Truck owners and operators; you're invited to attend a 2016-2017
One Stop Truck Event for compliance assistance and
information/resources on clean technology options for compliance.
Visit the One Stop Truck Event Webpage for information on event
dates/locations and to sign up to attend:
One Stop Truck Event Features:
- One-on-one compliance assistance
- Training/breakout sessions:
* Enforcement inspection demo
* Truck and bus and off-road regulation overview
* New technology options for compliance
* Funding options for on-road trucks
- Industry vendors & local agency booths
- Clean vehicle/technology displays
One Stop Diesel Truck Events 2016-2017 Flier:
Asistencia en español disponible.
You may register online, by email at, or
contact the ARB Training Registrar at (916) 322-3937 (select
option 1).
To register as a vendor (space is available), please complete a
vendor request form next to the event you wish to attend on the
One Stop Truck Event Webpage.
MyARBTraining Registrar
(916) 322-3937
Option 1 Mobile Source Training
Option 2 Stationary Source Training
Option 3 Diesel Hotline
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
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following lists: dealers, diesel-retrofit, hdghg, onrdiesel,
ordiesel, truck-idling, tru.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, July 29, 2016
State releases final plan to transform freight system
Collaborative effort highlights new technologies to improve air
quality, help economy grow
Sacramento – In response to an Executive Order issued last year
by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., state agency leaders today
released the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, a
comprehensive document that serves as a blueprint for
transforming the state's multi-billion dollar freight transport
system into one that is environmentally cleaner, more efficient,
and more economically competitive than it is today.
The revised document is similar to the draft version issued in
May 2016, but reflects new input provided by industry, labor,
regional and local government, and community and environmental
group stakeholders, who submitted more than 85 comments on the
draft plan.
"We listened to stakeholders, incorporated changes, and we will
continue to consult with them as we put the Plan into action"
said California Air Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols. "This
dialogue -- and a commitment to shared responsibility for and
ownership of this plan-- is the underpinning for the successful
transformation of our freight transport system and the multiple
benefits it will bring to our environment, communities and our
Developed in response to Governor Brown's Executive Order
B-32-15, which calls for a single integrated action plan for
California, the Action Plan was prepared by the California State
Transportation Agency, California Environmental Protection
Agency, California Natural Resources Agency, California Air
Resources Board, California Department of Transportation,
California Energy Commission and the Governor's Office of
Business and Economic Development, with broad stakeholder input.
"The Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects the hard work done
by the partners to address the needs of the freight industry,"
said Governor Brown's senior jobs adviser Mike Rossi. "GO-Biz
will continue working with our stakeholders in the business
community to see that the Action Plan builds upon ongoing efforts
to modernize the freight industry while reducing emissions and
keeping it competitive through commercially viable and affordable
The Executive Order directs the state agencies to pursue a shared
vision to "improve freight efficiency, transition to
zero-emission technologies and increase the competitiveness of
California's freight system." Benefits include meeting the
state's freight infrastructure, public health, air quality and
climate goals.
The Action Plan includes a long term-2050 vision and guiding
principles for California's future freight transport system along
with these targets for 2030:
•Improve freight system efficiency 25 percent by 2030.
•Deploy over 100,000 zero-emission vehicles/equipment and
maximize near-zero by 2020.
•Foster future economic growth within the freight and goods
movement industry.
The plan also identifies opportunities to leverage State freight
transport system investments, pinpoints actions to initiate over
the next five years to meet goals, and lists possible pilot
projects to achieve concrete progress in the near term.
"This Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects an investment
strategy that's right for California: expand economic
development, create jobs and protect our environment. The plan
doesn't choose between these objectives, but proposes strategies
to achieve them all. I look forward to turning this plan into
action," said California State Transportation Agency Secretary
Brian P. Kelly.
Among the new additions to the final plan are placing more focus
on key partnerships and a discussion of toxic hot spots. Changes
have also been made throughout the document to clarify and
emphasize the collaboration between the responsible agencies and
other regional planning efforts, including funding.
"The Energy Commission appreciates the collaboration amongst our
sister agencies and engaged stakeholders across the state to
develop an action plan to address Governor Brown's call to action
on sustainable freight," said Energy Commissioner Janea A. Scott.
"We look forward to working with our partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions identified in the Action
Plan and to carrying out actions that will help California to
meet its clean air standards and climate goals."
Next steps for state agencies will include continued work with
federal, state, industry, labor, regional, local and
environmental and community-based partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions outlined in the Action
Plan. The state agencies will also create collaborative
stakeholder working groups on competitiveness, system efficiency,
workforce developments, and regulatory and permitting process
Regular California Freight Advisory Committee meetings will
continue, and by July 2017, the state agencies will establish
work plans for chosen pilot projects.
Currently, California is the nation's largest gateway for
international trade and domestic commerce, with an interconnected
system of ports, railroads, highways and roads that allow freight
from around the world to move throughout the state and nation.
This system is responsible for one-third of the state's economic
product and jobs, with freight dependent industries accounting
for over $740 billion in gross domestic product and over five
million jobs in 2014.
