The Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) will conduct a public
hearing at the time and place noted below to consider proposed
amendments to the California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms Regulation (Cap-and-Trade
Regulation or Regulation) to add one updated offset protocol and
one new offset protocol, and to modify Regulation provisions
regarding forestry involuntary reversals.
Date: December 18, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m
Location: California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Interested members of the public may present comments orally or
in writing at the meeting and may provide comments by postal mail
or by electronic submittal before the meeting. The public
comment period for this regulatory action will begin on October
31, 2014. To be considered by the Board, written comments not
physically submitted at the meeting, must be submitted on or
after October 31, 2014, and received no later than 5:00 pm on
December 15, 2014, and must be addressed to the following:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board 1001 I
Street, Sacramento, California 95814
To make comments or view the hearing notice for this item please
go to:
The hearing notice, ISOR and all subsequent regulatory documents,
including the FSOR, when completed, are available on ARB's
website for this rulemaking at:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to Ms. Rajinder Sahota, Chief of the Climate Change
Program Evaluation Branch at (916) 323-8503 or Mr. Greg Mayeur,
Manager of the Climate Change Program Operations Section at (916)
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Important Update Regarding Your Amazon Payments Account
Greetings from Amazon Payments, Our records show there is an Amazon Payments account associated with this e-mail address which has not been used in more than one year. This Amazon Payments account is not the same as your shopping account. We will begin closing dormant Amazon Payments accounts on or after October 27, 2014, including yours. This will not impact your shopping account. No action is required on your part. If you have any questions, please contact us here: Thank you, The Amazon Payments team Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is Amazon Payments? I don't remember creating an account for that. A: Amazon Payments is a service provided by Amazon that allows you to use the payment information from your account on other sites to make purchases. This service previously allowed you to send and receive payments using our person to person payments feature. If you're a merchant, you may have received payments from customers using this service. You can learn more at: Q: Will I still have the ability to make purchases on sites that allow you to pay using Amazon Payments? A: Yes. You will continue to have the ability to make purchases using Amazon Payments wherever you see it offered. Q: Can I still use my account? A: Absolutely! This doesn't affect your account, which you can continue to use to place orders on Q: Will closing my Amazon Payments account affect my Amazon Seller Central account? A: No. Your Amazon Payments account is separate from your Amazon Seller Central account. Your accounts for Checkout by Amazon, Login and Pay with Amazon and other Seller Services won’t be impacted. Q: Will this remove my credit cards and addresses stored with A: No. Your payment methods and addresses will continue to be available on Q: Is this related to my Store Card or my Rewards Visa? A: No. You'll still have access to your Store Card and/or Rewards Visa, as they are unrelated to your Amazon Payments account. Q: What if I want to use Amazon Payments after you close my account? A: You may sign up for a new Amazon Payments account at at any time or by paying for an order using Amazon Payments wherever it is offered. |
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
hdghg -- U.S. EPA Grants Waiver Allowing Enforcement of California's Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation
The California Air Resources Board has issued Regulatory Advisory
Mail-Out MSC# 14-17 to notify interested stakeholders that on
July 30, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA) granted ARB a waiver pursuant to section 209(b) of the
federal Clean Air Act for California's Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse
Gas (GHG) Regulation. This waiver authorizes ARB to enforce
specific provisions of the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation
applicable to 2011 through 2013 model year Class 8 tractors
equipped with integrated sleeper berths and to 2011 and
subsequent model year 53 foot and longer dry-van and
refrigerated-van trailers that are pulled by such tractors on
California highways.
When the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation became effective on
January 1, 2010, the requirements of the regulation were fully
enforceable for 2010 and older model year tractors and trailers;
only the 2011 through 2013 model year tractors and 2011 and newer
53-foot box trailers required a waiver pursuant to section 209(b)
of the federal Clean Air Act. With the issuance of the waiver
from U.S. EPA, those provisions are now also enforceable.
The Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation, adopted in December 2008, was
developed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving the
fuel efficiency of heavy-duty tractors that pull 53-foot or
longer box-type trailers. The regulation requires
tractor-trailers operating in California to use tractors and
box-type trailers that utilize certain aerodynamic equipment and
low rolling resistance tires, as verified by the U.S. EPA
SmartWay program, to meet specified fuel efficiency
For further information about the regulation, advisories,
training, outreach efforts, compliance tools, or the full text of
the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation, please visit or, call 866 6DIESEL (866
634-3735), or email us at
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and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Mail-Out MSC# 14-17 to notify interested stakeholders that on
July 30, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA) granted ARB a waiver pursuant to section 209(b) of the
federal Clean Air Act for California's Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse
Gas (GHG) Regulation. This waiver authorizes ARB to enforce
specific provisions of the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation
applicable to 2011 through 2013 model year Class 8 tractors
equipped with integrated sleeper berths and to 2011 and
subsequent model year 53 foot and longer dry-van and
refrigerated-van trailers that are pulled by such tractors on
California highways.
When the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation became effective on
January 1, 2010, the requirements of the regulation were fully
enforceable for 2010 and older model year tractors and trailers;
only the 2011 through 2013 model year tractors and 2011 and newer
53-foot box trailers required a waiver pursuant to section 209(b)
of the federal Clean Air Act. With the issuance of the waiver
from U.S. EPA, those provisions are now also enforceable.
The Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation, adopted in December 2008, was
developed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving the
fuel efficiency of heavy-duty tractors that pull 53-foot or
longer box-type trailers. The regulation requires
tractor-trailers operating in California to use tractors and
box-type trailers that utilize certain aerodynamic equipment and
low rolling resistance tires, as verified by the U.S. EPA
SmartWay program, to meet specified fuel efficiency
For further information about the regulation, advisories,
training, outreach efforts, compliance tools, or the full text of
the Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation, please visit or, call 866 6DIESEL (866
634-3735), or email us at
California is in a drought emergency.
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Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, October 17, 2014
arbcombo -- Public Workshop on FY 2015-16 AQIP Funding Plan and GGRF Low-Carbon Transportation Investments
The Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) invites you to participate
in a public kickoff workshop to begin developing the Fiscal Year
(FY) 2015-16 Funding Plan for the Air Quality Improvement Program
(AQIP) and Low Carbon Transportation Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Fund (GGRF) Investments. ARB staff will seek input on existing
project categories being funded through these programs, potential
new project categories, and recently signed legislation affecting
the implementation of these programs.
The meeting will be held at the following time and place:
Date: Friday, November 7, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Place: Cal/EPA Headquarters Building
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
This workshop will also be webcast for participants unable to
attend in person.
Directions to Cal/EPA headquarters and public transit can be
found at:
For more information about the workshop, please go to:
For more information about the AQIP, please go to:
If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact
Andrew Panson at (916) 323-2809 or
Background: AQIP is a voluntary mobile source incentive program
administered by ARB providing about $25 million per year
(depending on revenues) through 2023. ARB focuses AQIP
investments on technology advancing projects which support
California's long-term air quality and climate change goals in
addition to providing immediate emission benefits. Each year,
the Board approves the AQIP Funding Plan, which serves as the
blueprint for expending AQIP funds.
Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds provide an additional funding
source for ARB's advanced technology clean transportation
incentive programs, expanding the types of projects ARB has
funded through AQIP. The FY 2014-15 State budget appropriated
$200 million from GGRF to ARB for Low Carbon Transportation
projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with an emphasis on
investments that benefit disadvantaged communities consistent
with a Cap-and-Trade Investment Plan prepared in 2013. These
investments are being implemented through the administrative
framework established by AQIP. ARB developed a single Funding
Plan for the FY 2014-15 funding cycle that covered both AQIP and
GGRF funding sources. ARB staff again plans to develop a joint
AQIP-GGRF Funding Plan for FY 2015-16.
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: aqip, auctionproceeds, cc, clean_cars,
driveclean, efmp, loan, ms-mailings.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
in a public kickoff workshop to begin developing the Fiscal Year
(FY) 2015-16 Funding Plan for the Air Quality Improvement Program
(AQIP) and Low Carbon Transportation Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Fund (GGRF) Investments. ARB staff will seek input on existing
project categories being funded through these programs, potential
new project categories, and recently signed legislation affecting
the implementation of these programs.
The meeting will be held at the following time and place:
Date: Friday, November 7, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Place: Cal/EPA Headquarters Building
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
This workshop will also be webcast for participants unable to
attend in person.
Directions to Cal/EPA headquarters and public transit can be
found at:
For more information about the workshop, please go to:
For more information about the AQIP, please go to:
If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact
Andrew Panson at (916) 323-2809 or
Background: AQIP is a voluntary mobile source incentive program
administered by ARB providing about $25 million per year
(depending on revenues) through 2023. ARB focuses AQIP
investments on technology advancing projects which support
California's long-term air quality and climate change goals in
addition to providing immediate emission benefits. Each year,
the Board approves the AQIP Funding Plan, which serves as the
blueprint for expending AQIP funds.
Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds provide an additional funding
source for ARB's advanced technology clean transportation
incentive programs, expanding the types of projects ARB has
funded through AQIP. The FY 2014-15 State budget appropriated
$200 million from GGRF to ARB for Low Carbon Transportation
projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with an emphasis on
investments that benefit disadvantaged communities consistent
with a Cap-and-Trade Investment Plan prepared in 2013. These
investments are being implemented through the administrative
framework established by AQIP. ARB developed a single Funding
Plan for the FY 2014-15 funding cycle that covered both AQIP and
GGRF funding sources. ARB staff again plans to develop a joint
AQIP-GGRF Funding Plan for FY 2015-16.
California is in a drought emergency.
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: aqip, auctionproceeds, cc, clean_cars,
driveclean, efmp, loan, ms-mailings.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, October 10, 2014
arbcombo -- Auction Application Attestation Disclosure Guidance
In preparation for the November 2014 joint auction #1, California
Air Resources Board (ARB) staff is providing the following
information and guidance regarding updated auction application
attestation requirements.
ARB staff has developed guidance on the attestation disclosure,
which is available here:
Effective for the November 2014 joint auction #1, California
entities applying to participate in an auction must meet revised
regulatory requirements related to submitting an Auction
Application Attestation Disclosure, as described in Section
95912(d)(4)(E) of the Cap-and-Trade Regulation. Each auction
application must include an attestation disclosing the existence
and status of any ongoing investigation or an investigation that
has occurred within the last ten years with respect to any
alleged violation of any rule, regulation, or law associated with
any commodity, securities, environmental, or financial market for
the entity participating in the auction, and all other entities
with whom the entity has a corporate association, direct
corporate association, or indirect corporate association pursuant
to section 95833 that participate in a carbon, fuel, or
electricity market.
In order to submit the attestation for the November 2014 joint
auction #1, an applicant must complete two (2) steps. First, the
applicant must provide an answer to the attestation question
provided in the Auction Application or Intent to Bid process,
which is completed in the Auction Platform. Second, each
applicant must provide an attestation to the California Air
Resources Board (ARB) including any required disclosures, any
updates to previously submitted disclosures, or a statement that
there are no disclosures to be made or no updates to previously
submitted disclosures. An auction applicant may use the Auction
Application Attestation Disclosure Form available from the ARB
Auction webpage at
to submit the required attestation disclosure. Each auction
applicant must provide the required attestation to ARB at least
30 days prior to an auction in which it intends to participate.
For the November 2014 joint auction #1, this date is October 20,
The attestation must be updated before each auction to reflect
any change in the status of an investigation that has occurred
since the most recent auction application attestation was
The California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms Regulation (Regulation) was adopted by the
California Air Resources Board in October of 2011, and formally
went into effect January 1, 2012. Entities subject to the
Regulation will have a compliance obligation for their greenhouse
gas emissions beginning on January 1, 2013. The Regulation was
amended in early 2013 to link the California and Québec programs
beginning January 1, 2014.
If you have any questions related to the Cap-and-Trade Program,
please visit "Contact Us" at
For more information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program,
please go to:
California is in a drought emergency.
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Air Resources Board (ARB) staff is providing the following
information and guidance regarding updated auction application
attestation requirements.
