Friday, April 24, 2020

Student check in

This is Mr. Allen, your student's summit teacher and case manager. I hope everyone is doing well.  I just wanted to check in and share a few pieces of information. 

On Monday, most if not all teachers will be sharing a "performance task" with your students. This is meant to be a slightly more involved task used to assess the knowledge that was learned during the Spring semester. If your student has any questions on performance tasks they should email that respective teacher or myself. 

I am available to meet via Zoom for any parent or student that has questions or concerns about anything (academic or non-academic) moving forward. Just email me or have your student email me if you want to schedule one of these meetings at any time. 

In general I just want you to feel that I am accessible and here to help. Please reach out if you need anything at all. 

Stay safe and take care, 
Mr. Allen