For more information about California's Freight Plan:
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBIZ)
Brook Taylor, 916-322-0667
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)
Nancy Vogel 916-653-9402
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
Alex Barnum, 916-324-9670
California State Transportation Agency (CaLSTA)
Melissa Figueroa, 916-445-3545
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Karen Caesar, 626-575-6728
Stanley Young, 916-956-9409
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Tamie McGowen, 916-654-5782
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Linda Rapatonni, 916-654-4989
Albert Lundeen, 916-654-4989
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: gmbond, hdghg, sip.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Collaborative effort highlights new technologies to improve air
quality, help economy grow
Sacramento – In response to an Executive Order issued last year
by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., state agency leaders today
released the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, a
comprehensive document that serves as a blueprint for
transforming the state's multi-billion dollar freight transport
system into one that is environmentally cleaner, more efficient,
and more economically competitive than it is today.
The revised document is similar to the draft version issued in
May 2016, but reflects new input provided by industry, labor,
regional and local government, and community and environmental
group stakeholders, who submitted more than 85 comments on the
draft plan.
"We listened to stakeholders, incorporated changes, and we will
continue to consult with them as we put the Plan into action"
said California Air Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols. "This
dialogue -- and a commitment to shared responsibility for and
ownership of this plan-- is the underpinning for the successful
transformation of our freight transport system and the multiple
benefits it will bring to our environment, communities and our
Developed in response to Governor Brown's Executive Order
B-32-15, which calls for a single integrated action plan for
California, the Action Plan was prepared by the California State
Transportation Agency, California Environmental Protection
Agency, California Natural Resources Agency, California Air
Resources Board, California Department of Transportation,
California Energy Commission and the Governor's Office of
Business and Economic Development, with broad stakeholder input.
"The Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects the hard work done
by the partners to address the needs of the freight industry,"
said Governor Brown's senior jobs adviser Mike Rossi. "GO-Biz
will continue working with our stakeholders in the business
community to see that the Action Plan builds upon ongoing efforts
to modernize the freight industry while reducing emissions and
keeping it competitive through commercially viable and affordable
The Executive Order directs the state agencies to pursue a shared
vision to "improve freight efficiency, transition to
zero-emission technologies and increase the competitiveness of
California's freight system." Benefits include meeting the
state's freight infrastructure, public health, air quality and
climate goals.
The Action Plan includes a long term-2050 vision and guiding
principles for California's future freight transport system along
with these targets for 2030:
•Improve freight system efficiency 25 percent by 2030.
•Deploy over 100,000 zero-emission vehicles/equipment and
maximize near-zero by 2020.
•Foster future economic growth within the freight and goods
movement industry.
The plan also identifies opportunities to leverage State freight
transport system investments, pinpoints actions to initiate over
the next five years to meet goals, and lists possible pilot
projects to achieve concrete progress in the near term.
"This Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects an investment
strategy that's right for California: expand economic
development, create jobs and protect our environment. The plan
doesn't choose between these objectives, but proposes strategies
to achieve them all. I look forward to turning this plan into
action," said California State Transportation Agency Secretary
Brian P. Kelly.
Among the new additions to the final plan are placing more focus
on key partnerships and a discussion of toxic hot spots. Changes
have also been made throughout the document to clarify and
emphasize the collaboration between the responsible agencies and
other regional planning efforts, including funding.
"The Energy Commission appreciates the collaboration amongst our
sister agencies and engaged stakeholders across the state to
develop an action plan to address Governor Brown's call to action
on sustainable freight," said Energy Commissioner Janea A. Scott.
"We look forward to working with our partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions identified in the Action
Plan and to carrying out actions that will help California to
meet its clean air standards and climate goals."
Next steps for state agencies will include continued work with
federal, state, industry, labor, regional, local and
environmental and community-based partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions outlined in the Action
Plan. The state agencies will also create collaborative
stakeholder working groups on competitiveness, system efficiency,
workforce developments, and regulatory and permitting process
Regular California Freight Advisory Committee meetings will
continue, and by July 2017, the state agencies will establish
work plans for chosen pilot projects.
Currently, California is the nation's largest gateway for
international trade and domestic commerce, with an interconnected
system of ports, railroads, highways and roads that allow freight
from around the world to move throughout the state and nation.
This system is responsible for one-third of the state's economic
product and jobs, with freight dependent industries accounting
for over $740 billion in gross domestic product and over five
million jobs in 2014.
For more information about California's Freight Plan:
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBIZ)
Brook Taylor, 916-322-0667
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)
Nancy Vogel 916-653-9402
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
Alex Barnum, 916-324-9670
California State Transportation Agency (CaLSTA)
Melissa Figueroa, 916-445-3545
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Karen Caesar, 626-575-6728
Stanley Young, 916-956-9409
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Tamie McGowen, 916-654-5782
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Linda Rapatonni, 916-654-4989
Albert Lundeen, 916-654-4989
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: gmbond, hdghg, sip.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
State releases final plan to transform freight system
Collaborative effort highlights new technologies to improve air
quality, help economy grow
Sacramento – In response to an Executive Order issued last year
by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., state agency leaders today
released the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, a
comprehensive document that serves as a blueprint for
transforming the state's multi-billion dollar freight transport
system into one that is environmentally cleaner, more efficient,
and more economically competitive than it is today.