ARB staff has developed guidance on the attestation disclosure,
which is available here:
Effective for the November 2014 joint auction #1, California
entities applying to participate in an auction must meet revised
regulatory requirements related to submitting an Auction
Application Attestation Disclosure, as described in Section
95912(d)(4)(E) of the Cap-and-Trade Regulation. Each auction
application must include an attestation disclosing the existence
and status of any ongoing investigation or an investigation that
has occurred within the last ten years with respect to any
alleged violation of any rule, regulation, or law associated with
any commodity, securities, environmental, or financial market for
the entity participating in the auction, and all other entities
with whom the entity has a corporate association, direct
corporate association, or indirect corporate association pursuant
to section 95833 that participate in a carbon, fuel, or
electricity market.
In order to submit the attestation for the November 2014 joint
auction #1, an applicant must complete two (2) steps. First, the
applicant must provide an answer to the attestation question
provided in the Auction Application or Intent to Bid process,
which is completed in the Auction Platform. Second, each
applicant must provide an attestation to the California Air
Resources Board (ARB) including any required disclosures, any
updates to previously submitted disclosures, or a statement that
there are no disclosures to be made or no updates to previously
submitted disclosures. An auction applicant may use the Auction
Application Attestation Disclosure Form available from the ARB
Auction webpage at
to submit the required attestation disclosure. Each auction
applicant must provide the required attestation to ARB at least
30 days prior to an auction in which it intends to participate.
For the November 2014 joint auction #1, this date is October 20,
The attestation must be updated before each auction to reflect
any change in the status of an investigation that has occurred
since the most recent auction application attestation was
The California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms Regulation (Regulation) was adopted by the
California Air Resources Board in October of 2011, and formally
went into effect January 1, 2012. Entities subject to the
Regulation will have a compliance obligation for their greenhouse
gas emissions beginning on January 1, 2013. The Regulation was
amended in early 2013 to link the California and Québec programs
beginning January 1, 2014.
If you have any questions related to the Cap-and-Trade Program,
please visit "Contact Us" at
For more information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program,
please go to:
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
arbcombo -- Availability of ARBs Preliminary Determination on ODS Investigation
The Air Resources Board (ARB) will release information related to
the ODS investigation on the ARB website at 12:00 pm (noon)
Pacific Time Wednesday, October 8th. On May 29, 2014, the
California Air Resources Board (ARB) initiated an investigation
of compliance offset credits issued for ozone depleting substance
destruction events that took place at the Clean Harbors
Incineration Facility in El Dorado, Arkansas (Facility) which
may have been generated while the facility was not in compliance
with provisions of its operating permit issued under the federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Executive
Officer has made a preliminary determination. The preliminary
determination will be made publicly available at noon PT, October
8th, 2014, here:
The following steps provide detail on the process towards the
issuance of a final determination.
1. The posting of the preliminary determination begins a 10-day
comment period that starts at noon PT, October 8, 2014 through 5
pm PT, October 17, 2014. During the 10-day comment period, ARB
invites public comment on the preliminary determination. The
10-day comment period serves as an opportunity for the public to
review and respond to the information considered by the Executive
Officer in making a preliminary determination. Any additional
materials received during this comment period will be evaluated
and considered by the Executive Officer in making the final
determination. This comment period is not required by the
Cap-and-Trade Regulation, but ARB believes it is important for
stakeholders to be aware of the information that was reviewed in
support of the preliminary determination and to have an
opportunity to provide additional relevant information prior to
the Executive Officer making a final determination.
2. The conclusion of the 10-day comment period starts the
regulatory 30-day period for the Executive Officer to make a
final determination as to whether ARB will invalidate any
compliance offset credits generated at the Facility.
3. After the 30-day period begins, the Executive Officer may
issue the final determination at any time and does not need to
wait for the 30-day period to conclude.
4. The release of the final determination will be noticed ahead
of time to ensure all market participants receive the information
5. Once the final determination is made publicly available,
offsets determined to be valid that were removed from accounts
during the investigation will be returned to the holders of those
Submission of Information during 10-Day Comment Period
Only comments submitted at the link below will be considered by
the Executive Officer in making a final determination:
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has been reviewing
whether compliance offset credits issued for ozone depleting
substances destruction events that took place at the Facility
were generated while the Facility was not in compliance with
provisions of its operating permit issued under the federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). ARB believes the
greenhouse gas reductions represented by the offsets are real,
quantified, and verified reductions. The offset program serves as
an important cost containment feature of the Cap-and-Trade
The Cap-and-Trade Regulation allows ARB to investigate and
invalidate any issued compliance offset credits that were
generated if the offset project activity and implementation of
the offset project was not in accordance with all local, state,
or national environmental and health and safety regulations
during the reporting period for which the ARB offset credit was
During the period of review and until a final determination is
issued, ARB has blocked transfers of potentially impacted
compliance offset credits. Once ARB blocked the transfer of
compliance offset credits under investigation on May 29, 2014,
all parties identified as holders of potentially impacted
compliance offset credits had 25 calendar days to provide
additional information to ARB to aid in the review. ARB also
requested specific additional information to aid in its review.
