Wednesday, August 25, 2010

arbcombo -- Changes in upcoming diesel workshops

Staff of the Air Resources Board (ARB) is making some changes to
the upcoming series of 5 statewide workshops pertaining to the
Regulation for In-Use Off-Road Diesel Fueled Fleets (off-road
regulation), the In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Vehicles
Regulation (truck and bus regulation), and the In-Use On-Road
Diesel-Fueled Heavy-Duty Drayage Trucks Regulation (drayage truck

Staff is postponing tomorrow's workshop in Fresno (August 26th)
to Friday, September 3, 2010. The time and locations of the
workshop, including videoconferencing with Bakersfield and
Modesto, remains unchanged.

The other workshops remain in place:
El Monte - Tuesday, August 31, 2010
San Diego - Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sacramento - Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oakland - Wednesday, September 8, 2010

At all of the workshops, staff will provide an update on the
changes to the emissions inventories underlying the off-road
regulation, the truck and bus regulation and the drayage truck
regulation as originally planned. However, ARB staff needs
additional time to evaluate and explore appropriate regulatory
proposals and consider their economic impact on affected
stakeholders, determine the effect of any changes on emissions
over the next decade, and determine how to best protect public
health in light of the health impacts of fine particle pollution
(PM2.5) currently underway. Once this work is complete, ARB
staff will schedule additional workshops regarding the modified
proposals so that we may receive stakeholder feedback and
comments on the proposed amendments.

The workshop notice and presentation can be viewed at: or

For general information, please contact ARB's Diesel Hotline at
866-6DIESEL (866-634-3735), or by email at

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