Parent/Guardian Speaker Event
As part of our High School Health and Wellness Grant, we work to raise students' awareness of the risks and harm of underage drinking, marijuana use, and the misuse and abuse of prescription medications. The Teen Maze we hosted for our sophomores this past October was designed for this purpose. Our hope is that our students' expanded awareness of the repercussions and consequences connected to drug and alcohol misuse will help them stay committed to making good life choices.
Knowing that families play the most important role in the success of students making good choices, another goal of the grant is to encourage students to talk with their families about the risks and harm of drugs and alcohol. To support this goal, we are hosting a parent/guardian event. On Wednesday, November 14, from 3:15pm-4:15pm in the library, a representative from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) will be presenting an information session relevant to this topic. We would love to see you there.
If you have any questions about this event or if you are interested in joining a parent focus group, please send an email to Karina Duarte with your name, phone number and preferred email address.
Questions about this grant, our goals and our work are always welcome. If you have, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Karina Duarte our Prevention Coach. She will be happy to answer your questions and explain the program.
Open Enrollment Now Open! Apply by Dec. 15!
All schools in the Marana Unified School District are open to all students, regardless of where they live!
A student who currently attends a District school through open enrollment does not have to complete an Open Enrollment Application Form for the subsequent school year as long as they remain at the same school.
If you know families that may be interested in attending our schools, encourage them to enroll now and be a part of an award-winning school district. We are confident we have a very special and educationally enriching experience to offer all of our students.
From the MVHS Front Office,
All students should have their student ID with them at all times. If your student needs one, they can get one in the Bookstore.
Office Hours for Mountain View are 7:00 AM to 3:45 PM
Students and Parents - The D-wing gate is now open in the morning, please pull forward to drop off your student. Students without a Zero Hour will be allowed on campus at 8:00 AM. Students arriving late after last bell will need to go to the front office to enter campus.
With our increased security measures, students being picked up early need to enter the office near the library rather than the back office doors.
Please do not park in the first 10 stops in front of the JTED building. Those are reserved for the preschool. Also, please do not make any U-turns in that area.
Just a friendly reminder that any ill student that needs to go home must report to the health office before calling a parent. They can call their parent from the office.
We will not send passes up if parent arrives before the student reports to the health office.
Student may ask their teacher for a health office pass.
Parents, if your child is ill and you call them out as such, please keep them home. This will keep the germs from spreading.
A Note from the Attendance Office
When a student's absence or late arrival may be excused, the parent/guardian should communicate with the Attendance Office so that the absence or late arrival will be appropriately recorded.
In order to request that an absence be excused, the parent/guardian must call and leave a message on the Attendance Line within 24 hours of the absence. The Attendance Line voicemail is available 24/7 at 520-579-4444. If a "request to excuse" message is not received, the attendance clerks will attempt to contact the parent/guardian so they may properly record the student's absence(s). If no response is received from the parent/guardian the absence(s) will be recorded as unexcused.
Unless excused, a student's late arrival(s) are recorded as "Unexcused Tardy/Late". If a parent/guardian would like to request that the late arrival(s) be excused, the parent/guardian must either come into the school with the student and provide the late excuse to the Front Office staff, or call the Attendance Line voicemail at 520-579-4444 and leave a "request to excuse" message for the late arrival. Please note: the Attendance Office does not contact parents/guardians regarding late arrivals.