Saturday, March 14, 2020

Sophomore English Teachers Update

Message From: Peter Geske



I hope everyone is doing well.  Ms. Sissener and I wanted to touch base again with you all on what is going on in our classroom.  If you remember last time we emailed you we were in the middle of the paper about how the book To Kill a Mockingbird was still relevant in 2020.  The deadline has passed for the paper to be turned in.  Many of your sons/daughters did do the paper.  Some did not.  

Because this is also the end of the 3rd quarter, we had to enter our grades for the work we had on hand before we left yesterday for Spring Break. Some students will receive an INC on their report card.  This is an INComplete.  This means there are not enough assignments completed to have given the student a grade.  Some students have talked to either Ms. Sissener or myself and have an extension on the work that is needed to be handed in.  Some students have not spoken to us.  Your children can see what they are missing on StudentVue, and you can see it on ParentVue.  Over Spring Break, it would be a great time to catch up on missing assignments.  All the instructions, rubrics, and resources to write well are on googleclassroom.  We have emailed you all before large assignments and these are mainly the ones that are missing.  We will extend our deadlines for all semester work to be done by Friday, April 3.  That is 1 week longer than the school required 2 weeks.  After April 3, we will need to enter a grade to take the place of the INC.  We're trying to get the work that is missing from your son/daughter and  once again are asking for your continued support. 

Thank you, as always, for the short messages we receive after these messages go out.  We're all in this together and they are very appreciated.    

Best Regards,

Ms. Sissener and Mr. Geske