is it part of the critical path? [2] * Is this defect a high (or greater) severity [3] with no, or an unreasonable, workaround? * Is this an embarrassing bug affecting a large number of users? Come join the fun! James [1] [2] [3] _______________________________________________ test-announce mailing list test ... -- fedora-devel-list mailing list fedo ... At 11:24 PM 12/5/97 -0200, Thomas Schlemmermeyer wrote: Here, Hennig utters some caveats concerning the power of his methods. He says that his rules and criteria (to recognize homologies, polarize them and run the deviation rule) are nothing more but heuristic principles. Miss Bennett from California out there (Duodeviginti-Thread)! You probably know what a heuristic principle is. But I think it includes some point of subjective judgement (greek heureka=I see, I understand). Archimedes ran through the streets of Syracuse shouting "Heureka!" I have found (it)! That word is the aorist (or perfect past) tense of the Greek verb heurisko, meaning to find out, to discover. heuristic, however, comes from that verb indirectly through the derived adjective heureteos, discovered, in its superlative form, heuristos i.e. most/very discovered. The three modern meanings I have found for heuristic are: 1) relating to a usually speculative formulation serving as a guide in the investigation or solution of a problem. 2) relating to an educational method in which learning takes place through discoveries that result from investigations made by the student; 3) relating to a computer-based problem-solving technique in which the most appropriate solution of several found by alternative methods is selected at successive stages of a program for use in the next step of the program. I think Hennig had the first definition in mind, but I tripped over the word "speculative" . In the interests of precision, I looked up the definition of "speculate" which is "to engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence", and merged it with the definition of heuristic, and I got: relating to a formulation serving as a guide in the investigation or solution of a problem, which involves a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence. That's where the subjectivity comes in, when one chooses an approach, a particular course of reasoning, even if there is no conclusive evidence to support that choice of approach. Practically speaking, does this mean that Hennig was suggesting use of his methods to provide a starting point for what, hypothesis formulation? M.Bennett Bohart Museum of Entomology Dept. of Entomology University of California Davis, CA 95616 U.S.A. ***** Note change in area code******* TEL:530-752-9464 FAX:530-752-1537 mrbennett at

