Sunday, January 31, 2010

ArcaMax Gardening Daily Tips for Monday February 1, 2010

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Gardening Daily Tips
For You
Monday February 1, 2010

Abelia, Glossy (Abelia x grandiflora)
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Abelia, Glossy (Abelia x grandiflora)

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Q&A: New Landscape

Question: How do I begin to prepare a new yard for some flowers and a garden? Do I need to dig up all the grass? Since there has been nothing planted there do I need to amend the soil?

Answer: Here's one method: Start by taking the garden hose out into the yard and laying it out in the shape you'd like your flower beds to be. Move it around until you have just the right shape, and then use a spade or shovel to cut through the turf, next to the hose. Then cut parallel lines in the turf about 12 inches apart. Firmly grasp one exposed end of turfgrass and pull it up. The roots should come right up if the soil is moist. Continue to pull and roll the strips of turf until the entire flower bed area is bare. (Pile the turf in an out-of-the-way place--it will form a rich compost!) Then spread about 4 inches of organic material such as compost, peat moss, leaf mold or aged manure over the area and dig it in to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. That should give you a good base for almost any annual or perennial flower. Use the same technique for plotting and preparing a space for your vegetable garden. Good luck with your new landscape!

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Q&A: Annual Vines in Containers

Question: I will be growing morning glories and sweet peas in containers on my deck this year, using a tripod of bamboo stakes for support. I am new to container gardening and need to know the ideal size container (depth, diameter) to use for each. I will probably be using terracotta pots.

Answer: The annuals you plan to grow will have reasonably small root systems and won't require large pots. You'll be safe with a 2-3 gallon pot for each plant. That's roughly 12" deep and 8"-12" wide. However, I'd consider using larger containers--the smaller the container, the faster it will dry out. I like to use wooden half whiskey barrels. I plant the vines at the back, and plant shrubby annuals in front of the vines.

Terra cotta pots can wick moisture from the soil, especially during the hottest months of the year, so check at least once each day and water as needed. You might consider using "fake" terra cotta containers made out of plastic. They look very similar, and won't dry out so fast. Whatever you choose, make sure your containers have adequate drainage holes, fill with regular potting soil, and water as often as required.

Enjoy your vines!

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Tip: Take Geranium Cuttings

Prune back indoor, leggy geraniums to 1 foot tall. To root the cuttings, take 4- to 6-inch-pieces, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, place in a pot of moistened soilless potting mix, and cover with a clear plastic bag.

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