September 13, 2019 Dear MUSD Parent/Guardian: It has been my greatest honor to serve as the Superintendent of the Marana Unified School District since July 2008. I have been surrounded by an outstanding, supportive Board, educators and staff that are consistently dedicated to the well-being of every one of our students, committed and engaged families, and a community that has consistently supported the District. To this end, it is with mixed emotions that I share with you that I will retire June 30, 2020. I have had a remarkable career where every day I had the pleasure to wake up and know that, together, we were capable of changing lives. However, I also realize it is time to let the next generation of leadership carry the torch for our students and staff. I am proud of the myriad of accomplishments that the District has achieved over the last eleven years. We have done some amazing work for our students and our community. It has been my goal from the beginning to serve the District with integrity and I hope that I have succeeded. Each individual in this District, regardless of their role, shares a common purpose and passion for serving your student. It is always our goal to continue to improve each year and to prepare every student to become successful citizens and lifelong learners. We are committed to inspiring, challenging, and empowering our students to achieve more than they believe they are capable of. There is no better place than Marana, and I am confident that great things will continue here. Again, thank you for your ongoing support. I wish you and your student the very best. Regards, Doug Wilson, Ed.D. Superintendent Attached: Letter |