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nice and Simple

The Best Plans

================================================================================================================================================ The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet primarily used to treat difficult-to-control epilepsy in children. This medical nutrition therapy mimics aspects of starvation by forcing the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fuelling brain function. However, if there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. The diet provides just enough protein for body growth and repair, and sufficient calories to maintain the correct weight for age and height. Developed in the 1920s, the classic ketogenic diet contains a 4:1 ratio by weight of fat to combined protein and carbohydrate. This is achieved by excluding high-carbohydrate foods such as starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains and sugar, while increasing the consumption of foods high in fat such as cream and butter. The diet, which is closely supervised by a neurologist and a dietitian, is effective in half of the patients who try it, and very effective in a third. The mechanism by which the ketogenic diet reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures is unknown. Read the rest of this article: < > _______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries: 1608: Emperor Susenyos of Ethiopia and his troops surprised a raiding army of the Oromo at Ebenat, reportedly killing 12,000 Oromo at the cost of 400 men. < > 1885: Mahdist War: British troops defeated Mahdist Sudanese forces at the Battle of Abu Klea in Khartoum, Sudan. < > 1893: The Citizens' Committee of Public Safety led by Lorrin A. Thurston overthrew the government of Queen Liliʻuokalani of the Kingdom of Hawaii. < > 1904: Russian playwright Anton Chekhov's last play, The Cherry Orchard, premiered at the Moscow Art Theatre in Moscow. < > 1966: A U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress collided with a KC-135 Stratotanker during aerial refueling over the Mediterranean Sea, dropping three hydrogen bombs on land near Palomares in the municipality of Cuevas del Almanzora, Andalucía, Spain; and a fourth one (pictured after its recovery) into the sea. < > 2002: Mount Nyiragongo erupted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of the town of Goma, destroying 4,500 buildings and leaving about 120,000 people homeless. < > _____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day: errhine (adj): Causing an increase in mucus within the nose, and hence causing one to sneeze < > ___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day: We have this window of opportunity; we have a chance to make something real happen. Something possible happen, to live beyond our fear — think about that, and help us. Help lift us up, help us fight this fight to change, — transform — this country in a fundamental way. This chance wonÂ't come around again. --Michelle Obama < > _______________________________________________ Wikipedia Daily Article mailing list. To unsubscribe, visit: Questions or comments? Contact dal- ... Everyone, I'm pleased to annouce the release both a production and experimental release of GMPY. GMPY is a wrapper for the MPIR or GMP multiple-precision arithmetic library. GMPY is available for download from: Production release ------------------ GMPY 1.12 is the new stable release. In addition to fixing a few bugs, GMPY 1.12 adds support for Python 2.7 and the current py3k development trunk. Even though my primary development focus has shifted to GMPY2 (see below), GMPY 1.X will continue to receive bug and compatibility fixes. Experimental release -------------------- To simplify the codebase, allow for changes in the API, and support simultaneous installation, the development version has been renamed to GMPY2. The following is list of changes in GMPY2: * support for a mutable integer type "xmpz" * removal of random number functions * "xmpz" supports slices for setting/clearing bits * some methods have been renamed (scan1 -> bit_scan1) * support for Python prior to 2.6 has been removed * support for all division modes has been added * ceiling - round to +Infinity * floor - round to -Infinity * truncate - round to zero * 2exp - division by a power of 2 * support is_even() and is_odd() If you use GMPY regularly, please test GMPY2. There have been several requests asking for a mutable integer and I am curious if there are real-world performance improvements. Future enhancements ------------------- I am looking for feedback on future enhancements. If you have specific requests, please let me know. Below are some ideas I've had: * An optional "max_bits" parameter for an "xmpz". If specified, all results would be calculated modulo 2^max_bits. * I've added the ability to set/clear bits of an "xmpz" using slice notation. Should I allow the source to be arbitrary set of bits or require that all bits are set to 0 or 1? Should support for "max_bits" be required? * Improved floating point support. Comments on provided binaries ----------------------------- The pre-compiled Windows installers use later versions of GMP and MPIR so performance some operations should be faster. The 32-bit Windows installers were compiled with MinGW32 using GMP 5.0.1 and will automatically recognize the CPU type and use assembly code optimized for the CPU at runtime. The 64-bit Windows installers were compiled Microsoft's SDK compilers using MPIR 2.1.1. Detailed instructions are included if you want to compile your own binary. Please report any issues! casevh -- Support the Python Software Foundation:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be qualified to be a technician

Start screening patients.