The revised document is similar to the draft version issued in
May 2016, but reflects new input provided by industry, labor,
regional and local government, and community and environmental
group stakeholders, who submitted more than 85 comments on the
draft plan.
"We listened to stakeholders, incorporated changes, and we will
continue to consult with them as we put the Plan into action"
said California Air Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols. "This
dialogue -- and a commitment to shared responsibility for and
ownership of this plan-- is the underpinning for the successful
transformation of our freight transport system and the multiple
benefits it will bring to our environment, communities and our
Developed in response to Governor Brown's Executive Order
B-32-15, which calls for a single integrated action plan for
California, the Action Plan was prepared by the California State
Transportation Agency, California Environmental Protection
Agency, California Natural Resources Agency, California Air
Resources Board, California Department of Transportation,
California Energy Commission and the Governor's Office of
Business and Economic Development, with broad stakeholder input.
"The Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects the hard work done
by the partners to address the needs of the freight industry,"
said Governor Brown's senior jobs adviser Mike Rossi. "GO-Biz
will continue working with our stakeholders in the business
community to see that the Action Plan builds upon ongoing efforts
to modernize the freight industry while reducing emissions and
keeping it competitive through commercially viable and affordable
The Executive Order directs the state agencies to pursue a shared
vision to "improve freight efficiency, transition to
zero-emission technologies and increase the competitiveness of
California's freight system." Benefits include meeting the
state's freight infrastructure, public health, air quality and
climate goals.
The Action Plan includes a long term-2050 vision and guiding
principles for California's future freight transport system along
with these targets for 2030:
•Improve freight system efficiency 25 percent by 2030.
•Deploy over 100,000 zero-emission vehicles/equipment and
maximize near-zero by 2020.
•Foster future economic growth within the freight and goods
movement industry.
The plan also identifies opportunities to leverage State freight
transport system investments, pinpoints actions to initiate over
the next five years to meet goals, and lists possible pilot
projects to achieve concrete progress in the near term.
"This Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects an investment
strategy that's right for California: expand economic
development, create jobs and protect our environment. The plan
doesn't choose between these objectives, but proposes strategies
to achieve them all. I look forward to turning this plan into
action," said California State Transportation Agency Secretary
Brian P. Kelly.
Among the new additions to the final plan are placing more focus
on key partnerships and a discussion of toxic hot spots. Changes
have also been made throughout the document to clarify and
emphasize the collaboration between the responsible agencies and
other regional planning efforts, including funding.
"The Energy Commission appreciates the collaboration amongst our
sister agencies and engaged stakeholders across the state to
develop an action plan to address Governor Brown's call to action
on sustainable freight," said Energy Commissioner Janea A. Scott.
"We look forward to working with our partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions identified in the Action
Plan and to carrying out actions that will help California to
meet its clean air standards and climate goals."
Next steps for state agencies will include continued work with
federal, state, industry, labor, regional, local and
environmental and community-based partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions outlined in the Action
Plan. The state agencies will also create collaborative
stakeholder working groups on competitiveness, system efficiency,
workforce developments, and regulatory and permitting process
Regular California Freight Advisory Committee meetings will
continue, and by July 2017, the state agencies will establish
work plans for chosen pilot projects.
Currently, California is the nation's largest gateway for
international trade and domestic commerce, with an interconnected
system of ports, railroads, highways and roads that allow freight
from around the world to move throughout the state and nation.
This system is responsible for one-third of the state's economic
product and jobs, with freight dependent industries accounting
for over $740 billion in gross domestic product and over five
million jobs in 2014.
For more information about California's Freight Plan:
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBIZ)
Brook Taylor, 916-322-0667
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)
Nancy Vogel 916-653-9402
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
Alex Barnum, 916-324-9670
California State Transportation Agency (CaLSTA)
Melissa Figueroa, 916-445-3545
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Karen Caesar, 626-575-6728
Stanley Young, 916-956-9409
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Tamie McGowen, 916-654-5782
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Linda Rapatonni, 916-654-4989
Albert Lundeen, 916-654-4989
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: ab32publichealth, board, cargo, cc,
commerce-cherrp, ej, ej-prp, gmbond2011, harborcraft, hcm,
hdghg2013, loco, maritime, onrdiesel, porttruck, railyard,
rsc-ghg, sfti, shipincin, shorepower, sip07, tru, vsr,
westoakland, wilmington-cherrp.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Collaborative effort highlights new technologies to improve air
quality, help economy grow
Sacramento – In response to an Executive Order issued last year
by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., state agency leaders today
released the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, a
comprehensive document that serves as a blueprint for
transforming the state's multi-billion dollar freight transport
system into one that is environmentally cleaner, more efficient,
and more economically competitive than it is today.
The revised document is similar to the draft version issued in
May 2016, but reflects new input provided by industry, labor,
regional and local government, and community and environmental
group stakeholders, who submitted more than 85 comments on the
draft plan.
"We listened to stakeholders, incorporated changes, and we will
continue to consult with them as we put the Plan into action"
said California Air Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols. "This
dialogue -- and a commitment to shared responsibility for and
ownership of this plan-- is the underpinning for the successful
transformation of our freight transport system and the multiple
benefits it will bring to our environment, communities and our
Developed in response to Governor Brown's Executive Order
B-32-15, which calls for a single integrated action plan for
California, the Action Plan was prepared by the California State
Transportation Agency, California Environmental Protection
Agency, California Natural Resources Agency, California Air
Resources Board, California Department of Transportation,
California Energy Commission and the Governor's Office of
Business and Economic Development, with broad stakeholder input.
