Saturday, May 5, 2018

Physical Education: Good Morning, Falcon Parents...

We are winding down the year!  Grades are updated to reflect the extra credit offered to students during the school closure.  We have one final assignment this year for PE; this is in your student's google classroom now and will be available through Friday, May 11th at 2:35 p.m.  Students will be given time in class on Friday to complete this if they have not done so previously.
Swimming starts Monday.  Students who did not sign up for swimming will meet in the gym for a variety of activity options with Mr. Miller.  Students who did sign up to swim report directly to the pool with Mrs. Corner.
Locks will be collected on Friday, May 11th.  We will not expect students to dress out after locks are collected.  
For a prompt response, students who have questions or concerns of any kind can email Mrs. Corner.
Thank you for your support throughout the past semester!  Have a wonderful rest of your weekend...
Amy Corner & Patrick Miller