Monday, July 27, 2009

Today's Jokes Plus The Evian Baby Skaters

- Here is your ArcaMax Jokes Ezine, sponsored today by:

The Evian Baby Skaters

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At the beginning of the school year, one seventh grader was reflecting on his chance at being the 8th grade valedictorian. He said his dad was valedictorian, his mom was valedictorian, and his sister was also valedictorian.

He paused, leaned back in his chair and said, “Looks like the end of an era!”

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Better Judge

When the famous politician and orator William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) was a young man, he went to the home of the father of his prospective wife to ask him for her hand in marriage. Bryan was determined to impress the father by quoting from the Bible, and he chose Proverbs 18:22: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.”

Bryan was unnerved when the father replied by quoting Paul: “So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.” (1 Corinthians 7:38)

Bryan, never at a loss for words, said: “Yes, but Paul had no wife and Solomon had 700. Therefore, I believe Solomon ought to be the better judge as to marriage.”

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Going Out?

I was driving around and around a parking garage in search of an available space. Nothing. Then I noticed a couple walking ahead of me.

“Going out?” I called to them hopefully.

“No,” said the man. “Just friends.”

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Elevator Keys

A woman walked into the elevator tossing her keys up in the air and catching them. After one too many tosses, she dropped the keys, and we watched as they disappeared into the crack between the open doors and the floor.

I felt terrible for her. Or I did until she cried, “Oh no! Not again!”

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