Wednesday, January 22, 2014

arbcombo -- February 5 Cap-and-Trade Workshop on Border Carbon Adjustment for the Cement Sector

Please save February 5, 2014 for a public workshop to discuss
potential inclusion of cement importers in the California
Cap-and-Trade Program in the second compliance period using a
border carbon adjustment mechanism.

TOPIC: Border Carbon Adjustment for the Cement Sector
DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
TIME: 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm
LOCATION: Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA HQ Building,
1001 "I" Street, Sacramento

This workshop will kick off the public process to consider
regulatory amendments that would include cement importers as an
additional covered sector subject to the California Cap-and-Trade
Regulation (Regulation) in the second compliance period using a
border carbon adjustment mechanism, potentially in concert with
free allocation. Border adjustment is a mechanism that would
create a compliance obligation for importers similar to the
obligation faced by the same industry within California. Free
allocation could be provided using a similar methodology as for
in-state producers. The workshop will begin the discussion of
the best method for inclusion of a border carbon adjustment
mechanism, including whether the newly covered entities would be
included under the current cap or in a separate allowance budget.

Staff will discuss options and technical considerations for
including cement importers as part of the Regulation. The options
would require consistent compliance obligations for importers
compared to existing covered entities while maintaining market
stringency and flexibility. Topics will include:
• Border carbon adjustment in the context of the California
Cap-and-Trade Regulation
• Border carbon adjustment mechanism (BCA) program design
o Scope and applicability
o Program framework & stringency
The agenda and presentation materials for the workshop will be
available on ARB's Cap-and-Trade Workshops and Meetings webpage:

All interested stakeholders are invited to attend. A live webcast
of the meeting will be
available at:

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