Wednesday, February 22, 2017

arbcombo -- March 2017 SB 375 Regional GHG Target Update Workshops

Staff at the California Air Resources Board (ARB) invites you to
participate in workshops on updates to Senate Bill 375 regional
passenger vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets
for California's Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO).

The workshops will be held at the locations and dates below, and
will follow the same format and presentation.

LOS ANGELES: March 7, 2017

SACRAMENTO: March 9, 2017 (also webcast)

FRESNO: March 14, 2017

For more information on these workshops, visit the ARB SB 375
website and see the meeting notice at:

We encourage your participation and look forward to your input.
For any questions regarding these workshops, please contact Ms.
Lezlie Kimura Szeto, Manager of the Sustainable Communities
Policy and Planning Section at or call
(916) 327-5985.

If you would like to receive notices of future meetings and the
availability of materials, please sign up for our list serve at:


Senate Bill 375 (SB 375), the Sustainable Communities and Climate
Protection Act of 2008, requires MPOs to add a Sustainable
Communities Strategy (SCS) to their Regional Transportation
Plans. The intent of the SCS is to better integrate land use and
transportation policies to meet long-term sustainability goals.
To help guide these regional planning efforts, ARB is required to
establish regional GHG emission reduction targets for 2020 and
2035. ARB adopted initial targets for the MPO regions in 2010.

ARB is required to update the targets at least every eight years,
and may revise them every four years. In August 2014, ARB staff
released a preliminary draft staff report on the status of SB 375
efforts and factors that ARB could consider during development of
the methodology to update the targets. ARB staff discussed this
preliminary draft staff report at three public workshops during
September 2014 and presented the report to the Board in October

Throughout 2015, ARB staff continued to engage stakeholders and
the MPOs on the target update process. In September 2015, ARB
staff requested target recommendations from the MPOs by spring
2016. Some MPOs requested more time to conduct additional
scenario analysis and testing and provided target recommendations
to ARB in late 2016. Simultaneously, ARB staff, through the
development of ARB's Mobile Source Strategy, has evaluated how
technology, fuels, and the transportation system need to
transform to meet the State's air quality and climate objectives.
This work has also formed the foundational strategies for
transportation in the proposed 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan
Update. These workshops are an opportunity for ARB staff to
share information received to date and present preliminary target
update concepts.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .