Governor Brown will post a letter to ARB with findings regarding
the linkage of the California and Québec Cap-and-Trade Programs
pursuant to SB 1018 today. The letter from Governor Brown will be
available here:
On May 9, 2012, ARB staff noticed amendments to the Board to
effectuate linkage between the California and Québec
Cap-and-Trade Programs. Subsequent to the notice, Senate Bill
1018 was enacted requiring state agencies to notify the Governor
that the agency intends to take such action to link with another
greenhouse gas emissions trading program, and the Governor must
make specified findings prior to the agency taking action to
approve the linkage.
On February 22, 2013, ARB's Executive Officer sent a letter to
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. (Governor). The letter requests
that the Governor consider and make four findings that are
necessary before the ARB can adopt a regulation that would link
the greenhouse gas emissions trading programs developed in
parallel by California and the Province of Québec. Links to the
letter and attachments as well as other information regarding
linkage is available here:
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needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .