Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
workshop on new offset protocol development Thursday, March 28,
2013 focusing on evaluating the technical details of adding
protocols for Coal Mine Methane Projects and Rice Cultivation
Projects to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation. During this workshop
ARB announced that the public comment period would be open until
5 pm on Monday, April 22nd. Due to a technical error that
temporarily prevented the submission of written comments, written
comments will now be accepted online at:
http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/comments.htm until 5 pm on
Tuesday, April 23, 2013.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep, ghg-ver, offsets.
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .
Friday, April 19, 2013
arbcombo -- CARB Diesel Compliance Training APRIL-MAY 2013
FREE training courses in late April and May. These courses will
help diesel vehicle owners and operators, brokers, dealers,
maintenance personnel, and fleet managers understand requirements
and technologies for complying with California's diesel vehicle
COURSE #511 – Diesel Exhaust After-Treatment Devices.
Discusses diesel particulate matter and health effects; diesel
engine PM and NOx production and control strategies; DPF theory,
types, regeneration, and application; and regulations associated
with particulate filters.
April 25, Selma (8:00-3:00)
May 7, San Luis Obispo (8:30-4:00)
May 14, Vallejo (8:30-3:30)
For more information and to register for 511, please go to
COURSE #520 – How to Comply with CARB Diesel Regulations.
This course reviews the inspection process, discusses the
consequences of non-compliance, and explains how to comply with
CARB's regulations affecting most diesel vehicles and equipment
operating in the State. This course is for truck owners,
operators, brokers, dispatchers, and fleet managers, who are all
responsible for complying with these regulations.
April 23, Selma (1:00-4:30pm)
April 23-25, 3-part Webinar Series (3:00-4:30pm PST)
April 30, Sonora (1:00-4:30pm)
May 6, Nevada City (1:00-4:30pm)
May 7, Redding (4:00-6:00pm)
May 8, San Luis Obispo (8:30am-12:00pm)
May 14, Webinar (8:30am-12:00pm PST)
May 16, Santa Rosa (location & time TBA)
May 17, Ukiah (1:00-4:30)
May 29, Bishop (8:30am-12:00pm)
May 30, Lancaster (8:30am-12:00pm)
For more information and to register for 520, please go to
To see a list of all CARB training courses available please
visit https://ssl.arb.ca.gov/training/courselist.php
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing mtaviani@arb.ca.gov.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, hdghg,
inuseidling, onrdiesel, ordiesel, porttruck, training,
truck-idling, tru.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
arbcombo -- ARB Workshop on Potential Adjustments Related to CHP in the Cap-and-Trade Program
from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm to address potential adjustments
related to Universities, Combined Heat and Power 'But For'
facilities, and holders of legacy contracts within the
Cap-and-Trade Regulation.
ARB will present staff proposals to address issue areas
identified in the ARB Board Resolution from the September 2012
Board Meeting, Resolution 12-33
http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/res12-33.pdf. The potential
regulatory changes that result from this workshop will be brought
to the Board for approval in the fall of 2013. Other elements
identified in the resolution will be discussed in later
workshops. This workshop will consider a proposed methodology to
allocate allowances to California universities that recognizes
early action to reduce GHG emissions through energy efficiency
and Combined Heat and Power (CHP); and a proposed methodology to
provide transition assistance to covered entities that have a
compliance obligation cost that cannot be reasonably recovered
due to a legacy contract. Staff will also present a proposal to
exempt emissions from steam and waste heat generated by
facilities that would not have been covered entities 'but for'
the choice to improve efficiency by installing CHP.
Workshop materials will be posted prior to the workshop on ARB's
Cap-and-Trade Workshops and Meetings webpage:
DATE: May 1, 2013
TIME: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
A live webcast of the meeting will be available at
The California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms Regulation went into effect on January 1,
In Resolution 12-33,
http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/res12-33.pdf the Board
directed ARB staff to work with stakeholders and state agencies
to develop methodologies for allowance allocation to University
covered entities; to develop a regulatory methodology to exempt
'but for' CHP steam emissions from a compliance obligation; and
to develop a methodology that provides transition assistance to
covered entities that have a compliance obligation that cannot be
reasonably recovered due to a legacy contract. At this technical
workshop, staff will discuss proposals, initiate stakeholder
participation, and solicit stakeholder input on these proposals.
Special accommodation or language needs can be provided for any
of the following:
• An interpreter to be available at the hearing;
• Documents made available in an alternate format or another
• A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
To request these special accommodations or language needs, please
contact the Stationary Source Division at (916) 322-2037 as soon
as possible, but no later than 10 business days before the
scheduled meeting. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711
for the California Relay Service.
For more information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program,
please go to:
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following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-dis-verifiers, ghg-rep,
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .
Hey Robert, do you have Mobile Traffic?
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Monday, April 8, 2013
arbcombo -- Governor Browns Findings on Linkage of the California and Québec Cap-and-Trade Programs To Be Posted
the linkage of the California and Québec Cap-and-Trade Programs
pursuant to SB 1018 today. The letter from Governor Brown will be
available here: http://gov.ca.gov/news.php?id=17933
On May 9, 2012, ARB staff noticed amendments to the Board to
effectuate linkage between the California and Québec
Cap-and-Trade Programs. Subsequent to the notice, Senate Bill
1018 was enacted requiring state agencies to notify the Governor
that the agency intends to take such action to link with another
greenhouse gas emissions trading program, and the Governor must
make specified findings prior to the agency taking action to
approve the linkage.
On February 22, 2013, ARB's Executive Officer sent a letter to
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. (Governor). The letter requests
that the Governor consider and make four findings that are
necessary before the ARB can adopt a regulation that would link
the greenhouse gas emissions trading programs developed in
parallel by California and the Province of Québec. Links to the
letter and attachments as well as other information regarding
linkage is available here:
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subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep, ghgverifiers, ghg-ver.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/listserv.php and enter
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .
Friday, April 5, 2013
arbcombo -- Summary of Potential Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation
process in 2013 to make potential amendments to the Cap-and-Trade
Staff is providing a summary of the areas that may be subject to
amendment through a full stakeholder process for this year. The
summary of potential amendments will be published on the ARB
website at 12:00 pm (noon) Pacific Time on Tuesday, April 9,
The summary will be posted on ARB's website at:
The summary will also include a list of upcoming workshops
related to the potential amendments.
For more information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program,
please go to:
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subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-dis-verifiers, ghg-rep,
ghgverifiers, ghg-ver, offsets.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/listserv.php and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at www.flexalert.org .