Saturday, October 31, 2009

Communicating With Your Cat - The Tale Behind the Tail

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Cats & Dogs
For You
Sunday November 1, 2009

Communicating With Your Cat - The Tale Behind the Tail
By Daniel P. Martin

Cats do not communicate like other animals. They cannot speak, so they use body language and posturing to get their point across. Getting to know what these communication skills mean can help in identifying what is going on in your cats head. Of course, getting to know what is in their head can sometimes be a little difficult.

The Tail Tale

One of the more well known cat speaks is with their tail. There are also other kinds of communication used by cats including kneading and also purring. Reading cats body language is kind of like reading minds, but once you get the hang of it, it can be useful.

A cats tail can speak a thousand words. How it swishes and where they position it can mean everything. Looking for the right signs can help you figure out what your kitty wants. If the cat has his tail curved downward slightly and curved up slightly at the tip, it generally means that your cat is relaxed.

When they start to find something interesting, they will raise their tail and curve it slightly downward near the end. If the cats tail goes straight up and tilts the end to one side, your cat is very interested or feeling really friendly. Cats will also greet you with their tail. They do this by raising their tail straight up, all the way to the tip. When they wag the tip of their tail, it is a sign of affection.

The Annoyed Tail

A cat will show that they are not happy with a situation with their tail. When they are starting to get irritated the tail will stay still except for the tip, which will twitch occasionally. If they are really annoyed, they will twitch the tip frequently, but that can be interpreted differently in some cats, which it seems to signify that they are actually happy.

If your cat starts getting angry, they will swish their entire tail vigorously. A cats fur on its tail can convey a message as well. For instance, if the tail is straight up and frizzed out they are showing aggression. When it is frizzed, or bristled, and curved, they might attack if they are provoked further. When a cat lowers their tail and fluffs it out, that generally means that they are afraid, but if it tucks its tail between its legs it usually means that it is showing defeat or it may be sick.

A Needy Knead

Another thing that cats like to do to communicate is to "knead" its people or bed. When a cat is nursing, it will knead its mother as sign of contentment and to encourage the milk to flow. When they mature, the cat typically will knead to show that it is happy.

Another sign that your cat is content is purring. Although no one has yet figured out how they purr, it is pretty evident that it is to show that it is happy. They will also purr to show other cats that they are non-threatening and also to entice adult cats to play. These are the cat versions of verbalizing how they feel. If they do not like something, they will let you know, just make sure you do not misunderstand what they are saying.


Daniel has spent his career helping people uncover the truth. Visit Daniel's latest website that explores the cat water fountain and various cat drinking fountain products that every cat lover needs to protect their cat's safety so they can live a long health life by your side.

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