"The Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects the hard work done
by the partners to address the needs of the freight industry,"
said Governor Brown's senior jobs adviser Mike Rossi. "GO-Biz
will continue working with our stakeholders in the business
community to see that the Action Plan builds upon ongoing efforts
to modernize the freight industry while reducing emissions and
keeping it competitive through commercially viable and affordable
The Executive Order directs the state agencies to pursue a shared
vision to "improve freight efficiency, transition to
zero-emission technologies and increase the competitiveness of
California's freight system." Benefits include meeting the
state's freight infrastructure, public health, air quality and
climate goals.
The Action Plan includes a long term-2050 vision and guiding
principles for California's future freight transport system along
with these targets for 2030:
•Improve freight system efficiency 25 percent by 2030.
•Deploy over 100,000 zero-emission vehicles/equipment and
maximize near-zero by 2020.
•Foster future economic growth within the freight and goods
movement industry.
The plan also identifies opportunities to leverage State freight
transport system investments, pinpoints actions to initiate over
the next five years to meet goals, and lists possible pilot
projects to achieve concrete progress in the near term.
"This Sustainable Freight Action Plan reflects an investment
strategy that's right for California: expand economic
development, create jobs and protect our environment. The plan
doesn't choose between these objectives, but proposes strategies
to achieve them all. I look forward to turning this plan into
action," said California State Transportation Agency Secretary
Brian P. Kelly.
Among the new additions to the final plan are placing more focus
on key partnerships and a discussion of toxic hot spots. Changes
have also been made throughout the document to clarify and
emphasize the collaboration between the responsible agencies and
other regional planning efforts, including funding.
"The Energy Commission appreciates the collaboration amongst our
sister agencies and engaged stakeholders across the state to
develop an action plan to address Governor Brown's call to action
on sustainable freight," said Energy Commissioner Janea A. Scott.
"We look forward to working with our partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions identified in the Action
Plan and to carrying out actions that will help California to
meet its clean air standards and climate goals."
Next steps for state agencies will include continued work with
federal, state, industry, labor, regional, local and
environmental and community-based partners to refine and
prioritize the strategies and actions outlined in the Action
Plan. The state agencies will also create collaborative
stakeholder working groups on competitiveness, system efficiency,
workforce developments, and regulatory and permitting process
Regular California Freight Advisory Committee meetings will
continue, and by July 2017, the state agencies will establish
work plans for chosen pilot projects.
Currently, California is the nation's largest gateway for
international trade and domestic commerce, with an interconnected
system of ports, railroads, highways and roads that allow freight
from around the world to move throughout the state and nation.
This system is responsible for one-third of the state's economic
product and jobs, with freight dependent industries accounting
for over $740 billion in gross domestic product and over five
million jobs in 2014.
For more information about California's Freight Plan:
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBIZ)
Brook Taylor, 916-322-0667
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)
Nancy Vogel 916-653-9402
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
Alex Barnum, 916-324-9670
California State Transportation Agency (CaLSTA)
Melissa Figueroa, 916-445-3545
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Karen Caesar, 626-575-6728
Stanley Young, 916-956-9409
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Tamie McGowen, 916-654-5782
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Linda Rapatonni, 916-654-4989
Albert Lundeen, 916-654-4989
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: ab32publichealth, board, cargo, cc,
commerce-cherrp, ej, ej-prp, gmbond2011, harborcraft, hcm,
hdghg2013, loco, maritime, onrdiesel, porttruck, railyard,
rsc-ghg, sfti, shipincin, shorepower, sip07, tru, vsr,
westoakland, wilmington-cherrp.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
arbcombo -- ARB Research Seminar: Source Speciation of Central Valley GHG Emissions Using In-Situ Measurement of VOCs
Allen Goldstein, Ph D
University of California, Berkeley and
Mark Fischer, Ph D
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Thursday, August 25, 2016 1:30 p.m., PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requires knowledge of the
sources and activities which emit GHGs. California's Central
Valley has a number of agricultural and natural sources of GHGs
in addition to urban, anthropogenic sources. This work
investigates the seasonal variability of CH4 and N2O source
apportionment from year-long measurements of GHGs, CO, and a
suite of VOCs in Walnut Grove, about 23 miles south of downtown
Sacramento, from summer 2012 through early fall 2013. We apply
the statistical technique of positive matrix factorization (PMF)
on the combined GHG - VOC data set over seven separate periods
that are representative of broad seasonal patterns observed in
the region. We also compare our results to inverse modeling
estimates at WGC for the same time-period. For more go to the
announcement at:
Main menu:
Please send your-e-mail for the Q&A participation
For more information on this seminar presentation please
Ash Lashgari, Ph.D. at (916) 323-1506 or
For more information on the ARB Research Seminar Series please
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: ab32publichealth, ag, agriculture-sp,
air-quality-data, air-quality-modeling, biogas, ccms, cc, ceqa,
compost, forestry, gas-trans, ghg-rep, ghg-ver, landfills,
localaction, manuremgmt, mvac-dismant, natandworkinglands, nla,
oil-gas, research, seminars.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
University of California, Berkeley and
Mark Fischer, Ph D
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Thursday, August 25, 2016 1:30 p.m., PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requires knowledge of the
sources and activities which emit GHGs. California's Central
Valley has a number of agricultural and natural sources of GHGs
in addition to urban, anthropogenic sources. This work
investigates the seasonal variability of CH4 and N2O source
apportionment from year-long measurements of GHGs, CO, and a
suite of VOCs in Walnut Grove, about 23 miles south of downtown
Sacramento, from summer 2012 through early fall 2013. We apply
the statistical technique of positive matrix factorization (PMF)
on the combined GHG - VOC data set over seven separate periods
that are representative of broad seasonal patterns observed in
the region. We also compare our results to inverse modeling
estimates at WGC for the same time-period. For more go to the
announcement at:
Main menu:
Please send your-e-mail for the Q&A participation
For more information on this seminar presentation please
Ash Lashgari, Ph.D. at (916) 323-1506 or
For more information on the ARB Research Seminar Series please
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016
arbcombo -- Notice of Public Hearing- September 22, 2016
The Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) will conduct a public
hearing at the time and place noted below to consider proposed
amendments to California's existing Regulation for the Mandatory
Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (title 17, California Code
of Regulations, section 95100 et seq.), which was developed
pursuant to requirements of the California Global Warming
Solutions Act of 2006.