The Executive Officer has 30 calendar days from the day that all
information is submitted to make a final determination whether to
invalidate any compliance offset credits subject to review. Once
the review is completed, any compliance offset credits determined
to meet the requirements of the Regulation, will be made
available to the CITSS accounts of the respective owners.
None of the compliance offset credits currently under review have
been used for compliance in the Cap-and-Trade Program.
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade11, capandtrade13, capandtrade2012,
capandtradelinkage12, capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep, ghg-ver.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
the ODS investigation on the ARB website at 12:00 pm (noon)
Pacific Time Wednesday, October 8th. On May 29, 2014, the
California Air Resources Board (ARB) initiated an investigation
of compliance offset credits issued for ozone depleting substance
destruction events that took place at the Clean Harbors
Incineration Facility in El Dorado, Arkansas (Facility) which
may have been generated while the facility was not in compliance
with provisions of its operating permit issued under the federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Executive
Officer has made a preliminary determination. The preliminary
determination will be made publicly available at noon PT, October
8th, 2014, here:
The following steps provide detail on the process towards the
issuance of a final determination.
1. The posting of the preliminary determination begins a 10-day
comment period that starts at noon PT, October 8, 2014 through 5
pm PT, October 17, 2014. During the 10-day comment period, ARB
invites public comment on the preliminary determination. The
10-day comment period serves as an opportunity for the public to
review and respond to the information considered by the Executive
Officer in making a preliminary determination. Any additional
materials received during this comment period will be evaluated
and considered by the Executive Officer in making the final
determination. This comment period is not required by the
Cap-and-Trade Regulation, but ARB believes it is important for
stakeholders to be aware of the information that was reviewed in
support of the preliminary determination and to have an
opportunity to provide additional relevant information prior to
the Executive Officer making a final determination.
2. The conclusion of the 10-day comment period starts the
regulatory 30-day period for the Executive Officer to make a
final determination as to whether ARB will invalidate any
compliance offset credits generated at the Facility.
3. After the 30-day period begins, the Executive Officer may
issue the final determination at any time and does not need to
wait for the 30-day period to conclude.
4. The release of the final determination will be noticed ahead
of time to ensure all market participants receive the information
5. Once the final determination is made publicly available,
offsets determined to be valid that were removed from accounts
during the investigation will be returned to the holders of those
Submission of Information during 10-Day Comment Period
Only comments submitted at the link below will be considered by
the Executive Officer in making a final determination:
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has been reviewing
whether compliance offset credits issued for ozone depleting
substances destruction events that took place at the Facility
were generated while the Facility was not in compliance with
provisions of its operating permit issued under the federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). ARB believes the
greenhouse gas reductions represented by the offsets are real,
quantified, and verified reductions. The offset program serves as
an important cost containment feature of the Cap-and-Trade
The Cap-and-Trade Regulation allows ARB to investigate and
invalidate any issued compliance offset credits that were
generated if the offset project activity and implementation of
the offset project was not in accordance with all local, state,
or national environmental and health and safety regulations
during the reporting period for which the ARB offset credit was
During the period of review and until a final determination is
issued, ARB has blocked transfers of potentially impacted
compliance offset credits. Once ARB blocked the transfer of
compliance offset credits under investigation on May 29, 2014,
all parties identified as holders of potentially impacted
compliance offset credits had 25 calendar days to provide
additional information to ARB to aid in the review. ARB also
requested specific additional information to aid in its review.
