Monday, January 24, 2011

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============================================================================================================================ On 05/29/2010 06:27 PM, Andreas Vox wrote: Hi! After the discussion we had today at LGM about creating an Libre Graphics Foundation or similar, I'd like to make a proposal for the charter. I've concentrated on aims and membership, not procedures. As an umbrella organization, it should concentrate on connecting people and organizing partnerships between its members. The member organizations would actually carry out the projects. This would also keep costs and membership fees to a minimum. Ok, I'm expecting comments! /Andreas 0 Libre Graphics Libre Graphics is a term that describes the idea that people use floss tools to create and distribute free content. (needs expanding) 1 Name The name of the organization is Libre Graphics Network (TBD) Network seems a bit bland and ambiguous to me. I think it's worth trying to generate a number of possibilities, some admittedly not very good, yet sometimes bad ideas lead to unexpected better ideas. So if we begin to think of possible words which might fit into a framework like 'Libre Graphics X', here are some of my idease for X: Affiliation; Amalgamation; Assembly (or Assemblage - a legitimate English word); Association; Cartel; Chamber; Coalition; Commission; Committee; Confederation; Confluence; Congress; Consortium; Convergence; Cooperative; Council; Ensemble; Enterprise; Family; Fellowship; Forum; Foundation; Fraternity; Gang; Group; Guild; Harmony; Institute; League; Legion; Mob; Nexus; Partnership; Posse; Service; Society; Squad; Syndicate; Tribe; Troupe ; Union; Unity Again, these are just ideas to toss around coming from a thesaurus search. Greg _______________________________________________ CREATE mailing list CRE ... Bonsoir, Le compte-rendu de la réunion est en ligne : Pour rappel, les actions décidées lors de la réunion : * bochecha - faire la demande de la ML sur le Trac, en précisant tout ça * MrTom - réfléchit à expliciter le processus d'intégration de l'équipe de traduction du wiki - réfléchit à faire une grève symbolique des traducteur francophone de fedora * Bouska - envoyer un mail à la liste pour motiver les troupes * UNASSIGNED - lancer un appel à animateurs de stand sur le forum ---------- Mathieu Bridon _______________________________________________ fr-users mailing list fr-u ...