Tuesday, July 21, 2009

arbcombo -- Truck Regulations Advisory Committee (TRAC) Meeting Postponed

Due to the significant public interest in participating in the
Truck Regulations Advisory Committee (TRAC), we are extending the
deadline for applying for membership to the TRAC to July 27,

In addition, to allow staff adequate time to evaluate the
membership applications and select appropriate members, we are
postponing the TRAC meeting originally scheduled for July 28,
2009, in Sacramento, to August 31, 2009. The time and location
of the August 31, 2009, meeting, as well as a proposed agenda,
will be posted in the near future. Staff intends to notify
applicants by August 10, 2009, of their status on the TRAC.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you
have any questions on participation in TRAC, please contact Ms.
Kathleen Mead, Manager of the Retrofit Implementation Section at
(916) 324-9550, or at kmead@arb.ca.gov

Re: ARB Website Content Survey

The ARB is asking regular website users to take a few minutes
to complete a brief survey about their experiences with our site.
Your participation will help us improve our website to serve you
better. Thank you.

Link to Survey:

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at www.fypower.org .

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