Friday, February 5, 2010

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Teen hearts may be breaking down

ATLANTA (UPI) -- A U.S. dietitian urges teens to make changes now to avoid heart disease later.

Sarah Wally says researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta found 20 percent of U.S. children and teens have an abnormal lipid profile -- a sign of high triglycerides, low levels of good cholesterol and high levels of bad cholesterol.

"Although heart disease is typically diagnosed in adulthood, its roots often begin in childhood," Wally said in statement. "Heart disease is the result of a lifelong process and intervention strategies to reduce risk should begin as early as possible."

Wally said incremental changes in diet and exercise habits are much more effective and successful over the long term. She suggested incremental bursts of activity just 15 minutes long as a way to reach a daily activity goal of 60 minutes a day.

The dietitian with the National Association for Margarine in Washington also recommended incremental diet changes. Her suggestions include:

-- Switching from a saturated fat, like butter, to a less saturated buttery spread.

-- Drinking 1 percent milk instead of 2 percent milk.

-- Changing from white bread to whole grain.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Denture cream zinc allegedly harmful

MINERAL WELLS, Texas (UPI) -- A Texas woman allegedly became wheelchair-bound from using more than the recommended amount of denture cream containing zinc, a lawsuit indicates.

Elizabeth Gilley, 26, of Mineral Wells, one of a number of people involved in a class-action lawsuit, used more denture cream than what manufacturers anticipate as normal use, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Wednesday.

GlaxoSmithKline, the producer of Poligrip and Super Poligrip, and Procter & Gamble, which makes Fixodent, said their products contain zinc in amounts recognized as safe, and the Food and Drug Administration's classifications of the creams as medical devices means zinc is not required to be listed as an ingredient.

Gilley started wearing dentures at age 15 due to a genetic tooth-enamel disorder. She used denture cream approximately once every two hours because she feared her ill-fitting dentures would fall out while eating lunch in her school's cafeteria, the newspaper said.

A University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center study in 2008 showed young to middle-age patients developed numbness, weakness and difficulty walking after ingesting high levels of zinc. The four people in the study used an average of two denture cream tubes per week as compared with the one tube every month to six weeks recommended by dentists.

Ed Blizzard of Houston, Gilley's attorney, said denture wearers did not know they should use a particular amount of the cream because until recently there were no warnings against using as much as they needed.

"In fact, on the box, it said that if the amount you're using doesn't work, use more," Blizzard said.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Seeing a good deed makes others generous

CAMBRIDGE, England (UPI) -- Seeing someone perform a virtuous deed -- especially helping another person -- makes people feel good, U.S. researchers say.

Psychological scientists Simone Schnall of the University of Cambridge, Jean Roper of the University of Plymouth and Daniel M.T. Fessler of the University of California, Los Angeles, say this positive, uplifting emotion, known as "elevation," might make us feel great, but is it enough to get us to go out and perform good acts ourselves.

For the study, volunteers watched one of three TV clips: a neutral TV clip, an uplifting TV clip of musicians thanking their mentors, or a clip from a British comedy, intended to induce mirth.

After viewing the TV clip, the research assistant conducting the study pretended to have problems opening up a computer file that was required for the experiment.

She told the volunteers they were free to leave, but she asked them if they would be willing to complete a questionnaire for another study, which she noted was boring.

The findings, published in Psychological Science, found the participants who viewed the uplifting TV clip spent almost twice as long helping the research assistant as participants who saw the neutral TV clip or the comedy clip.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Buying health insurance in other states

YONKERS, N.Y. (UPI) -- Allowing those who buy health insurance themselves to shop in other U.S. states would not lower health costs for all, says.

An alternative to healthcare reform is for anyone in the market for an individual policy to shop for coverage anywhere in the country. This option does not apply for those on Medicare or if health insurance coverage is provided via employment.

Currently, people can only buy an individual policy that's approved for sale in the state where they live. States vary widely in how strictly they regulate insurance, the site said.

A few states require insurers to accept all comers, young and old, sick and well, but in other states, insurers can turn down whomever they want, the site said. Some states have strict rules on what policies must cover, which are more expensive, while others allow the sale of plans with very skimpy benefits, which are less expensive.

"Patient and consumer advocates predict it would spark a 'race to the bottom" as insurers flocked to the least-regulated states and started luring healthy, younger customers with cheap, skimpy policies," says.

"But it would raise costs for those who are having the toughest time under the current system -- the sick and the aging."

In its analysis, the Congressional Budget Office says the effect on overall health coverage would be a wash, says.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Visit the Valentine's Day feature.

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