| Have you completed the Marana Unified School District's Portrait of a MUSD Graduate survey? Hurry, the survey closes at the end of the day, Friday, October 19. Everyone in our community has a voice and we hope you will participate in this exciting process. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete. To complete this short survey, please click on this link. Thank you for participating. Your contribution is greatly valued. We look forward to receiving your input. Warm Regards, Doug Wilson, Ed.D. Superintendent | | Inspiring students to learn today and lead tomorrow. 11279 W. Grier Road • Marana, Arizona 85653 • (520) 682-3243 • www.maranausd.org
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Marana USD | 11279 W. Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653 | 520-682-3243