Friday, August 15, 2014

cc -- September 9 Public Workshop on U.S. EPAs Clean Power Plan

The Air Resources Board (ARB) staff invites you to participate in
a public workshop to discuss the United States Environmental
Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan, also
known as 111(d), to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from
existing fossil fueled power plants.

The workshop will be held on September 9, 2014 at the CalEPA
Headquarters Building, Byron Sher Auditorium located at 1001 I
Street, Second Floor, Sacramento, California 95814.

A copy of the workshop notice can be found at:

For those unable to attend in person, a live internet broadcast
(webcasting) will be available.

As part of President Obama's 2013 Climate Action Plan, U.S. EPA
proposed on June 2, 2014 the Clean Power Plan (proposed rule),
also known as 111(d), to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from
existing fossil fueled power plants. The proposed rule can be
found at:
Using four general measures called "building blocks", the
proposed rule looks beyond traditional source-specific measures,
and seeks to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector as a
whole through mechanisms such as improved energy efficiency, both
on the generation and demand sides, and encourages the
development of renewable energy resources. Because of the
interconnectedness of the western power grid, the proposed rule
allows states the option to work together in developing
compliance plans. ARB and state energy agency staff are
currently exploring these opportunities for coordination with
other western states that participate in the Western Electricity
Coordinating Council and/or Pacific Coast Collaborative.

Staff plans to present an overview of U.S. EPA's proposed rule,
including a brief discussion of how U.S. EPA applied the four
building blocks to establish California's emission limits. In
addition, staff will share their analysis of the impacts of the
proposed rule on existing energy and AB 32 programs and discuss
our preliminary comments on elements of the proposed rule we plan
to support and where we have identified concerns. The workshop
is an opportunity to hear the views of stakeholders and to
reflect/incorporate these views, where possible, in the State's
comment letter that will be submitted to U.S. EPA prior to the
October 16, 2014 deadline. Potential issues for discussion
include enforceability, interstate energy efficiency and
renewable energy crediting, and potential strategies for
collaboration with other western states as a part of joint
compliance options. Staff from the ARB, CEC, and CPUC will be
present to answer questions from workshop attendees.

Additional Information
Presentations, agendas, as well as any additional material, will
be available prior to the workshop at: Hard
copies of materials will also be available on the day of the

If you have a disability-related accommodation need, please go
to: for assistance, or
contact the ADA Coordinator at (916) 323-4916. If you are a
person who needs assistance in a language other than English,
please contact the Bilingual Coordinator at (916) 324-5049.

We welcome your participation in this workshop. If you have
questions regarding the workshop, please call Mr. Christopher
Gallenstein, Staff Air Pollution Specialist, at (916) 324-8017 or
via email at

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