Thursday, May 17, 2012

arbcombo -- Workshop to Discuss Potential Revisions to the California Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Regulation - May 30th

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff will hold a
workshop on May 30, 2012, at 10 am to discuss potential
revisions to ARB's Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (title 17, California Code of
Regulations, sections 95100-95157)(Mandatory Reporting

The potential revisions would clarify requirements in several
sections of the regulation. Potential definition changes in the
Mandatory Reporting Regulation will also be discussed. To the
extent similar changes are required for the cap-and-trade
regulation or the cost of implementation fee regulation, those
changes may be proposed.

The workshop is scheduled as follows:

DATE: Wednesday May 30, 2012
TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Sierra Hearing Room at Cal/EPA Headquarters
1001 I Street, Sacramento


ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: The full workshop notice is available and
additional materials will be posted prior to the workshop here:


Update Asset-Controlling Supplier requirements: Clarify the
process for applying for Asset-Controlling Supplier status.
Add Process Emissions to Abbreviated Reporting: Include process
emissions as part of the reporting requirement for abbreviated

Improve Product Data Requirements: Revise product data
requirements to clarify understanding of the use of financial
transaction data and product data verification requirements.
Revisions may also include modifications to ensure all data
required for allocation of allowances under the product-based
allocation methodology are reported.

Modify the Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems requirements:
Modify the Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems requirements in
order to include the December 2011 updates made by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency to their Final Rule on
Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (title 40, Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 98), while maintaining the onshore
petroleum and natural gas production facility definition from
U.S. EPA's November 2010 rule. Revisions would ensure that
accurate calculation variables are included in ARB's regulation
to maintain sufficient rigor for the cap-and-trade program.
Revisions would also include corrections to typographical errors
in the U.S. EPA rule.

Improve the Metering Requirements: Add testing requirements to
demonstrate accuracy between calibrations.

Add requirements for Imported CNG and LNG fuel: Add reporting
requirements for imported compressed natural gas (CNG) and
liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel suppliers.

Changes to Definitions: Make clarifying changes to definitions.
To the extent similar changes are required for the cap-and-trade
regulation or the cost of implementation fee regulation, those
changes may be proposed.

Leakage monitoring: collection of facility-level economic data
for timely monitoring of emissions leakage.

This workshop is intended to provide stakeholders an opportunity
to review staff thinking on potential revisions to the Mandatory
Reporting Regulation prior to the release of a 45-day, formal
rulemaking package. Staff is working to develop revised
greenhouse gas reporting requirements that would be brought
before the Board for consideration in September 2012.

The workshop agenda and workshop slides will be posted prior to
the workshop at

The current California regulation is at

For background, the U.S. EPA mandatory reporting rule is
available via the EPA website:
If you require a special accommodation or need this document in
an alternate format (i.e. Braille, large print) or another
language, please contact Karen Snyder at 916-322-6076 or as soon as possible. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech
users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.

If you have questions, please contact Dr. David Edwards, Manager,
Climate Change Reporting Section, at (916) 323-4887, or

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