DATE: September 22, 2016
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
This item may be considered at a two-day meeting of the Board,
which will commence at 9:00 a.m., September 22, 2016, and will
continue at 8:30 a.m., September 23, 2016. Please consult the
agenda for the meeting, which will be available at least 10 days
before September 22, 2016, to determine the day on which this
item will be considered.
Interested members of the public may present comments orally or
in writing at the hearing and may provide comments by postal mail
or by electronic submittal before the hearing.
Written comments not physically submitted at the hearing must be
submitted on or after July 22, 2016 and received no later than
5:00 pm on September 19, 2016. ARB requests that when possible,
written and email statements be filed at least 10 days before the
hearing to give ARB staff and Board members additional time to
consider each comment. The Board also encourages members of the
public to bring to the attention of staff in advance of the
hearing any suggestions for modification of the proposed
regulatory action. Comments submitted in advance of the hearing
must be addressed to one of the following:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Please note that under the California Public Records Act (Gov.
Code, § 6250 et seq.), your written and oral comments,
attachments, and associated contact information (e.g., your
address, phone, email, etc.) become part of the public record and
can be released to the public upon request.
ARB staff has prepared an ISOR for the proposed regulatory
action, which includes a summary of the economic and
environmental impacts of the proposal. The report is entitled:
Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons for Rulemaking –
Proposed Amendments to the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting
of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Copies of the ISOR and the full text of the proposed regulatory
language, in underline and strikeout format to allow for
comparison with the existing regulations, may be accessed on July
19, 2016 on ARB's website listed below, or may be obtained from
the Public Information Office, Air Resources Board, 1001 I
Street, Visitors and Environmental Services Center, First Floor,
Sacramento, California, 95814, (916) 322 2990.
The notice, ISOR and all subsequent regulatory documents,
including the FSOR, when completed, are available on ARB's
website for this rulemaking at
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulatory
action may be directed to the agency representative Brieanne
Aguila, Manager, at (916) 324-0919, or (designated back-up
contact) Patrick Gaffney, Staff Air Pollution Specialist, at
(916) 322 7303, both of the Climate Change Reporting Section.
Thank you.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
hearing at the time and place noted below to consider proposed
amendments to California's existing Regulation for the Mandatory
Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (title 17, California Code
of Regulations, section 95100 et seq.), which was developed
pursuant to requirements of the California Global Warming
Solutions Act of 2006.
DATE: September 22, 2016
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
This item may be considered at a two-day meeting of the Board,
which will commence at 9:00 a.m., September 22, 2016, and will
continue at 8:30 a.m., September 23, 2016. Please consult the
agenda for the meeting, which will be available at least 10 days
before September 22, 2016, to determine the day on which this
item will be considered.
Interested members of the public may present comments orally or
in writing at the hearing and may provide comments by postal mail
or by electronic submittal before the hearing.
Written comments not physically submitted at the hearing must be
submitted on or after July 22, 2016 and received no later than
5:00 pm on September 19, 2016. ARB requests that when possible,
written and email statements be filed at least 10 days before the
hearing to give ARB staff and Board members additional time to
consider each comment. The Board also encourages members of the
public to bring to the attention of staff in advance of the
hearing any suggestions for modification of the proposed
regulatory action. Comments submitted in advance of the hearing
must be addressed to one of the following:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Please note that under the California Public Records Act (Gov.
Code, § 6250 et seq.), your written and oral comments,
attachments, and associated contact information (e.g., your
address, phone, email, etc.) become part of the public record and
can be released to the public upon request.
