Thursday, January 30, 2014
Sir Edmond Newton
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
arbcombo -- Discussion Draft of 15-day Changes to the California Cap On Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms
draft of 15-day changes to the proposed amendments to the
California Cap On Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms (Regulation) on Friday, January 31, 2014 at
noon Pacific Time.
The discussion draft will include the full regulatory text with
specific modifications clearly indicated. The proposed
modifications are open for public comment as part of this
informal rulemaking process until February 14, 2014. ARB is
soliciting comment on the discussion draft 15-day changes during
this time.
The discussion draft will be posted at:
The associated formal regulatory materials can be accessed from
our website at the address:
Please submit any comments here:
In late February, ARB will make available the formal 15-day
"Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability
of Additional Documents and Information." This formal 15-day
package is the version that will be considered for Board adoption
at the April 2014 Board hearing.
Your comments should only address the proposed modifications.
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation
changes may be directed to Ms. Elizabeth Scheehle, Manager,
Climate Change Program Development Section, at (916) 322-7630.
The California Cap-and-Trade Regulation was formally adopted by
the Board in 2011. In response to Board direction and further
discussions with stakeholders, staff began a public process to
propose amendments for Board consideration in Fall 2013.
On September 6, 2013, Staff released a Notice of Public Hearing
to Consider Amendments to the California Cap on Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms. Following the
45-day comment period, the Board considered the proposed
amendments at its meeting on October 25, 2013. At its October
25, 2013 public hearing, the Board approved Resolution 13-44
directing staff to consider additional modifications to the
proposed amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation as part of a
subsequent 15-day rulemaking package.
Board Resolution 13-44 and Attachment A are posted on the ARB
Cap-and-Trade website at:
More information on the Cap-and Trade Program may be found on the
Program website:
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Monday, January 27, 2014
Re: SEO and Content Writer Expert
Hope you are well.
On Saturday, January 18, 2014 12:53 PM, I sent you an email Re: SEO and Content Writer Expert for your
I just want to confirm that did you receive my last mail?
Haven't heard back from you, just wondering if you interested in our services.
Please do let us know if you are interested, I will be more than happy to send you the quotation for SEO, Web Design, Web Development, SMO and One way link building Packages. For you reference we will also share our current Projects, clients Testimonials and Methodology.
I am looking forward to a positive response.
Kind Regards,
Deepali lakhera
Hope you are well.
I am Deepali, Business Development Manager.
We are an Online Marketing firm with over 5 years of experience in the domain.
I was on your site and can see you are an online service provider.
Content in any Online Marketing Campaign is one of the most crucial factors to make the campaign a success. However, in most cases the content is not good either in terms of user perspective or in terms of search engines.
Allow me to offer you our Web Copywriting Services. We work hard to deliver a hassle free and time bound copywriting service to our clients so that they don’t’ have to wait forever for a content piece.
Do let me know if your views are n line with mine and you are facing such a situation with your current service provider.
I look forward to your response.
We are based in Out of Delhi- NCR. We are providing some Special Offers.
Kind Regards,
Name: - Deepali lakhera
Post: Business Development Manager
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
arbcombo -- February 5 Cap-and-Trade Workshop on Border Carbon Adjustment for the Cement Sector
potential inclusion of cement importers in the California
Cap-and-Trade Program in the second compliance period using a
border carbon adjustment mechanism.
TOPIC: Border Carbon Adjustment for the Cement Sector
DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
TIME: 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm
LOCATION: Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA HQ Building,
1001 "I" Street, Sacramento
This workshop will kick off the public process to consider
regulatory amendments that would include cement importers as an
additional covered sector subject to the California Cap-and-Trade
Regulation (Regulation) in the second compliance period using a
border carbon adjustment mechanism, potentially in concert with
free allocation. Border adjustment is a mechanism that would
create a compliance obligation for importers similar to the
obligation faced by the same industry within California. Free
allocation could be provided using a similar methodology as for
in-state producers. The workshop will begin the discussion of
the best method for inclusion of a border carbon adjustment
mechanism, including whether the newly covered entities would be
included under the current cap or in a separate allowance budget.
Staff will discuss options and technical considerations for
including cement importers as part of the Regulation. The options
would require consistent compliance obligations for importers
compared to existing covered entities while maintaining market
stringency and flexibility. Topics will include:
• Border carbon adjustment in the context of the California
Cap-and-Trade Regulation
• Border carbon adjustment mechanism (BCA) program design
o Scope and applicability
o Program framework & stringency
The agenda and presentation materials for the workshop will be
available on ARB's Cap-and-Trade Workshops and Meetings webpage:
All interested stakeholders are invited to attend. A live webcast
of the meeting will be
available at:
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Saturday, January 18, 2014
SEO and Content Writer Expert
Hope you are well.
I am Deepali , Business Development Manager.
We are an Online Marketing firm with over 5 years of experience in the domain.
I was on your site and can see you are an online service provider.
Content in any Online Marketing Campaign is one of the most crucial factors to make the campaign a success. However, in most cases the content is not good either in terms of user perspective or in terms of search engines.
