Thursday, April 21, 2016

arbcombo -- Webinar - Washington State Clean Air Rule to Cap and Reduce Carbon Pollution in Washington

California Air Resources Board staff is providing this notice to
interested parties regarding the proposed Washington State Clean
Air Rule. The draft rule, released in January 2016, proposed that
allowances and offset credits from the California Cap-and-Trade
Program could be used for compliance under the Washington State
Clean Air Rule. On April 7, 2016, the Washington Department of
Ecology released the following information:

"Earlier this year the Department of Ecology proposed the Clean
Air Rule that would cap and reduce carbon pollution in
Washington. Based on feedback we received from environmental and
industry stakeholders, we later withdrew the draft to allow more
time to continue working with stakeholders and to integrate
suggestions. Since withdrawing the rule, we've considered many
potential changes and refinements and would like to share our
latest thinking with you at our upcoming webinar."

What: Clean Air Rule Webinar
When: 2 – 3 p.m., Wednesday, April 27
Register here:

For more information about this rule, visit the Clean Air Rule
web hub at

For questions, please email Camille St. Onge at"


Cap-and-Trade Regulation

ARB first formally adopted the Cap-and-Trade Regulation in
October 2011. The Board has subsequently approved limited
amendments to the Regulation in June 2012, October 2013, April
2014, September 2014, and most recently June 2015. ARB staff is
developing staff proposals for 2016 amendments that will seek to
improve Program efficiency and chart post-2020 implementation of
the Program.

More information about ARB's Cap-and-Trade Program is available

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