Wednesday, August 28, 2013
arbcombo -- California Cap-and-Trade Program Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) Version 3.0 User Reference Materials and Training
introduce users to the new features in CITSS 3.0 as a supplement
to the current CITSS User Guides (Volumes I, II, and III). User
Guides are being updated to incorporate all current CITSS
features. Additionally, two webinar training sessions have been
The Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS)
supports the implementation of California's Cap-and-Trade Program
(Program). The CITSS is the record of ownership of compliance
instruments; records information related to accounts; enables and
records compliance instrument transfers; facilitates compliance
instrument surrender; and supports market oversight through the
collection of relevant information. The CITSS has upgraded to
provide Cap-and-Trade Program participants improved features and
more detailed account information.
CITSS Version 3.0 (CITSS 3.0) went live on August 1, 2013. A
CITSS Version 3.0 User Reference document is now available to
introduce users to the new features in CITSS 3.0 as a supplement
to the current CITSS User Guides (Volumes I, II, and III). User
Guides are being updated to incorporate all current CITSS
features. Additionally, two webinar training sessions have been
scheduled. Interested users and stakeholders are encouraged to
review the new User Reference document and participate in a
training webinar session.
The CITSS Version 3.0 User Reference document and CITSS User
Guides are available on ARB's CITSS webpage at:
Training webinars on the upgraded functions included in CITSS 3.0
will be held on September 11, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Pacific Time (PT) and September 25, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. PT. For more information or to register for a training
webinar, go to ARB's CITSS webpage at
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the webinar.
WCI, Inc. has established a Help Desk to support use of the
CITSS. The WCI, Inc. CITSS Help Desk is staffed Monday through
Friday 6:00 a.m. PT through 6:00 p.m. PT and is accessible for
messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any
questions about using the CITSS, please contact the WCI, Inc.
CITSS Help Desk by email at: or by phone at:
1-866-682-7561. For more information on California's
Cap-and-Trade Program, go to:
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
arbcombo -- CARB Diesel Compliance/Retrofit Training SEPTEMBER 2013
training courses in September. These courses will help diesel
vehicle owners, operators, fleet managers, brokers, dealers, and
maintenance personnel understand
requirements and technologies for complying with California's
diesel vehicle regulations. There is no charge for these
Course #504 - In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation
Provides an overview of the Off-Road Regulation, including
applicability, requirements currently in effect, future
compliance requirements, and an overview of the Diesel Off-Road
Online Reporting System (DOORS).
September 5 - Truckee (9:00-12:00)
September 12 - Susanville (1:00-4:00)
September 19 - San Jose (9:00-12:00)
For more information and to register for 504, please go to
Course #505 - Large Spark-Ignition Fleet Regulation Training.
Provides an overview of the LSI Fleet Regulation, including
applicability,requirements currently in effect, compliance
extensions, and enforcement activities.
September 5 - Truckee (1:00-3:00)
September 19 - San Jose (1:00-3:00)
For more information and to register for 505, please go to
COURSE #511.2 – Overview of Diesel Emission Control Strategies.
Briefly discusses diesel emissions and health effects; diesel
emission control technology; DPF construction and application;
and maintenance necessary for successful DPF operation. (For
comprehensive training on diesel after-treatment devices, please
attend Course #511)
September 12 - Susanville (8:00-11:30)
For more information and to register for 511.2, please go to
COURSE #520 – How to Comply with CARB Diesel Regulations.
Reviews inspection process, discusses consequences of
non-compliance, and explains how to comply with CARB's
regulations affecting most diesel vehicles and equipment
operating in the State.
September 11 - Fresno (8:30-12:00)
September 12 - Bakersfield (8:30-12:00)
September 17 - Webinar (9:00-12:00)
September 19 - Selma (9:00-12:00)
September 25 - San Diego (9:00-12:00)
September 25 - San Diego (1:00-4:00)
September 26 - Chula Vista (1:00-4:00)
For more information and to register for 520, please go to
To see calendars of all CARB courses please visit
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing
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following lists: bip, dealers, diesel-retrofit, hdghg,
inuseidling, onrdiesel, ordiesel, orspark, porttruck, schoolbus,
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
arbcombo -- Reporting System Maintenance Scheduled
update online reporting systems. This maintenance will affect
DOORS (Off-Road Diesel regulation), TRUCRS (Truck and Bus and
Tractor-Trailer GHG regulations). The systems will be
temporarily unavailable between the hours of 12:00am and 12:00pm.
For further information about the regulations, reporting,
training, or compliance tools, please visit our website at, or call 866 6DIESEL (866 634-3735),
or email us at
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following lists: hdghg, onrdiesel, ordiesel.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, August 23, 2013
arbcombo -- Energy Efficiency & Co-Benefits Assessment - Cement Sector Public Report will be available at noon on August 26, 2013
available at noon on August 26, 2013, on the following website:.