======================================================================================================================== (apologies for multiple postings) Hi all, The AKSW research group [1] is pleased to announce that OntoWiki 0.9.5 is now available for download. OntoWiki is a web-application enabling the collaborative creation and (linked data) publication of RDF knowledge bases. More information about OntoWiki can be found at: You can download OntoWiki in our google code file section: ==> <== Enhancements in this release include: * Support for Semantic Pingback [2], a protocol which enables OntoWiki to communicate named links from linked data resources or blog systems like WordPress. * Support for the publication of provenance information via Linked Data. * A new navigation module which support the configuration and usage of arbitrary navigation hierarchies (e.g. based on classes, SKOS elements, geospatial entities or FOAF groups). * A bookmarklet for collecting RDFa-based information into a specific OntoWiki knowledge base. * More editing widgets, e.g. for phone number and mailto: resources. * A new mapping module for the resource visualisation and filtering based on maps. * Attribute / Tag clouds based on selected RDF properties. * A GUI for complex SPARQL filter (contains, larger, smaller, between and bound) * A JSON/RPC server as an additional interface (e.g. for the command line client) * A plugin to create nice URIs based on the content of a new resource. A detailed log of the over 200 enhancements and bug fixes of this release is available at our issue tracker [3]. Many thanks to the contributors of this OntoWiki release (in alphabetical order): Atanas Alexandrov, Christian Maier, Christoph Riess, Jonas Brekle, Marvin Frommhold, Michael Haschke, Michael Martin, Michael Niederstätter, Natanael Arndt, Norman Heino, Philipp Frischmuth and Tim Ermilov best regards Sebastian Tramp [1] [2] [3] -- Sebastian Tramp - Department of Computer Science; University of Leipzig Tel. / Fax: +49 341 97 323-66/-29 WebID: _______________________________________________ foaf-protocols mailing list foaf ... quote Jeen Broekstra (21.6.2010): I am running into trouble installing Ontowiki 0.9.5. I've downloaded and extracted the zip file as instructed, configured the mysql database and the config.ini, and have copied the extracted directory to a web-accessable directory on my linux server (which runs Apache 2.2). When I then visit http:///ontowiki-0.9.5/, I get the Ontowiki News page, with a login tab on the left. However, When I follow the First Steps instructions and try to login with username "Admin" an no password, I get a 404 Not Found error: "The requested URL /ontowiki-0.9.5/application/login was not found on this server." Any clues on what I'm doing wrong? Hi Jeen, I think you are not allowed to use mod_rewrite in your target ontowiki directory. This means that somewhere in your apache config is a config option "AllowOverride None" active for this directory. If you change this, it should work ... please have a look at [1] for more information on this ... S. Tramp [1] ) -- Sebastian Tramp - Department of Computer Science; University of Leipzig Tel/Fax: +49 341 97 323-66/-29

