Sunday, October 25, 2009

ArcaMax Gardening Daily Tips for Monday October 26, 2009

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Gardening Daily Tips
For You
Monday October 26, 2009

Basil, Sweet (Ocimum basilicum)
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Basil, Sweet (Ocimum basilicum)

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Q&A: Different Kinds of Nematodes

Question: I'm confused about whether nematodes are good or bad. I read about using them to control Japanese beetle grubs, but then I read about how planting marigolds deters them.

Answer: There are about 12,000 species of nematodes -- microscopic, unsegmented worms -- some of which are pests to gardeners, others of which are allies. Pests include root-knot nematodes, which enter plant roots and stems. The presence of developing nematodes in the root stimulates the surrounding tissues to enlarge and produce the galls, which, in turn, interfere with the plant's uptake of water and nutrients. Mature female nematodes then lay hundreds of eggs on the root surface and these eggs hatch in warm soil to continue the life cycle. To control root-knot nematodes, dig up the roots of affected plants and destroy. This removes a large proportion of the nematodes which would otherwise carry over until the following season. Also, research has shown that French marigold (Tagetes patula) are resistant to root-knot nematode because their roots secrete nematicidal chemicals. This phenomenon can be utilized for nematode control by dividing a vegetable garden into strips or blocks and planting marigolds in some part of the garden each year. Plant the marigolds closely so they develop complete coverage, then till them in at the end of the season. For long-term control of nematodes, the best approach is incorporating lots of organic matter in the soil, to encourage beneficial organisms. Beneficial nematodes attack pest insects and don't harm plants, and they are harmless to earthworms, too. They are used to control a number of different soil pests. For best results, follow the application instructions carefully.

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Q&A: Cover Crops

Question: What are some cover crops that would be better to use in a garden with several different vegetables? I plan on planting them between my beds.

Answer: There are several different cover crops to choose from. They have many different advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common are alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, crimson clover, oats, winter rye, hairy vetch, and winter wheat. Of those probably the easiest to establish with the least demands are winter rye and alfalfa. Winter rye should be sown in the fall and turned under in the spring. Alfalfa should be sown in the spring or late summer and turned under in the fall or spring. If you want to establish a perennial cover crop between rows, try Dutch or New Zealand White clovers - they're thick, low-growing, durable to foot traffic, add nitrogen to soil and attract pollinators. Keep it mowed and add clippings to garden soil!

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Tip: Harvest Ornamental Grass Heads

Many cultivated and wild ornamental grasses such as fountain grass produce beautiful flower heads in fall that make excellent dried flowers. Harvest flower heads when dry and check for insects before bringing indoors.

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