The Executive Officer has 30 calendar days from the day that all
information is submitted to make a final determination whether to
invalidate any compliance offset credits subject to review. Once
the review is completed, any compliance offset credits determined
to meet the requirements of the Regulation, will be made
available to the CITSS accounts of the respective owners.
None of the compliance offset credits currently under review have
been used for compliance in the Cap-and-Trade Program.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, October 3, 2014
arbcombo -- CARB Diesel Compliance Training: OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2014
The California Air Resources Board is offering the following
diesel vehicle regulations courses in October and November.
There is no charge for these courses. Please check the webpages
for each course for the topics covered, revisions, cancellations,
and additional sessions.
#504 In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation.
October 21 - Yreka (1:00-4:30)
October 22 - Redding (8:30-12:00)
November 4 - Ventura (8:30-12:00)
November 5 - Van Nuys (8:30-12:00)
For more information and to register for course 504, please go to
#505 Large Spark-Ignition Fleet Regulation.
October 22 - Redding (1:30-3:00)
November 4 - Ventura (1:30-3:00)
November 5 - Van Nuys (1:30-3:00)
For more information and to register for course 505,please go to
#511 Controlling Diesel Emissions: Devices & Filters.
October 7 - Imperial (8:30-4:00)
For more information and to register for course 511, please go
#521 How to Comply with the Truck and Bus Regulation.
(One-on-one assistance may be available after some sessions by
appointment. Please check course announcements.)
October 7 - Van Nuys (9:00-11:00)
October 8 - Lynwood (9:00-11:00)
October 14 - Webinar (1:30-3:30)
October 22 - Chatsworth (9:00-11:00)
October 22 - Chatsworth CURSO EN ESPANOL (1:00-3:00)
October 23 - Simi Valley (9:00-11:00)
October 23 - Simi Valley CURSO EN ESPANOL (1:00-3:00)
October 23 - Webinar for early risers (6:00AM - 8:00AM PST)
October 28 - El Monte or Covina CURSO EN ESPANOL (9:00-11:00)
October 28 - El Monte or Covina (1:00-3:00)
October 28 - Bakersfield (9:00-Noon)
October 29 - Diamond Bar (9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00 (TENTATIVE EN
October 29 - Fresno (9:00-Noon)
October 30 - Modesto (9:00-Noon)
November 13 - San Leandro (9:30-11:30)
November 18 - Fountain Valley (1:00-3:00)
November 19 - Oceanside (9:30-11:30)
For more information and to register for course 521, please go
#525 Compliance Overview: Truck & Bus Rule, Off-Road Vehicle
Regulation, and PERP.
October 8 - Imperial (8:30-12:00)
November 24 - San Luis Obispo (1:00-4:00)
November 25 - Lompoc (8:30-Noon)
For more information and to register for course 525, please go
#530 One-Stop Diesel Truck Events.
September 29 - TENTATIVE Redding
For more information and to register for 530 sessions, please go
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing
California is in a drought emergency.
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following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, hdghg,
inuseidling, onrdiesel, ordiesel, orspark, porttruck, schoolbus,
training, truck-idling, tru.
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
diesel vehicle regulations courses in October and November.
There is no charge for these courses. Please check the webpages
for each course for the topics covered, revisions, cancellations,
and additional sessions.
#504 In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation.
October 21 - Yreka (1:00-4:30)
October 22 - Redding (8:30-12:00)
November 4 - Ventura (8:30-12:00)
November 5 - Van Nuys (8:30-12:00)
For more information and to register for course 504, please go to
#505 Large Spark-Ignition Fleet Regulation.
October 22 - Redding (1:30-3:00)
November 4 - Ventura (1:30-3:00)
November 5 - Van Nuys (1:30-3:00)
For more information and to register for course 505,please go to
#511 Controlling Diesel Emissions: Devices & Filters.
October 7 - Imperial (8:30-4:00)
For more information and to register for course 511, please go
#521 How to Comply with the Truck and Bus Regulation.
(One-on-one assistance may be available after some sessions by
appointment. Please check course announcements.)
