Thursday, December 8, 2016

arbcombo -- UPDATE: Notice of Public Workshops on the Revised Proposed Short-lived Climate Pollutant Strategy and Draft EA

The Air Resources Board is updating a listserv notice sent on
Monday, November 28, 2016.

The Air Resources Board is updating a listserv notice sent on
Monday, November 28, 2016. A series of three public workshops
will be held for the Revised Draft Short-Live Climate Pollutant
Reduction Strategy (Revised Draft Strategy) and the Revised Draft
Environmental Analysis (Revised Draft EA). The workshop held in
Fresno, CA on December 12, 2016 will not have a webcast
available, unlike what was previously announced. We apologize for
the inconvenience and encourage members of the public who were
planning on participating in the Fresno webcast to attend in
person or participate in webcasts that will be made available for
the subsequent Diamond Bar and Sacramento workshops. Please
review the updated public notice available at:

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