ARB staff has prepared an ISOR for the proposed regulatory
action, which includes a summary of the economic and
environmental impacts of the proposal. The report is entitled:
Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons for Rulemaking –
Proposed Amendments to the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting
of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Copies of the ISOR and the full text of the proposed regulatory
language, in underline and strikeout format to allow for
comparison with the existing regulations, may be accessed on July
19, 2016 on ARB's website listed below, or may be obtained from
the Public Information Office, Air Resources Board, 1001 I
Street, Visitors and Environmental Services Center, First Floor,
Sacramento, California, 95814, (916) 322 2990.
The notice, ISOR and all subsequent regulatory documents,
including the FSOR, when completed, are available on ARB's
website for this rulemaking at
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulatory
action may be directed to the agency representative Brieanne
Aguila, Manager, at (916) 324-0919, or (designated back-up
contact) Patrick Gaffney, Staff Air Pollution Specialist, at
(916) 322 7303, both of the Climate Change Reporting Section.
Thank you.
California is in a drought emergency.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, July 15, 2016
arbcombo -- CARB Truck Compliance Training and Information Events: JULY-AUGUST 2016
The California Air Resources Board is offering the following
truck and equipment regulations classes and information events in
July and August. There is no cost to attend.
#521.7 CARB Diesel Truck Rules-Compliance Options and Reporting
Requirements for 2017
• July 20 Santa Maria (2-4 pm)
• July 21 Santa Barbara (9-11 am)
• July 21 Ventura (1-3 pm)
• July 26 Bakersfield (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• July 27 Fresno (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• July 28 Modesto (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• August 19 San Diego (9-11 am)
To register for Course 521.7, please go to
#530 One-Stop Truck Event
• August 18 San Diego (9 am-1 pm)
For more information and to register for this event, please go
to (scroll
to end of flyer for registration link)
For up-to-date information about diesel vehicle regulation
requirements, please visit
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, gmbond, hdghg,
inuseidling, loan, omb, onrdiesel, ordiesel, training,
truck-idling, tru.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
truck and equipment regulations classes and information events in
July and August. There is no cost to attend.
#521.7 CARB Diesel Truck Rules-Compliance Options and Reporting
Requirements for 2017
• July 20 Santa Maria (2-4 pm)
• July 21 Santa Barbara (9-11 am)
• July 21 Ventura (1-3 pm)
• July 26 Bakersfield (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• July 27 Fresno (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• July 28 Modesto (9-11 am; one-on-one help 11 am-1 pm)
• August 19 San Diego (9-11 am)
To register for Course 521.7, please go to
#530 One-Stop Truck Event
• August 18 San Diego (9 am-1 pm)
For more information and to register for this event, please go
to (scroll
to end of flyer for registration link)
For up-to-date information about diesel vehicle regulation
requirements, please visit
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
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following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, gmbond, hdghg,
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
arbcombo -- Wednesday ARB Research Seminar: Truck Activity Monitoring Systems in California
Presentation is available for downloading!.
Stephen Ritchie, Ph.D. and
Andre Tok, Ph.D.
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Irvine
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:30 p.m., PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
As an independent state, California's economy would rank as the
sixth largest in the world. It possesses key freight
transportation gateways to Mexico and the Asia Pacific, and is
home to the most productive agricultural region in the United
States. The San Pedro Bay Ports in Southern California is the
busiest port complex in the United States, while several
international and domestic air freight hubs are also located
within the state. Hence, understanding freight movement activity
is an essential component to ensure that the strategic plans and
policies for transportation infrastructure investment in the
State of California can adequately support the expected growth in
freight activity. Recent studies have revealed a significant void
in detailed truck activity data necessary to understand the
activity of trucks within the transportation infrastructure. For
more go to the announcement at:
Main menu:
Please send your-e-mail for the Q&A participation
For more information please contact:
Nesamani Kalandiyur, Ph.D. at (916) 324-0466 or
For more information on the Seminar Series please contact:
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Stephen Ritchie, Ph.D. and
Andre Tok, Ph.D.
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Irvine
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:30 p.m., PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
As an independent state, California's economy would rank as the
sixth largest in the world. It possesses key freight
transportation gateways to Mexico and the Asia Pacific, and is
home to the most productive agricultural region in the United
States. The San Pedro Bay Ports in Southern California is the
busiest port complex in the United States, while several
international and domestic air freight hubs are also located
within the state. Hence, understanding freight movement activity
is an essential component to ensure that the strategic plans and
policies for transportation infrastructure investment in the
State of California can adequately support the expected growth in
freight activity. Recent studies have revealed a significant void
in detailed truck activity data necessary to understand the
activity of trucks within the transportation infrastructure. For
more go to the announcement at:
Main menu:
Please send your-e-mail for the Q&A participation
For more information please contact:
Nesamani Kalandiyur, Ph.D. at (916) 324-0466 or
For more information on the Seminar Series please contact:
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
arbcombo -- Notice to Retailers and Distributors of Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant
Summer is here, and with the warmer weather, sales of small cans
of automotive refrigerant are at their peak. Summer is here,
and with the warmer weather, sales of small cans of automotive
refrigerant are at their peak. These products are regulated in
California, and retailers selling them must ensure that all
requirements pertaining to the sales of certified products are
met. In addition, distributors handling this product have
regulatory requirements to meet as well. Penalties may be
assessed for any violation of this regulation pursuant to the
Health and Safety Code.