October 7 - Van Nuys (9:00-11:00)
October 8 - Lynwood (9:00-11:00)
October 14 - Webinar (1:30-3:30)
October 22 - Chatsworth (9:00-11:00)
October 22 - Chatsworth CURSO EN ESPANOL (1:00-3:00)
October 23 - Simi Valley (9:00-11:00)
October 23 - Simi Valley CURSO EN ESPANOL (1:00-3:00)
October 23 - Webinar for early risers (6:00AM - 8:00AM PST)
October 28 - El Monte or Covina CURSO EN ESPANOL (9:00-11:00)
October 28 - El Monte or Covina (1:00-3:00)
October 28 - Bakersfield (9:00-Noon)
October 29 - Diamond Bar (9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00 (TENTATIVE EN
October 29 - Fresno (9:00-Noon)
October 30 - Modesto (9:00-Noon)
November 13 - San Leandro (9:30-11:30)
November 18 - Fountain Valley (1:00-3:00)
November 19 - Oceanside (9:30-11:30)
For more information and to register for course 521, please go
#525 Compliance Overview: Truck & Bus Rule, Off-Road Vehicle
Regulation, and PERP.
October 8 - Imperial (8:30-12:00)
November 24 - San Luis Obispo (1:00-4:00)
November 25 - Lompoc (8:30-Noon)
For more information and to register for course 525, please go
#530 One-Stop Diesel Truck Events.
September 29 - TENTATIVE Redding
For more information and to register for 530 sessions, please go
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
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subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, hdghg,
inuseidling, onrdiesel, ordiesel, orspark, porttruck, schoolbus,
training, truck-idling, tru.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Thursday, October 2, 2014
arbcombo -- ARB Research Seminar: The Science Behind Sustainable Communities Strategies
"Presentation is available for downloading"
"The Science Behind Sustainable Communities Strategies"
Susan Handy, Ph.D., Director
National Center for Sustainable Transportation
University of California, Davis
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1:30 pm, PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
California's landmark Sustainable Communities and Climate
Protection Law (Senate Bill 375) ushered in a new era of regional
planning. Passed in 2008, SB 375 aims to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions through better coordination and alignment of regional
transportation planning with local land use planning. Each of the
state's eighteen Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) was
charged with creating a "Sustainable Communities Strategy" (SCS)
as part of their Regional Transportation Plan. The SCS contains
land use, housing, and transportation strategies that, if
implemented, would allow the region to achieve state defined
targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions from passenger
vehicle use.
Rich conversations on best ways to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions while addressing other important social, environmental,
and economic priorities have been sparked in regions across
California as part of the first round of SCSs. But what does the
science say about the proposed strategies?
This seminar will provide an objective review of the empirical
evidence on how effective various transportation and land use
strategies are at reducing vehicle miles traveled (and thus
greenhouse gas emissions). In a multi-year project funded by the
Air Resources Board, a team of UC Davis, UC Irvine, and
University of Southern California researchers examined a total of
23 strategies ranging from car-sharing services to access to bus
and rail stations to changes in land use. The goal of the project
was to strengthen the technical underpinnings of SB375 and to
gain a clearer understanding of data gaps and research needs
moving forward. This seminar will outline some of the most
promising strategies to help inform development of and potential
improvements to the models, tools, and information used by
Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local governments, and
others for SB 375 implementation. The scientific evidence for
each strategy studied by the researchers is summarized in a
series of policy briefs that are now available for download at
ARB's website:
For more go to:
Main menu:
For "external" users please check the external webcast calendar
For "internal" users please check the internal webcast calendar
Your e-mail questions will be aired during the
Q&A period following the presentations.
Please send your-e-mail your Q&A participation
For more information on this seminar presentation please
Jennifer Gray at (916) 327-0027 or
For more information on the ARB Research Seminar Series please
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
"The Science Behind Sustainable Communities Strategies"
Susan Handy, Ph.D., Director
National Center for Sustainable Transportation
University of California, Davis
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1:30 pm, PDT (WEBCAST)
Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
California's landmark Sustainable Communities and Climate
Protection Law (Senate Bill 375) ushered in a new era of regional
planning. Passed in 2008, SB 375 aims to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions through better coordination and alignment of regional
transportation planning with local land use planning. Each of the
state's eighteen Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) was
charged with creating a "Sustainable Communities Strategy" (SCS)
as part of their Regional Transportation Plan. The SCS contains
land use, housing, and transportation strategies that, if
implemented, would allow the region to achieve state defined
targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions from passenger
vehicle use.
