Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cooked Mushrooms, Zeppelin Locations, and Kitchen Implements

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For You
Thursday December 31, 2009

Which mushroom is best cooked?

The Mushroom Council of California recommends cooking shiitake mushrooms before they're eaten, although it is fine to eat all other cultivated mushrooms raw. The shiitake has an enzyme that may cause an upset stomach, depending on how much is consumed and a person's sensitivity to the enzyme.

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Ireland's Giant's Causeway

Was that place on the Led Zeppelin cover real?

The most famous natural landmark in Northern Ireland is the Giant's Causeway. Comprised of approximately 37,000 dark basalt columns packed together, they were formed when a volcanic eruption spewed molten basalt out 55 million years ago. As the basalt cooled, these unique polygonal structures were formed. Most of the columns of the Giant's Causeway form a six-sided honeycomb pattern. Some have as many as ten sides and measure about 12 inches across and up to forty feet in length. The natural location was used quite memorably on the cover to rock band Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy album.

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Which once ubiquitous kitchen implement is rarely seen today?

There was a time when every single source of heat and illumination in a home was activated not by flipping a switch or pushing a button, but by striking a match. Stick matches were kept all around the house. Some were kept in a tin holder on the kitchen wall next to the stove, and others in more decorative containers throughout the house.

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How old was Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was no older than 18 when she became the queen of Egypt. Despite her glamorous image today, she is depicted on ancient coins with a long hooked nose and masculine features. Yet she was a very seductive woman. It was reported that she had a lovely singing voice, exuded great charm, and was very intelligent. She spoke nine languages (she was the first Ptolemy pharaoh who could actually speak Egyptian) and was considered a shrewd politician.

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Which sea can't you drown in?

No one can drown in the Dead Sea. It is 25 percent salt, which makes the water very heavy.

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