The requirements for California retailers are available at the
following link:
The requirements for California distributors are available at the
following link:
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following lists: acsmogcheck, ccms, cc, hfcdiy, mvac-dismant,
mvac-gwp, reftrack, rsc-ghg.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
of automotive refrigerant are at their peak. Summer is here,
and with the warmer weather, sales of small cans of automotive
refrigerant are at their peak. These products are regulated in
California, and retailers selling them must ensure that all
requirements pertaining to the sales of certified products are
met. In addition, distributors handling this product have
regulatory requirements to meet as well. Penalties may be
assessed for any violation of this regulation pursuant to the
Health and Safety Code.
The requirements for California retailers are available at the
following link:
The requirements for California distributors are available at the
following link:
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: acsmogcheck, ccms, cc, hfcdiy, mvac-dismant,
mvac-gwp, reftrack, rsc-ghg.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, July 1, 2016
arbcombo -- July 26th Joint State Agency Workshop on the Proposed Regionalization of the Independent System Operator
Per the requirements of the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction
Act, Senate Bill 350, the California Public Utilities Commission,
California Energy Commission and California Air Resources Board
will jointly host a public workshop on July 26, 2016, in
Sacramento on topics related to regionalization of the
Independent System Operator, including the development of a
governance structure and studies on the environmental and
economic impacts of a regional grid operator.
Under the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act, Senate Bill
350, the California Independent System Operator was required to:
(1) prepare governance modifications needed to transform into a
regional organization; and (2) conduct one or more studies of the
impacts of a regional market enabled by the proposed governance
modifications, including overall benefits to ratepayers, the
creation or retention of jobs and other benefits to the
California economy, environmental impacts in California and
elsewhere, impacts in disadvantaged communities, emissions of
greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, and reliability and
integration of renewable energy resources. At the workshop, the
California Independent System Operator will present proposed
governance modifications and the results of recent regional
market expansion studies. The agencies will provide feedback on
the studies and consider stakeholder comments provided at the
workshop. All interested parties are invited to attend.
More information and a detailed agenda to follow. If you have
questions on the subject matter of the workshop, please contact
Al Alvarado at or (916) 654-4749.
Meeting Details
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Time (approximate): 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Secretary of State, Auditorium
1500 11th Street, First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 653-6814
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: agriculture-sp, capandtrade, cc, ej,
energyaudits, forestry, ghg-rep, ghg-ver, lcfs, localaction, res,
rps, zev-program.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Act, Senate Bill 350, the California Public Utilities Commission,
California Energy Commission and California Air Resources Board
will jointly host a public workshop on July 26, 2016, in
Sacramento on topics related to regionalization of the
Independent System Operator, including the development of a
governance structure and studies on the environmental and
economic impacts of a regional grid operator.
Under the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act, Senate Bill
350, the California Independent System Operator was required to:
(1) prepare governance modifications needed to transform into a
regional organization; and (2) conduct one or more studies of the
impacts of a regional market enabled by the proposed governance
modifications, including overall benefits to ratepayers, the
creation or retention of jobs and other benefits to the
California economy, environmental impacts in California and
elsewhere, impacts in disadvantaged communities, emissions of
greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, and reliability and
integration of renewable energy resources. At the workshop, the
California Independent System Operator will present proposed
governance modifications and the results of recent regional
market expansion studies. The agencies will provide feedback on
the studies and consider stakeholder comments provided at the
workshop. All interested parties are invited to attend.
More information and a detailed agenda to follow. If you have
questions on the subject matter of the workshop, please contact
Al Alvarado at or (916) 654-4749.
Meeting Details
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Time (approximate): 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Secretary of State, Auditorium
1500 11th Street, First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 653-6814
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: agriculture-sp, capandtrade, cc, ej,
energyaudits, forestry, ghg-rep, ghg-ver, lcfs, localaction, res,
rps, zev-program.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
arbcombo -- Release of California Cap-and-Trade Regulatory Amendments
California Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) staff has been
developing a proposal to amend the California Cap on Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and Market Based Compliance Mechanisms
(Cap-and-Trade Regulation or Program) to extend the Program
beyond 2020, broaden the Program through linkages with other
jurisdictions, comply with the federal Clean Power Plan, and
generally enhance ARB's ability to oversee and implement the
Regulation. These amendments will be first considered at a Board
hearing in September 2016 and voted on at a second Board hearing
in Spring 2017.
Staff's proposal will include amendments for the following main
-Establish new emissions caps beyond 2020 and continue all other
provisions needed to implement the Program after 2020;
-Establish new linkages;
-Revise the requirements for unsold allowances and vintages
available in the Current Auction;
-Prevent emissions leakage in the most cost-effective manner
through appropriate allowance allocation;
-Continue the allocation of allowances to the utilities on behalf
of rate-payers;
-Provide for California compliance with the federal Clean Power
Plan; and
-Simplify participation in the Program by streamlining
registration, auction participation, information management, and
issuance of offset credits.
