Thursday, January 28, 2010

Women for Thursday January 28, 2010

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For You
Thursday January 28, 2010

Health and Beauty Tip -- Loose Buttons

Got a loose button on a jacket but don't have time to sew it back on just yet? Use a dab of clear nail polish on the threads to hold it in place ... until you can find your sewing kit, that is.

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Abortion activists mark Roe vs. Wade

WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Thousands of anti-abortion and abortion rights forces rallied in Washington Friday, the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

Nellie Gray, president of the March For Life Fund, which organized the rally, said her organization would look for more cases to present to the U.S. Supreme Court and try to get bills introduced in Congress to try to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the landmark legislation that 37 years ago legalized abortion.

"We will begin in 2010 to stop the killing," Gray told the audience.

She recalled President Barack Obama's comments when he visited the Buchenwald, Germany, death camp and said he couldn't forget the horror he saw.

"Mr. President, it seems that you have forgotten," she said to applause and hoots of approval.

She said whoever occupies the White House is "the president of all the people and that includes the innocent pre-born children."

Abortion-rights activists staged a counter-protest.

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement on the organization's Web site, that deciding whether and when to be a parent is "one of the most personal and important choices we make."

"However, a woman's right to make personal healthcare decisions is under continuous assault by anti-choice organizations and individuals who use harassment and intimidation tactics in their attempt to deter women from seeking healthcare and doctors from providing it," she said in the statement.

Speeches by anti-abortion forces expanded beyond the abortion issue to include euthanasia because some people "have a disregard for life ... and won't respect" the elderly or people with disabilities, Gray said.

Speakers, including religious leaders and congressional members, spoke against abortion and against federal funding for the medical procedure.

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., who isn't seeking re-election, said he was "more confident than ever that we are going to win the cause of life."

Copyright 2010 by United Press International
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Annie's Mailbox

Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: My in-laws live in a condominium about 35 miles from us. We visit them once a month. My father-in-law does not move around very well and is incontinent. He seldom leaves the condo. My mother-in-law still walks, but only to the grocery store or doctor�s office. She is obviously beginning to slow down.

We know there will come a day when they are no longer able to stay in the condo. However, they have no intention of moving into a retirement community. They say, �We don�t want to live in a place where there are only old people.� Meanwhile, they know no one in their condo building, where they have lived for 20 years, nor do they visit friends elsewhere.

Several months ago, my in-laws bought a miniature poodle puppy that can only be described as neurotic. If anyone enters the condo, it will either hide or sit in a corner and growl. My father-in-law says the dog would get used to us if we visited more often, and once a month apparently isn�t often enough.

Annie, we have three very active children, not to mention a house and chores and jobs to take care of. We visit the in-laws as often as possible, but we cannot see them every weekend simply so their dog can get to know us better. My husband says they are lonely and isolated, but I don�t think that is our responsibility. This is really beginning to become a problem. Please help. -- Had It in Maryland

Dear Maryland: Your husband is right -- your in-laws are lonely. You are not responsible for their unwillingness to reach out to neighbors and friends, but try to be a bit more compassionate. Since you are too busy to see them more often, suggest your husband visit his parents on his own. You also can look into caregiving services if their health interferes with their mobility.

Dear Annie: This is for �Feeling the Pain in Ohio,� who has trouble shaking hands because of arthritis. Why not make life a little more multicultural and try the Asian custom of bowing? Not only will it avoid handshakes, but it could help break the ice and start an interesting conversation. -- Just a Thought from Georgia

Dear Georgia: Thanks for the idea. Here are a few more:

From Chicago: Try touching the back of the person�s extended hand with your fingertips as you say, �I�d love to shake your hand, but it�s too painful for me.�

Santa Fe, N.M.: Place a pencil in your hand when greeting customers. This will delay the handshake and give you time to say, �I suffer from arthritis so please be gentle� before offering your hand.

Tennessee: A simple solution is to wear a noticeable wrist brace. Put it on the right hand. (If it's on both hands, some folks will think it�s a fashion accessory.) It can work wonders in letting them know to shake this hand very gently.

Sarasota, Fla.: I am a self-defense practitioner. When someone offers their hand, reach deep into their palm with your forefinger toward the base of their thumb. By doing this, the grip cannot be applied as forcefully. As an additional precaution, firmly hold their right wrist with your left hand. This will allow you to help disengage if it proves to be too painful.

Louisville, Ky.: I take the person�s hand in both of mine and gently pat their hand, saying, �I have a sore hand today.� I keep my hands flat.

California: Actually, it's more of a refinement on your suggestion, which was pretty good -- to grab their wrist or arm instead of their hand. My idea is to use your left hand instead of your right. It will throw off their reflexes and slow them down just enough for you to win the grab contest.

Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie's Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

Copyright 2010 Creators Syndicate Inc.
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Quote of the Day

Karen Horney

Fortunately, psychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself remains a very effective therapist.

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