| | Meal Plans for Spring Break |  | | | March 9, 2021
Hello MUSD families,
We have exciting news for all of our MUSD students ahead of Spring Break! Spring Break Meal Kits will be provided to all students in the District. These Meal Kits are made possible due to a USDA Federal waiver so we can ensure our students have access to healthy meals during this challenging year.
Every student attending MUSD hybrid or remote will receive six breakfasts, six lunches, and 12 milk cartons for spring break. The meal kits contain a mix of frozen and ambient temperature breakfast and lunch food. The six breakfast and lunch meals will provide meals for them for Friday, 3/12, and through the week of Spring Break (March 15-19). Should a family not wish to receive the meal kits, please communicate this to your student(s) and have them decline at their school.
Meals will go home with in-person students at end of their last day in school before Spring Break: - 3/10/2021 Cohort A
- 3/11/2021 Cohort B
Remote student families can pick up their meal kits on Thursday, 3/11 during normal parent meal pick-up hours. Note that 3/11 is a half-day for all students and the pick-up time may be busier during dismissal. Other important food service reminders: - There will be no parent pick up meals on Friday, 3/12 since we are sending students home with food prior.
- Marana Cares Mobile will operate as planned during Spring Break:
- 11:00-12:00 pm: SE corner of Sandario Rd. and Anthony Rd. Next to the Marana Congregation of Jehovah's Witness Church
- 12:30-1:30 pm: 16560 W. El Tiro Rd. (El Tiro Rd. & Anway Rd) At the Marana Domestic Water Improvement District
- Grab and Go Meals will continue to be provided after Spring Break.
Thank you, MUSD Food Services | | | | | | |
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Marana USD | 11279 W. Grier Road, Marana, AZ 85653 | 520-682-3243