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Don't miss out

Get Moving Again

================================================================================================================================== I recently switched to Suse Linux 11.1 from Windows and Digikam 0.9.4 was installed by the distribution DVD. I think its very good but it doesn't list my camera (Pentax K200D) as supported. If I want to upgrade Digikam to version 0.10.0, should I uninstall the existing package first or just install the new RPM over the top? Thanks in advance Graham Dicker _______________________________________________ Digikam-users mailing list Digi ... hi Patrick, here you can find my solution: remember that I used igraph python module to produce vertex and edge sequence and that in my .net file there where 5 different type of edges (grey, blue, red, yellow, green)... which I try to reproduce with their different weights and, most of all, remember that my code - I am sure - is not the best possible... comments and improvements MORE than welcome! ;) cheers, Simone Il giorno 29/dic/08, alle ore 18:28, Gael Varoquaux ha scritto: On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 04:52:31PM +0100, Patrick wrote: At the outset, I have n 3d points defined by 'nodes': nx3 array, i.e. 3d coordinates 'nodeIDs': nx1 array, i.e. the point IDs 'edges': (n-1)x2 array, i.e. indicating the IDs of the pairs of points to be connected The task now is to connect the points given in 'nodes' using the edge information given in 'edges'. In Matlab this can easily be done using the plot3 function. Say we have a set of 10 points, then the input to matlab's plot3 function can be made to be three 2x10 arrays containing the x,y and z coordinates of the beginning and end point of the edges in their respective columns. For the last few days I have been trying to get this to work using the excellent mlab module of mayavi2 (I am using the most recent python(x,y) distribution). My problem is that the input arrays I was passing to Matlab's plot3 function do not work in mlab's plot3d() function. After several hours of searching on the internet, I came across a very similar problem posted recently: After following the advice given in the above posts, I am now able to manually (not automatically, which is necessary due to the large amount of data) connect points by explicitly indicating the labels assigned to the points after calling "labels = mlab.pipeline.labels(points)". Unfortunately I have not been able to automate this procedure, especially since the labels assigned to the points do not coincide with the labels in my 'nodeIDs' and 'edges' arrays. I am not sure what is the problem that you are having. The labels probably don't coincide exactly with the labels that you where using in matlab, but this can easily be worked around. The labels number of a point is its number in the array of positions that you specified initialy, starting from 0. Here is an example that demonstrates it clearly: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ import numpy as np from enthought.mayavi import mlab nodes_x = np.arange(10) nodes_y = 2*np.arange(10) nodes_z = np.zeros_like(nodes_y) mlab.clf() nodes = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z) ## Use the following if you want the nodes to be displayed as spheres. #nodes = mlab.points3d(nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z, # mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.1, # opacity=0.5) # Label the points with their ID labels = mlab.pipeline.labels(nodes) labels.mapper.label_format = '%.f' # Connect point 1 and 2, as well as 3 and 4 nodes.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4), (7, 8))) nodes.mlab_source.update() # And now display the lines lines = mlab.pipeline.surface(nodes) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ As you can see in this example, the lines are drawn between the second and third point, the fourth and fifth, and the heighth and nineth. Now if you have an array of labels, you just need to convert these labels to positions. One way would be to sort all arrays so that points are ordered in increasing and continuing label order. Another would simply be to create an array mapping your labels with the mayavi labels, ie the ordering number of the labels. I've coded an example using some fairly ugly numpy code. Robert (if you are around) is there a cleaner way to create do this? Creating an inverse mapping between values and indices seems like a common task. In particular, my solution doesn't scale well at all when the label array is very sparse. The following example builds the very exact same set of line than the previous one, but uses a fancy labelling order: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ import numpy as np from enthought.mayavi import mlab nodes_x = np.arange(10) nodes_y = 2*np.arange(10) nodes_z = np.zeros_like(nodes_y) labels = np.array((15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) # Create a mapping from index in label array to label number. label_numbers = np.zeros(labels.max() + 1, - 1 label_numbers[labels] = np.arange(labels.size) mlab.clf() nodes = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z) # The connection array, in label numbers connected_labels = np.array(((14, 13), (12, 11), (2, 3))) # Using fancy indexing on our mapping array, label_numbers, # to convert label numbers to indices nodes.mlab_source.dataset.lines = label_numbers[connected_labels] nodes.mlab_source.update() # And now display the lines lines = mlab.pipeline.surface(nodes) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ I hope this sorts you out. If it does not, could you send me a minimal representative set of your data (say the first 3 points, if this is representative). Cheers, Gaël _______________________________________________ Enthought-dev mailing list Enth ... _______________________________________________ Enthought-dev mailing list Enth ...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Solve crimes near you