ARB staff has developed five separate Public Reports compiling
the information provided by the facilities subject to the Energy
Efficiency and Co-Benefit Assessment of Large Industrial
Facilities Regulation (EEA Regulation). The EEA Public Reports
provide a sector-wide and facility-specific summary of the energy
efficiency improvement projects identified by all of the
reporting facilities. In addition, information on the estimated
greenhouse gas, criteria pollutant, and toxics pollutant emission
reductions and costs, as reported by the facilities, is included.
The data presented in the reports are aggregated in a manner to
be consistent with the public disclosure requirements under
California Code of Regulations (CCR) §95610.
The release of the EEA Public Reports is Phase 1 of a multi-phase
program. More information on this multi-phase program is
provided on the website above. The Cement Sector Public Report,
the second of the five reports to be released, will be available
at the website above at noon on Monday, August 26, 2013. The
first report released, the Refinery Sector Public Report, was
released on June 6, 2013. ARB staff held a stakeholder meeting
on July 9, 2013, to discuss the Refinery Sector Public Report. A
stakeholder meeting to discuss the remaining reports will be
scheduled after their release.
For more information regarding this advisory or the EEA
Regulation, please visit our web site at or contact
Ms. Cherie Rainforth at 916.327.7213, or via e-mail at
Background: On July 22, 2010, the Air Resources Board (ARB)
approved the Energy Efficiency and Co-Benefit Assessment of Large
Industrial Facilities (EEA Regulation). The regulation required
the largest industrial sources in California to conduct a
one-time assessment of fuel and energy consumption, and emissions
of greenhouse gas, criteria pollutants, and toxic air
contaminants. Affected facilities were also required to identify
potential improvements in equipment, processes, or systems that
could result in energy savings.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Saturday, August 17, 2013
The Dopest Skate Brands in 2013
1.Girl/Chocolate Girl and Chocolate are separate brands, but they act like two sides of the same family, and after 20 years making decks and apparel for skateboarders, the clan is stronger than ever. The most recent Girl Films production, Pretty Sweet, signified a passing of the torch for one of the most talented skate teams in the biz. Leave little doubt that we're in for another 20 years of epic skating and killer goods. 2.Lifted Line Lifted Line seems to be more of a general lifestyle brand then a hardcore skate brand but it's too dope not to mention. It's difficult to argue that Lifted Line has the best design team of the top 4. This brand appears to be growing into something unique that hasn't been seen before. Time will tell. 3.Diamond Supply You probably know Diamond for the caps, tees, hoodies, and sneaker collab hype that have had the Internet going nuts for years, but it's important that you recognize the brand's roots in skate. The brand has gotten so popular so quick that it feels a bit cheesey feeling to be seen wearing it but at it's core it is and always has been one of the truest skate brands. 4.Palace Grimey hip-hop. Drinking forties, smoking blunts, skating filthy street spots at night, and general hooliganism is what Palace is all about. No wonder you see the tees and skate decks stocked at Supreme, the only brand that compares to Palace when it comes to nailing that "fuck it" aesthetic. Globe Star News Go here to leave this mailing list. We respect your right to privacy. View our policy. |
Thursday, August 15, 2013
arbcombo -- Revisions to GHG Mandatory Reporting Regulation Informal Public Comments Posted
comments that are associated with consideration of potential
amendments to the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (title 17, California Code of
Regulations, sections 95100-95158). These informal comments were
received based on material presented at a public workshop in June
and the release of a discussion draft of regulatory text on July
17, 2013.
When available, the informal comments can be viewed here:
These informal comments, which were submitted prior to the
official rulemaking process, are considered by ARB staff in
preparing a proposal for consideration by the Board. However, to
be part of the official record, any comments on the proposed
amendments must be submitted during the official 45-day comment
period following the release of the Hearing Notice and Initial
Statement of Reasons on September 9, 2013. The proposed changes
to the regulation are currently scheduled for consideration at
the October 24-25, 2013 meeting of the California Air Resources
The Mandatory Reporting Regulation is one of the primary mandates
of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32).
The MRR is designed to collect greenhouse gas emissions data from
the major sources of GHG emissions to support multiple climate
change programs at the Air Resources Board. The emissions data
reports are verified as accurate and complete by ARB-accredited
third-party verifiers.
If you have any questions regarding the posting of the informal
comments, please contact Patrick Gaffney at (916)322-7303 or
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
arbcombo -- Stakeholder Comment Letters on Draft Waste Management Sector Technical Papers Available
Management Sector Technical Papers are now available:
At the September 17th workshop, staff will discuss revisions made
to the technical papers based on the comments received. Although
we are not soliciting new comments; if you find that after
reviewing the stakeholder comments and the revised draft
technical papers that key issues for the Waste Sector have not
been addressed or are missing, please contact us via email at
To participate in the September 17th workshop via webcast, please
see Just prior to the
workshop, the Audio & Video icons will be activated.
