Friday, December 1, 2006

Monday, September 4th, 2006
11:57 pm
let's get sleepy now. backwards grates the dry minds eyes to a chili 119. young thick dark proportioned bag-kicking walks, yours and mind all day into trashy foods. pink icing and uncannily similar green-specked, undulating chips off the bold block.
away wasted haunted hours on the borders of Cumming, Dicking
with my palNick and the shit he passed out with corn and a vitamin.

so, real quick now before we back up all the way to bedSleep, let us pray. Mod slant me the tenacity to axe the things we cannot change, the merge to fuck the things i can, and the pissy/dumb to snow the difference. amen
Sunday, September 3rd, 2006
11:48 pm
squish press kneed this All into in too
expensive and pleasand ant killer
where, only there, at irish pub that serves mango juice with croissants. of course we went to church all day. like this.
real quick before we get the final baptism sudden and cold, let's walk to church through the woods on past the cannons. Then
let's hear the choir rock and sing. We thought angels were dancing to the music and one flew
up over the pews. No dues, but to one collection for the needy folks from Virginia Beach. Maybe it's the surf there that drowns
every thing else, forcing you to yell. And
the preacher and
his daughter got all caught up in the sermon until these 78 year-old women learned to shop at Harry's teeter.
but leave the eggs for next week's pub night, good night.
good night, all.
Monday, August 28th, 2006
1:56 pm
met a man in a gypped land
i met a man in egypt land
starting for my major
"come to me" he said to me; my dark horse and i,
we followed


into battle
inches away, no sooner than day
parted night's blanket, his narcissism stable,
our man lead the way through fog as thick as cable.

tell a
television's the past, mrs. beasley's dolled down,
soaps become lyes, tears there have dried.
men again standing

men again standing forward and aft
men again standing for what they're able.

"don't touch their wounds" our man repeats
"always keep beats, ahead for their heads. Make
keeps for your own
hearts, pyramid their dead
to the far side

far side is victories" he said
probably mislabeled mislabled

we took them down, indeedly

1:43 pm
Perfect Response to beggars: "runtussel?" "mahnoy, ingish" or for sales, or meanies, or crazy. or just when i feel like being.... lazy.

Perfect way to get money: Silently hand out: stickers. If they take one, then ask for donation.

Perfect restaurant "Gaupo" with perfect margaritta: tequila, lemon juice, orange liquer . sangria: cognac, rum, wine, fruit pieces splashed over ice

perfect bath: cold (face and hair prewashed)
Friday, August 25th, 2006
9:52 am
wind twisted what i had in mind to quick quote.. comletely Out into this
prime that was when storms brewed in the back of my massive hair, barely even lifting one out of place.
but then again now hurricanes storm inside my brain, having me forget people can actually walk the streets, the sun can actually still shine. wine is still wine, served in a beautiful crystal glass by the meditaranian's own man.. servant
... to pucker-skinned, paled-face, t-shirted, stooped-over, violent old me with all the hair in the world buzzed off except 38, yet still two of those short greying hairs he saw mashed.
trashed, they'd caught mere wind like disease.

mine is still, mine. time is still time. rhyme.. that's even still rhyme. brine, is still brine. but
.that don't grow on trees round here no more, sonny.

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