Welcome to Marana Middle School PE! We are looking forward to a great semester with your student(s). We have a couple of things we wanted to share with you.
1. Please complete the form found at http://tinyurl.com/MMS-PE2017-18-CP . This form contains a comprehensive overview of Marana Middle School's physical education program, provides an opportunity to document health or medical concerns the PE teachers should be aware of and also gives permission for your student to participate in the activity choices provided by our program.
2. Swimming starts the week of August 14th. Students without parent swim permission will not be given the option to swim. Swim permission can be given through the document found in the link above.
3. We will have T-shirts for sale in the gym for $3 Tuesday through Friday next week. After that, t-shirts can be purchased in the bookstore for $7.50.
Thank you for your support!
Amy Corner & Patrick Miller