Questions regarding this workshop can be directed to:
CalRecycle Contact:
Tracey Harper
(916) 341-6531
ARB Contact:
Mei Fong
(916) 324-2570
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
arbcombo -- Notice of Public Availability of Offset Protocol Discussion Draft and Workshop
for new proposed Compliance Offset Protocols for Board
consideration. DATE: Monday, August 19, 2013
TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
During the workshop, stakeholders may email questions to
Information related to Mine Methane Capture Projects will be made
available at noon on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at the following
Information related to Rice Cultivation Projects will be made
available at noon on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at the following
Staff plans to propose the addition of new Compliance Offset
Protocols for Board consideration this fall. When new Compliance
Offset Protocols and amendments to the Cap-and-Trade regulation
are proposed, a notice of regulation will be released for a
45-day public comment period in advance of the Board item. This
item is scheduled to be considered at a two-day meeting of the
Board, which will commence at 9:00 a.m., October 24, 2013 and may
continue at 8:30 a.m., on October 25, 2013. Please consult the
agenda for the meeting, which will be available at least 10 days
before October 24, 2013 to determine the day on which this item
will be considered.
The California Cap-and-Trade Regulation (Regulation) was formally
adopted by the Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) in 2011. In
response to continued Board direction and further discussions
with stakeholders, staff began a public process to propose
additional amendments and Compliance Offset Protocols for Board
consideration in Fall 2013. The documents that will be made
publicly available Wednesday provide a discussion of new
Compliance Offset Protocols staff is proposing and their
underlying rationale. These documents made available for this
workshop provides the public with the opportunity to discuss the
proposed Compliance Offset Protocols.
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at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Monday, August 12, 2013
arbcombo -- Todays ARB Research Seminar: Trends in Residential Energy Consumption and Potential Opportunities for Reduction
"Trends in Residential Energy Consumption
and Potential Opportunities for Reduction".
Magali A. Delmas Ph.D., Matthew E. Kahn, Ph.D., UC Los Angeles
Alan Meier, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/UC Davis
and Reuben Deumling, Ph.D.
Monday, August 12, 2013 1:30 pm, PDT (WEBCAST)
Coastal Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
While viewing the webcast, presentations can be downloaded
For "external" users please check the external webcast calendar
For "internal" users please check the internal webcast calendar
Your e-mail questions will be aired during the
Q&A period following the presentations.
Please send your-e-mail your questions
For more information on this seminar presentation please
Sarah Pittiglio, Ph.D. at (916) 324-0627 or
For more information on the ARB Research Seminar Series please
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Seminars please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
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following lists: cc, research, seminars.
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Friday, August 9, 2013
arbcombo -- Save the Date: Cap-and-Trade Offset Protocol Workshop on August 19
draft Compliance Offset Protocols for addition to the California
Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based Compliance
Mechanisms Regulation.
TOPIC: Proposed Draft Compliance Offset Protocol Workshop
DATE: Monday, August 19, 2013
TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm
LOCATION: Byron Sher Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA HQ
1001 "I" Street, Sacramento
At this workshop, staff will discuss draft Compliance Offset
Protocols for consideration by the Board this fall. Draft
language will be available for review in advance of the workshop.
More information on the proposed protocols can be found under
Potential New Compliance Offset Protocols on the ARB Compliance
Offset Program webpage at:
Prior to the workshop, ARB will make available documents and
presentations to help stakeholders prepare for the discussions.
Workshop materials will be posted prior to the workshop on ARB's
Cap-and-Trade Workshops and Meetings webpage:
All interested stakeholders are invited to attend. A live
webcast of the meeting will be available at:
The California Cap-and-Trade Regulation (Regulation) was formally
adopted by the Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) in 2011. In
2012, the Board adopted a limited set of amendments focused on
implementation of the Regulation. In response to Board direction
and further discussions with stakeholders, staff began a public
process this spring to propose additional amendments for Board
consideration in fall 2013, including potential new compliance
offset protocols.
More information on the Cap-and Trade Program may be found on the
Program website:
Special Accommodation Request
Special accommodation or language needs can be provided for any
of the following:
• An interpreter to be available at the meeting;
• Documents made available in an alternate format or another
• A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
To request these special accommodations or language needs, please
contact the Stationary Source Division at (916) 322-2037 as soon
as possible, but no later than 10 business days before the
scheduled meeting. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711
for the California Relay Service.
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Thursday, August 8, 2013
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arbcombo -- Chairs Lecture: Climate Change: Its Impact on Californias Cities and Economy
"Climate Change: Its Impact on California's Cities and Economy".