To commence the formal rulemaking process pursuant to the
Administrative Procedure Act, ARB will provide a draft of the
formal regulatory package, including the Staff Report: Initial
Statement of Reasons (ISOR), and the Proposed Regulation Order,
to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on July 12, 2016. This
submittal initiates a review by OAL prior to opening the formal
comment period. Based on OAL's review, ARB may revise the draft
documents and will post final versions of all documents related
to the rulemaking (including the notice of proposed action, ISOR,
Proposed Regulation Order, and other Appendices) to ARB's
Cap-and-Trade Rulemaking webpage on July 26, 2016. ARB will also
make a rulemaking file for the proposed amendments available to
the public on this date. The formal public comment period will
begin when OAL publishes ARB's notice of proposed action on July
29, 2016.
This rulemaking proposal will include provisions that may impact
the market for the Program's compliance instruments. To ensure
that all market participants and other interested stakeholders
have access to the content of this regulatory proposal at the
same time, ARB will also post the draft Proposed Regulation Order
and draft ISOR (without Appendices) to the What's New box on the
Cap-and-Trade webpage at 5:00 pm on July 12, 2016. See here:
Please note: The posting by ARB on July 12, 2016 is intended to
provide simultaneous access to staff's proposal as it is
submitted to OAL. This posting will not initiate the formal
public comment period. The official version that will be open
for public comment and Board consideration will be the final
version posted on July 26, 2016 following OAL review. The
official version may include modifications from the initial draft
posted by ARB on July 12, 2016. ARB will send out a listserv
when the formal rulemaking documents are posted on July 26, 2016
and before the public comment period begins on July 29, 2016.
Cap-and-Trade Regulation
ARB first formally adopted the Cap-and-Trade Regulation in
October 2011. The Board has subsequently approved limited
amendments to the Regulation in June 2012, October 2013, April
2014, September 2014, and most recently June 2015. ARB staff has
developed proposals for 2016 amendments that seek to improve
Program efficiency and chart post-2020 implementation of the
ARB held a number of informal public workshops from October 2015
through June 2016 on some of the proposals that will be included
in this formal rulemaking. Workshop materials are available at:
More information about ARB's Cap-and-Trade Program is available
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
developing a proposal to amend the California Cap on Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and Market Based Compliance Mechanisms
(Cap-and-Trade Regulation or Program) to extend the Program
beyond 2020, broaden the Program through linkages with other
jurisdictions, comply with the federal Clean Power Plan, and
generally enhance ARB's ability to oversee and implement the
Regulation. These amendments will be first considered at a Board
hearing in September 2016 and voted on at a second Board hearing
in Spring 2017.
Staff's proposal will include amendments for the following main
-Establish new emissions caps beyond 2020 and continue all other
provisions needed to implement the Program after 2020;
-Establish new linkages;
-Revise the requirements for unsold allowances and vintages
available in the Current Auction;
-Prevent emissions leakage in the most cost-effective manner
through appropriate allowance allocation;
-Continue the allocation of allowances to the utilities on behalf
of rate-payers;
-Provide for California compliance with the federal Clean Power
Plan; and
-Simplify participation in the Program by streamlining
registration, auction participation, information management, and
issuance of offset credits.
To commence the formal rulemaking process pursuant to the
Administrative Procedure Act, ARB will provide a draft of the
formal regulatory package, including the Staff Report: Initial
Statement of Reasons (ISOR), and the Proposed Regulation Order,
to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on July 12, 2016. This
submittal initiates a review by OAL prior to opening the formal
comment period. Based on OAL's review, ARB may revise the draft
documents and will post final versions of all documents related
to the rulemaking (including the notice of proposed action, ISOR,
Proposed Regulation Order, and other Appendices) to ARB's
Cap-and-Trade Rulemaking webpage on July 26, 2016. ARB will also
make a rulemaking file for the proposed amendments available to
the public on this date. The formal public comment period will
begin when OAL publishes ARB's notice of proposed action on July
29, 2016.
This rulemaking proposal will include provisions that may impact
the market for the Program's compliance instruments. To ensure
that all market participants and other interested stakeholders
have access to the content of this regulatory proposal at the
same time, ARB will also post the draft Proposed Regulation Order
and draft ISOR (without Appendices) to the What's New box on the
Cap-and-Trade webpage at 5:00 pm on July 12, 2016. See here:
Please note: The posting by ARB on July 12, 2016 is intended to
provide simultaneous access to staff's proposal as it is
submitted to OAL. This posting will not initiate the formal
public comment period. The official version that will be open
for public comment and Board consideration will be the final
version posted on July 26, 2016 following OAL review. The
official version may include modifications from the initial draft
posted by ARB on July 12, 2016. ARB will send out a listserv
when the formal rulemaking documents are posted on July 26, 2016
and before the public comment period begins on July 29, 2016.
Cap-and-Trade Regulation
ARB first formally adopted the Cap-and-Trade Regulation in
October 2011. The Board has subsequently approved limited
amendments to the Regulation in June 2012, October 2013, April
2014, September 2014, and most recently June 2015. ARB staff has
developed proposals for 2016 amendments that seek to improve
Program efficiency and chart post-2020 implementation of the
ARB held a number of informal public workshops from October 2015
through June 2016 on some of the proposals that will be included
in this formal rulemaking. Workshop materials are available at:
More information about ARB's Cap-and-Trade Program is available
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep, ghg-ver, offsets.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
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