Progress report grades were due yesterday but your student's grade has already been updated. Here are some helpful hints in understanding the updates.
1. No score for the reflection means your student is on the Leadership Team. They will begin adding scores this week.
2. A 50/50 for the reflection means your student was in class all week but did not complete a reflection. A 10% deduction was assessed for each day missed. This can be made up with the make-up options; instructions for doing this are found in google classroom.
3. All other reflection grades are pretty straight forward. A 10% deduction was assessed for each day missed and can be made up with the make-up options; instructions for doing this are found in google classroom.
4. Quiz #1 was taken 8/31 (or later if your student was absent). This quiz was one question and was worth five points. Students either have a "0" or a "5".
Practice Quiz:
We will have another quiz on Friday. Today we loaded a practice quiz into google classroom. It will be available through tomorrow afternoon. Students can take this two question quiz as much as they want to practice for the quiz on Friday. It will tell them what they missed and what the correct answer was. Very few students took advantage of the first practice quiz. Please encourage your student to practice for this week's quiz, worth 10 points (two questions), by taking the practice quiz!
Extra Credit:
We want to encourage Falcon families to get active together and we will be offering students the opportunity to earn extra credit by doing so. Students can earn up to 50 points of extra credit by taking advantage of this. To earn the maximum amount of extra credit, students should: 1) plan a fun physical activity that lasts at least 60 minutes for their family to participate in together, 2) get the entire family to participate, 3) answer follow-up reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully and 4) upload a picture or video of the family activity. Reflection questions will be made available to students in their google classroom, by request, upon completion of their activity. We will talk to students about this extra credit opportunity in class this week and will also continue to send information and reminders to parents.
Thanks, Patrick Miller