Matthew E. Kahn, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:00 Noon, PDT (WEBCAST)
Coastal Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
California's unique urban quality of life entices millions to
live and work here. But how will climate change impact our
quality of life -- and how could it impact California's economy?
- What new business opportunities do these anticipated challenges
- Could capitalism help us to cope with many of the new problems
we have unleashed?
- How does California's path breaking AB32 carbon mitigation
legislation help the state to adapt to changing conditions?
- Could California's willingness to be the "green guinea pig"
help to identify cost-effective policies that can be enacted all
around the world?
- And will California benefit from being a 'first-mover'?
Announcement and Presentation can be viewed at:
For "internal" users please check the internal WEBCAST calendar
For "external" users please check the external WEBCAST calendar
Your e-mail questions will be aired during the
question & answer period following the presentations.
WEBCAST Viewers, e-mail your questions to:
For more information on the Lecture and Series please contact:
Peter Mathews at (916) 323-8711 or
To receive notices for upcoming Lectures please go to:
and sign up for the seminars list serve.
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successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
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We've noticed that you haven't logged in to your Google AdSense account or generated an ad impression in over two years. If you're still interested in participating in the AdSense program, please let us know by simply logging in to your account within 30 days.
If you've forgotten the password to your Google AdSense account, you can reset it using this link. You're also welcome to visit our login troubleshooter designed to help you to regain access to your account.
After 30 days, we'll be automatically closing accounts belonging to users who have not had any impression or login activity for the past two years. Because your cumulated earnings fall below our cancellation threshold, you won't receive a final payment.
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You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your AdSense product or account.
arbcombo -- September 17, 2013 Public Workshop by CalRecycle and Air Resources Board Draft Waste Management Sector Plan Workshop
Board staff, will be held on September 17, 2013 from 1:00 pm to
4:30 pm at CalEPA Headquarters, Byron Sher Auditorium.
Participation via webcast will be available.
The purpose of the September 17th workshop is to discuss revised
documents for the draft Waste Management Sector Plan, which
explores activities to achieve the 75% recycling goal of AB 341
and inform the development of the AB 32 2013 Scoping Plan
The revised draft technical papers will be posted on the websites
and prior to the
September 17th workshop. The workshop will be devoted to
stakeholder input and discussion on these documents.
Questions regarding this workshop can be directed to:
Comments may be submitted prior to and during the workshop.
Please submit written comments to:
Teri Wion
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
P.O. Box 4025, MS-13A
Sacramento, CA 95812-4025
FAX: (916) 341-7701
ARB Contact:
Mei Fong
(916) 324-2570
You are receiving this single arbcombo email because you are a
subscriber to or have made a public comment to one or more of the
following lists: cc, landfills, localaction, waste.
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particular ARB combination listserve broadcast. To UNSUBSCRIBE:
Please go to and enter
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receive an automatic email message confirming that you have
successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer
at .
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
arbcombo -- CARB Diesel Compliance/Retrofit Training AUG - SEPT 2013
training courses in August and September. These courses will
help diesel vehicle owners, operators, fleet
managers,brokers,dealers, and maintenance personnel understand
requirements and technologies for complying with California's
diesel vehicle regulations. There is no charge for these
Course #504 - In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation
Provides an overview of the Off-Road Regulation, including
applicability, requirements currently in effect, future
compliance requirements, and an overview of the Diesel Off-Road
Online Reporting System (DOORS).
August 28 - San Luis Obispo (9:00-12:00)
For more information and to register for 504, please go to
COURSE #511 – Diesel Exhaust After-Treatment Devices.
Discusses diesel particulate matter and health effects; diesel
engine PM and NOx production and control strategies; DPF theory,
types, regeneration, and application; and regulations associated
with particulate filters.
August 7 - Santa Rosa (8:30-3:30)
August 20 - Alhambra (8:00-3:00)
For more information or to register for 511, please go to
COURSE #520 – How to Comply with CARB Diesel Regulations.
Reviews inspection process, discusses consequences of
non-compliance, and explains how to comply with CARB's
regulations affecting most diesel vehicles and equipment
operating in the State.
August 6, 7, 8 - 3-part Webinar (12:00-1:00)
August 13 - Davis (9:00-12:00)
August 20 - San Jose (1:00-4:30)
August 21 - San Leandro (9:00-12:30)
August 27 - Webinar (1:00-4:00)
August 27 - Lompoc (8:30-12:30)
August 29 - Marysville (1:00-4:00)
September 25 - San Diego (9:00-12:00)
September 25 - San Diego (1:00-4:00)
September 26 - Chula Vista (1:00-4:00)
For more information and to register for 520, please go to
To see calendars of all CARB courses please visit
Please let us know if you are interested in hosting any of our
courses by emailing
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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Alert website at .