Friday, June 1, 2012

arbcombo -- New California Plug-in Vehicle Resource Center

The California Air Resources Board in partnership with the
California Plug-in Vehicle Collaborative has launched a new car
buying guide and resource center dedicated completely to plug-in
electric vehicles (PEVs) in California. The new "PEV Resource
Center" was developed to provide detailed assistance, information
and tools to California car buyers, fleets, businesses and other
audiences interested in plug-in vehicles. The new website allows
the ability to search and compare plug-in vehicles on the market,
understand charging, explore costs, find rebates, tax credits and
other incentives available, get helpful checklists and much more.

The new PEV Resource Center can be found at

For more information, contact Lisa Chiladakis at or (916) 327-2932.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at .