Friday, August 10, 2018

English 1: English Class Week 1

Hi!  We are one week into the school year, and I thought I would quickly touch base with parents.  The first part of the week was dedicated to housekeeping issues, such as classroom expectations and objectives, but we have started our first reading assignment, "The Most Dangerous Game".  As homework this weekend, students should finish reading the last few pages of the short story, and be prepared to discuss the plot on Monday.  

Next week, they will be introduced to vocabulary lessons, and will complete a grammar diagnostic.  Both subjects will be covered weekly for the remainder of the school year, and will be assigned as practice outside of regularly scheduled class time.  

I am already impressed with the level of engagement and enthusiasm I'm seeing in this year's students!  It looks to be a great year!  Although we covered classroom expectations, I would ask that students remember to follow the rules regarding cellphones during instructional time.  They learn best when they are fully present.  I appreciate your help in this.  Thank you so much.

Don't forget MVHS open house on Wednesday evening.  Hope to see you then!  Have a great weekend!

Carolyn Marietta.