Message From: Deena Sissener
Good Morning Families,
I wanted to reach out to all my students families, whether they are from my English classes, my TA's or my Summit, to let you all know that I am thinking of you all! I will be communicating with students through Google Classroom. As families you can have your student invite you to be apart of google classroom or send me your email and I can invite you as well. Also, later this week I will send out information for students and I to stay in contact through an app called Remind, it is like text messaging but without giving out phone numbers. Once we have more information, I am confident that the district will be reaching out families and then I will follow up. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Again, I just wanted to let you all know that I care about each and everyone of my students and their families!
Stay safe and take care!
Ms. Sissener