Rich conversations on best ways to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions while addressing other important social, environmental,
and economic priorities have been sparked in regions across
California as part of the first round of SCSs. But what does the
science say about the proposed strategies?
This seminar will provide an objective review of the empirical
evidence on how effective various transportation and land use
strategies are at reducing vehicle miles traveled (and thus
greenhouse gas emissions). In a multi-year project funded by the
Air Resources Board, a team of UC Davis, UC Irvine, and
University of Southern California researchers examined a total of
23 strategies ranging from car-sharing services to access to bus
and rail stations to changes in land use. The goal of the project
was to strengthen the technical underpinnings of SB375 and to
gain a clearer understanding of data gaps and research needs
moving forward. This seminar will outline some of the most
promising strategies to help inform development of and potential
improvements to the models, tools, and information used by
Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local governments, and
others for SB 375 implementation. The scientific evidence for
each strategy studied by the researchers is summarized in a
series of policy briefs that are now available for download at
ARB's website:
For more go to:
Main menu:
For "external" users please check the external webcast calendar
For "internal" users please check the internal webcast calendar
Your e-mail questions will be aired during the
Q&A period following the presentations.
Please send your-e-mail your Q&A participation
For more information on this seminar presentation please
Jennifer Gray at (916) 327-0027 or
For more information on the ARB Research Seminar Series please
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
arbcombo -- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text and Additional Documents
The California Air Resources Board has posted a 15-day Notice of
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the Cost of
Implementation Fee Regulation.
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to the designated agency contact persons, Mr. David
Mallory, Manager of ARB Climate Change Policy Section, Stationary
Source Divisions, at (916) 445-8316, or Mrs. Trish Johnson,
Staff, Air Pollution Specialist, at (916) 445-3365.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, feereg2014, ghg-rep, ghg-ver.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the Cost of
Implementation Fee Regulation.
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to the designated agency contact persons, Mr. David
Mallory, Manager of ARB Climate Change Policy Section, Stationary
Source Divisions, at (916) 445-8316, or Mrs. Trish Johnson,
Staff, Air Pollution Specialist, at (916) 445-3365.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
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You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
arbcombo -- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text and Additional Documents
The California Air Resources Board has posted a 15-day Notice of
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the
Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to Ms. Rajinder Sahota, Chief, Climate Change Program
Evaluation Branch, at (916) 323 8503 or Ms. Brieanne Aguila,
Manager, Climate Change Reporting Section at (916) 324-0919.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg2014, ghg-rep, ghg-ver.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the
Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to Ms. Rajinder Sahota, Chief, Climate Change Program
Evaluation Branch, at (916) 323 8503 or Ms. Brieanne Aguila,
Manager, Climate Change Reporting Section at (916) 324-0919.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade, cc, ghg2014, ghg-rep, ghg-ver.
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
arbcombo -- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text and Additional Documents
The California Air Resources Board has posted a 15-day Notice of
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the
California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms.
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to Ms. Rajinder Sahota, Chief, Climate Change Program
Evaluation Branch, at (916) 323-8503 or Mr. Jason Gray, Manager,
Climate Change Market Monitoring Section at
(916) 324-3507.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade14, capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep,
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists."
To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Public Availability of Modified Text and Availability of
Additional Documents for the Proposed Amendments to the
California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based
Compliance Mechanisms.
The 15-day notice, proposed 15-Day modifications, additional
documents, and all previously released regulatory documents are
available on the ARB's website below for this rulemaking at:
The proposed Second 15-day Modifications are open for comment
until 5:00 p.m., on October 17, 2014.
Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
identified in this notice and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:
Postal mail: Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Electronic submittal:
Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation may
be directed to Ms. Rajinder Sahota, Chief, Climate Change Program
Evaluation Branch, at (916) 323-8503 or Mr. Jason Gray, Manager,
Climate Change Market Monitoring Section at
(916) 324-3507.
Thank you
California is in a drought emergency.
Visit for water conservation tips.
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subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: capandtrade14, capandtrade, cc, ghg-rep,
You are subscribed to one of the lists aggregated to make this
particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
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To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it
and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will
receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
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