Start the path

=============================================================================================================================== Hi guys, While working on implementing XMPP Jingle in Asterisk, I had to write the basis of STUN as defined in RFC 5389. Jingle uses ICE (and therefore STUN as per RFC 5389), which introduces message integrity checks for STUN messages using credentials exchanged at the signalling phase. The changes in the STUN code are mostly an update to the STUN attributes as defined in RFC 5389. As for other RTP based media channels (eg. SIP), the only change is the introduction of the following structure in the ast_rtp_instance_read interface function : struct stun_credentials { char local_ufrag[AST_STUN_MAXLEN]; char remote_ufrag[AST_STUN_MAXLEN]; char local_password[AST_STUN_MAXLEN]; char remote_password[AST_STUN_MAXLEN]; unsigned long priority; int initiator; }; I just resynchronized the code branch with the trunk : The corresponding bug report : This code works with other Jingle implementations that use the same ICE mechanism (Empathy, PSI and Pidgin tested) in a scenario where Asterisk runs on a public IP address and serves NAT (or not) Jingle clients. It is limited by the fact that we let the clients choose their best ICE candidate, as we don't make any decision on our own. Even though it's not a complete RFC 5389 implementation, I believe this code might help us moving forward. I'm leaving for a week of vacations, I'll update the (old) review board request when I come back : Philippe On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Simon Perreault < simo ... > wrote: On 2010-08-06 10:54, Klaus Darilion wrote: having Asterisk saying "this is a symmetric NAT, VoIP will not work" is IMO a useful option to help users with NAT traversal. Even though VoIP might very well work? The better approach is to be agnostic to the type of NAT. Just try to traverse it using all possible ways, and see what works. Dynamically pick the best alternative. Pick the best alternative based on what? Based on trying them all. That's the idea behind ICE. You tell your peer: "I have these adddresses assigned to me, and I obtained this address from STUN, and I allocated this address on a TURN relay, and I opened these ports using UPnP/NAT-PMP, and I have this address on a VPN, etc. Try them all, I'll tell you when I hear from you on one of them." Note also that keep-alive can be done with pure SIP. This has the advantage that the peer doesn't need to support STUN. See RFC 5626 section 3.5.1. Of course, yes. But using STUN would also detect changes of the public IP. It cannot change while it is being kept alive. Once a NAT binding is opened, the 5-tuple is fixed. Unless the NAT device reboots, in which case we're screwed anyway. What is the standard STUN usage that works? RFC 5626? How long will it take until all SIP proxies/registrars deployed will be updated to support RFC 5626? Yes, SIP-outbound and ICE. The deployment time is irrelevant. When you're talking to a peer that supports it, you use it. Otherwise, you don't. You just cannot start using STUN in a broken way and expect everything to be rosy. It's going to help in some circumstances, but it's going to be really broken in others. And you'll be trying to outsmart the server, which is not a good thing to do. Working with servers that do not support SIP-outbound and/or ICE is simple: don't do anything. It is up to these servers to do their thing (i.e. latching). If they don't do any of that, then they can't reasonably expect to work with clients behind NATs. Is this the IETF approach? Non-RFC5626 compatible servers are responsible for NAT traversal? Of course not! That would be great - then we could drop "old style" STUN from all clients immediately. I repeat, what I being described here is not "old style STUN". It is Asterisk-specific. Clients generally do not take the results from STUN and stick them in SIP headers. My point is that Asterisk should not do non-standard STUN. Simon -- NAT64/DNS64 open-source --> STUN/TURN server --> vCard 4.0 --> -- _____________________________________________________________________ -- Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by -- asterisk-dev mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: -- Philippe Sultan -- _____________________________________________________________________ -- Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by -- asterisk-dev mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Amazon Payments: Annual Notices

Greetings from Amazon Payments:

We appreciate the trust that you have put in Amazon Payments by using our services. So, each year we send you this notice to tell you about our privacy practices, as well as how you can report errors or unauthorized transactions related to your Amazon Payments account.

We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. To help you understand our privacy practices, we have detailed how we collect, use and safeguard your personal and financial information in our Privacy Notice.

Our Unauthorized Transaction Policy describes how you can report to us any billing errors or unauthorized transactions involving the use of your account balance or registered bank account. It also describes our liability and your rights for these type of errors or transactions.

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Thank you for using Amazon Payments.


The Amazon Payments Team

Thursday, December 9, 2010

LiveWire for Affiliates - December 2010

If you experience issues with the display of this newsletter, click here to view it in your web browser. & LivePerson, a Solution that Makes Sense! began with a domain name and a dream, back in 1995. By 2000, founder Igor Chudov had begun developing the domain into an algebra help site for students. By 2004, he realized the need to take it further, and to fine-tune the direction of the site. He decided to turn it into a community website with free volunteer tutors on call to provide algebra help to children who need it. Due to this pioneering concept, thousands of students and tutors now connect on a wide variety of algebra-related topics, sharing their love of mathematics and getting (and giving) much needed help.

Content on the site ranges from simple problem-solvers to full-on lessons submitted by's users. What makes it unique is the passion and excitement of the community of users, who offer their time and knowledge to help others.

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We're excited to announce the launch of the LivePerson B2B Affiliate Program. read more

Promote Yourself Better

We have been testing our new promotion system with select affiliates and have seen promising initial results. read more

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Alert: Auto-Hire Goes Into Effect Soon!

Make sure your creative reflects the change... read more
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