Tuesday, April 4, 2017

arbcombo -- ARB Research Seminar: Modeling Household Vehicle-Transportation Choice/Usage - Part A: Voluntary Choice of Low Vehicle Ownership/Usage

Patricia Mokhtarian, PhD
Georgia Institute of Technology
Giovanni Circella, PhD
Georgia Institute of Technology/University of California, Davis.

Monday, April 24, 2017 at 1:30 p.m., PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California

California has adopted regional plans to reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions through coordinated transportation and land use
planning as required by Senate Bill 375 (SB 375, the Sustainable
Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008) and has committed
to reducing overall statewide GHG emissions by 40% below the 1990
levels by 2030 through Senate Bill 32 (SB 32, the California
Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006). In order to meet both of
these goals, significant changes in household transportation
choices must be made. For more go to the announcement at:

Main menu:

Webcast: https://video.calepa.ca.gov

Please send your-e-mail for the Q&A participation
to: sierrarm@calepa.ca.gov

For more information please contact:
Melanie Zauscher, Ph.D. at (916) 322-0516 or

For more information on the Seminar Series please contact:
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or Peter.Mathews@arb.ca.gov

To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.

California is in a drought emergency.
Visit www.SaveOurH2O.org for water conservation tips.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .