MVHS Parents/Guardians and Students,
MVHS counselors and the College and Career Center, will be meeting with all of our freshmen students during this week through their English classes. We are excited to get to know them better and introduce them to some important places and people on campus.
Additionally, counselors will be meeting with sophomore and junior students this Thursday and Friday, to re-introduce ourselves and remind them of the services that the counseling office provides.
Next week, MVHS counselors and the College and Career Center, will be meeting with all of our senior students to complete their senior advisement. This will include a presentation from the College and Career Center on important dates/deadlines, scholarships, financial aid, etc. This advisement also includes a one-on-one meeting with their counselor, where we will discuss credits, post-high school plans, and graduation status. This information will be sent home with your student and be mailed home as well.
We encourage all MVHS students to get to know their counselor as soon as possible. The more we know about them and their future plans or any concerns they may have, the better we can help. If your student would like to make an appointment with their counselor, please have them see Ms. Sims in counseling
Counselor Assignments by Student's Last Name:
Ms. Anderson- A-B/CTE
Ms. Kati- C-Gor
Ms. Wampler- Gos- Marq
Ms. Crawford -Marr-Rol
Ms. Ruboyianes- Rom-Z
Ms. Sims -Secretary
Have a great week!
-MVHS Counseling
College and Career Center
Lori Wray and David Barnes
Please feel free to stop by, call-5794400 ext4474, or email
Voice of Democracy VFW Scholarship
What makes America Great? Audio Essay Competition-Open to 9-12 grades
Grand Prize $30,000
Come into the CCC for the application! Due Oct. 31, 2019
CAR (College Application Resource) Sept. 7th 9-2:00 at Tucson High School
Five College Visits, One Local Stop. Wednesday, Sept. 18th
Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Rice University, The University of Chicago
3rd Annual Emergency Services Career Fair for high school students-Oct. 25th 9-11:30 at Kino Sports Complex Contact Matt McGlone, 520-724-9309 or
TriUniversity Event Sept.11th 6:00
Southern Arizona Construction Career Days-Nov. 6th and 7th Come to the CCC for more information
CCC Events
An Air Force recruiter will be on campus during lunch the 3rd Monday of each month
A Marine recruiter will be on campus during lunch every Tuesday.
An Army recruiter will be on campus during lunch every Wednesday.
An Army National Guard recruiter will be on campus during lunch every Thursday.
UA Honors College-8/22/19-SUMMIT-Please sign up ahead of time!
GCU – Monday, Aug. 19th -10:31 (3rd period)
ASU-Tuesday, Aug. 20th 10:31 (3rd period)
UA-Sept. 5th-SUMMIT-Please sign up ahead of time!
The HEFAR Group Sept. 10th 6:00. In the College/Career Life Skills Building
TriUniversity Event-Sept. 11 6:00 in the Auditorium
Application workshop Sept. 12th-SUMMIT-Please sign up ahead of time!
Dartmouth Sept. 30 10:30
FAFSA Night Oct. 23 6:00pm in the Library
AZ College Consortium Fair-Oct. 25th 10:58am
Southern Arizona Construction Career Days-Nov. 6th and 7th Come to the CCC for more information
ASVAB –Nov. 26th-8:30am