Monday, January 9, 2012

arbcombo -- Online Registration Now Available for Californias Cap-and-Trade Program

NOTE *** Covered entities must register by January 31, 2012 ***.

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) is providing an online
registration form for covered entities to register for the
cap-and-trade program as required by the California Cap on
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based Compliance Regulation.
Under the regulation, entities that meet the requirements to be
designated as "covered entities" must register for the
cap-and-trade program by January 31, 2012. The information
provided by registrants is needed to initiate the regulatory
relationship between ARB and entities subject to the
cap-and-trade regulation. This information will also be used to
communicate important regulatory and implementation information
with the covered entities. Voluntary market participants may
also use the form to register for the program, but they are not
subject to the January 31, 2012 deadline.
The form and supporting documentation may be accessed from the
ARB website at:
Guidance to help facilities determine if they are designated as a
"covered entity" is available at:
Additional information about the cap-and-trade program and
regulation can be accessed from our website at:
If you have questions, please contact David Kennedy at or (916) 322-3935.

*Update on Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service*
ARB staff is also developing the Compliance Instrument Tracking
System Service (CITSS) to support the cap-and-trade regulation.
CITSS will provide accounts for market participants to hold and
retire compliance instruments (allowances and ARB offsets), and
to participate in transactions of compliance instruments with
other account holders. Registration in the CITSS will be
available by spring of 2012. Staff will provide training on the
system and details about any requirements for additional required
or updated information (beyond that provided on the form linked
to this notice) as part of the CITSS registration process.
For general questions regarding the cap-and-trade program, please
call the cap-and-trade hotline number at (916) 322-2037.

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The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian
needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For
a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy
costs, visit the Flex Your Power website at .