Allow me to offer you our Web Copywriting Services. We work hard to deliver a hassle free and time bound copywriting service to our clients so that they don’t’ have to wait forever for a content piece.
Do let me know if your views are n line with mine and you are facing such a situation with your current service provider.
I look forward to your response.
We are based in Out of Delhi- NCR. We are providing some Special Offers.
Kind Regards,
Name: - Deepali lakhera
Post: Business Development Manager
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Important Update
FINAL NOTICE: LivePerson Psychics are now on KASAMBA! Dear Affiliate, You may already know by now that after many months of planning and hard work, in October we unveiled the first step of our Consumer business strategy. We re-launched specifically for our network of Spiritual Advisors; it was running parallel to the LivePerson Experts platform for the last few months. Please take note that within the next week the entire Spirituality category on LivePerson Experts will officially be redirected to (still a LivePerson company). Our Experts and existing clients are fully aware of this transition. If you have any destination URLs to LivePerson Psychics we have taken proper steps to ensure the redirect goes smoothly and tracks properly. No extra work required on your end, except if you have your own text typed out with reference to LivePerson or a Banner with a LivePerson logo, we suggest having that changed. Our goal has always been to create meaningful connections between clients seeking advice and those providing it. We are reforming the way we'll do that with LivePerson's Experts. We are moving into creating different vertical-focused products rather than one central marketplace, which will ensure our clients receive a user experience that is tailored to their intent and interest, focused on what they are looking for. We're already receiving great feedback about the new Kasamba from Experts, Clients and Partners. Particularly with the mobile version and recently introduced Tablet Chat available in HTML5. There are lots of new features in the pipeline that will be sure to enhance the user experience and help you increase your sales. And if you are still registered on MyAp and haven't transitioned to our Impact Radius affiliate platform with it's automated billing and robust tracking features, now is the time, please apply to the program here. We are looking to sunset MyAp in the near future. Looking forward to a successful 2014! Questions, comments, concerns? Brian Schwartz Affiliate Manager Skype: bschwartz4275 Phone: 212-609-4275 * Ask me about our "Add to Balance" Coupons for New Client Promotions * |
30,000 experts, live, at | Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. We sent you this e-mail because your communication settings indicate that you want to receive Affiliate Newsletters. To unsubscribe, please email us at with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Visit our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy or contact us if you have any questions. To ensure you continue to receive our special offers, be sure to add to your contact list or address book. Click here to learn how. 475 10th Ave, New York, NY 10018 |
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
arbcombo -- CARB Diesel & LSI Compliance/Retrofit Training - JANUARY 2014
training courses in January, including a new course focusing on
the Truck and Bus Regulation. These courses will help diesel &
LSI vehicle owners, operators, fleet managers,brokers, dealers,
and maintenance personnel understand requirements and
technologies for complying with California's diesel and LSI
vehicle regulations. There is no charge for these courses.
Course #504 - In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation
Provides an overview of the Off-Road Regulation, including
applicability, requirements currently in effect, future
compliance requirements, and an overview of the Diesel Off-Road
Online Reporting System (DOORS).
January 23 - Wilmington (9:00-12:00)
For more information and to register for 504, please go to
Course #505 - Large Spark-Ignition Fleet Regulation Training.
Provides an overview of the LSI Fleet Regulation, including
applicability,requirements currently in effect, compliance
extensions, and enforcement activities.
January 23 - Wilmington (1:30-3:00)
For more information and to register for 505, please go to
COURSE #511.2 – Overview of Diesel Emission Control Strategies.
Briefly discusses diesel emissions and health effects; diesel
emission control technology; DPF construction and application;
and maintenance necessary for successful DPF operation. (For
more comprehensive training on diesel after-treatment devices,
please attend Course #511).
January 22 - Eureka (1:00-3:30)
For more information and to register for 511.2, please go to
**NEW COURSE** #521 – How to Comply with the Truck and Bus
Focuses on compliance with CARB's Truck and Bus Regulation;
reporting (Jan 31 deadline); proposed changes to the regulation;
and includes brief summaries of other diesel regulations,
resources, and contact information. (For more comprehensive
training on CARB diesel regulations, please attend Course #520)
January 15 - Webinar (9:00-11:00)
January 21 & 22 - Eureka (9:00-11:00)
January 22 - El Centro (9:00-11:00)
January 22 - Marysville (1:30-3:30)
January 23 - Victorville (9:00-11:00)
January 24 - Red Bluff-2 sessions (10:00-12:00 & 1:00-3:00)
January 27 - Webinar (5:00-7:00pm)
January 29 - Webinar (9:00-11:00)
For more information and to register for 521, please go to
Please check the webpages for each course for revisions,
cancellations, and additional sessions.
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Want to See Your Website in Top 3 Position on Google
Would you like to see your website in Top 3 Position on Google and other major Search Engines?
We generate unique traffic based on your business, and we’re not using the old SEO techniques that everyone does.
We use latest techniques which prefer by Google to make the website better searchable by the users.
We will analysis your website and send full SEO proposal with plan and activity which will implement on your website.
Note: We have some special offer this season!
Look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
Claire Bell
Online SEO Consultant