Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Veronica Belmont, dick costolo, and 5 others have Tweets for you

WeList Tw. Shorthand,
Here's what's happening on Twitter
  WeList Tw. Shorthand
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Accused Tucson shooter mentally fit, pleads guilty
Jared Lee Loughner expected to be sentenced to life in prison after being found competent months after deadly shooting rampage
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CBS News

Amazon Quietly Closes Security Hole After Journalist's Devastating Hack
Amazon changed its customer privacy policies on Monday, closing security gaps that were exploited in the identity hacking of Wired reporter Mat Honan on Friday.
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Veronica Belmont

How Amy Jo Martin Became 'Digital Royalty'
Mashable sat down with Martin to talk about how she built her business and got the NBA on board with social media.
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Amy: Digital Royalty

'Just Illegalize Us Already,' Nation's Assault Weapons Beg
WASHINGTON—In the wake of the shooting that left seven dead at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI, the nation's assault weapons held a press conference today in which they pleaded with lawmakers to please just make them…
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The Onion

Dungeon Village
Kairosoft's latest simulation takes on a world of dragons, loot, and heroes. Check out what this adventure has in store for you.
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Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity 06 Aug
Look out below! What descent to the surface of Mars looked like from my POV #MSL #MARDI [video]
Retweeted by Wil Wheaton and 4993 others
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Dana Contreras @DanaDanger 07 Aug
Unclear on what "level 3 community warning" entails. Are we talking "kill and eat the backyard squirrels" or "put pants on just in case"?
Retweeted by dick costolo and 33 others
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David Calkins @Mister_Robotics 06 Aug
Putting a robot on Mars: $2.5 billion. TSA budget 2012: $7.85 billion. And the robot works.
Retweeted by Wil Wheaton and 3062 others
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Abbey @Just_Abbey 07 Aug
@wilw "SPIDER. SPIDER ON THE CEILING." #intensecats
Retweeted by Wil Wheaton and 102 others
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Matt Crissinger @notevenhere 07 Aug
@wilw Since you're doing cat pics... This is my zombie kitten.
Retweeted by Wil Wheaton and 70 others
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