Thursday, December 17, 2020

Happy Last Day!

Message sent from Marana Unified School District

Good morning!

We made it to the end of what many would call the most challenging semester of school that students have ever experienced. This week, we have been working on completing final projects and submitting missing work. If anything in the gradebook seems incorrect or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me - please encourage your student to do so as well. While I try to catch all late work turned in, there are sometimes assignments that I don't notice until a student points it out to me.

I hope my students this year know how proud I am of them. Not all of them made it to every Zoom, not all of them turned in every assignment, but I know they all did the best they could during these times and they should all give themselves credit for that.

I'd also like to thank all of you for your support at home. I hope that everyone is able to enjoy a restful two weeks without Chromebooks or Zoom meetings.

Thank you, and have a wonderful rest of your week!

Alex Almeida
American Literature and English 1-2
Mountain View High School