FINAL NOTICE: LivePerson Psychics are now on KASAMBA! Dear Affiliate, You may already know by now that after many months of planning and hard work, in October we unveiled the first step of our Consumer business strategy. We re-launched Kasamba.com specifically for our network of Spiritual Advisors; it was running parallel to the LivePerson Experts platform for the last few months. Please take note that within the next week the entire Spirituality category on LivePerson Experts will officially be redirected to Kasamba.com (still a LivePerson company). Our Experts and existing clients are fully aware of this transition. If you have any destination URLs to LivePerson Psychics we have taken proper steps to ensure the redirect goes smoothly and tracks properly. No extra work required on your end, except if you have your own text typed out with reference to LivePerson or a Banner with a LivePerson logo, we suggest having that changed. Our goal has always been to create meaningful connections between clients seeking advice and those providing it. We are reforming the way we'll do that with LivePerson's Experts. We are moving into creating different vertical-focused products rather than one central marketplace, which will ensure our clients receive a user experience that is tailored to their intent and interest, focused on what they are looking for. We're already receiving great feedback about the new Kasamba from Experts, Clients and Partners. Particularly with the mobile version and recently introduced Tablet Chat available in HTML5. There are lots of new features in the pipeline that will be sure to enhance the user experience and help you increase your sales. And if you are still registered on MyAp and haven't transitioned to our Impact Radius affiliate platform with it's automated billing and robust tracking features, now is the time, please apply to the program here. We are looking to sunset MyAp in the near future. Looking forward to a successful 2014! Questions, comments, concerns? Brian Schwartz Affiliate Manager bschwartz@liveperson.com Skype: bschwartz4275 Phone: 212-609-4275 * Ask me about our "Add to Balance" Coupons for New Client Promotions * |
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